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If that's what you mean перевод на испанский

900 параллельный перевод
If the reason why you stick yourself to me is because of those ghosts... I mean, those beings... then what's the reason for those being hanging onto you like that?
Si te apegas a mí por los fanta... por esas cosas, ¿ por qué ellos se apegan a ti?
If that's not what you mean, just shut your mouth.
Si eso es lo que querías decir, cállate y quédate tranquilo.
You're wasting time talking against Mr. Warriner, if that's what you mean.
Pierdes tiempo hablando mal del Sr. Warriner, si a eso te refieres.
If that ´ s what you mean, I ´ ll get angry.
Si te refieres a eso, me enfadaré.
You can depend on me, if that's what you mean.
Puedes confiar en mí.
We're friends. If that's what you mean.
- Somos amigos, si es lo que insinúas.
But I got it, if that's what you mean.
Pero los tengo, si a eso te refieres.
I don't regret giving them to you, if that's what you mean.
No me arrepiento de habérselos dado.
There is no tail-baring, if that's what you mean.
Nadie me lo dijo.
You made a lot of weak, futile gestures, if that's what you mean by effort.
Hizo Ud. algún fútil ademán, si eso es lo que llama esfuerzos.
I'm in love with her, if that's what you mean.
Estoy enamorado de ella, si te refieres a eso.
He made a million dollars off me, if that's what you mean.
Ha hecho un millón de dólares conmigo, si te refieres a eso.
I haven't forged or stolen anything, if that's what you mean.
No he falsificado ni robado nada, si a eso te refieres.
There won't be any bands to play, if that's what you mean.
Bien, no habrá música de bandas si a eso se refiere.
I realize that, but I mean if we were sweethearts... I'd have the good right to tell you what's what.
Ya lo sé, pero quiero decir, si fuéramos novios... tendría derecho a decirte qué usar.
But I didn't send that note, if that's what you mean.
Pero yo no envié esa nota, si a eso se refiere.
Hey, I haven't got any gun if that's what you mean.
No tengo ninguna arma si es lo que cree.
Well, it's my place, if that's what you mean.
Es mío, si es lo que quiere decir.
- Well, I married him once, if that's what you mean...
Bueno, me casé con él, si a eso se refiere.
Oh, it's not exciting, if that's what you mean.
Ah, no es emocionante, si a eso te refieres.
Paradol chloride isn't effective for headaches, if that's what you mean.
El cloruro de paradol no está indicado para las jaquecas, si se refiere a eso.
Well, we didn't make speeches if that's what you mean.
Bueno, no hicimos discursos si te refieres a eso.
They're not together, If that's what you mean.
No están juntos, si es lo que quieres decir.
I still don't think he's a murderer, if that's what you mean.
No creo que sea asesino, si te refieres a eso.
- We were pals, if that's what you mean.
- Fuimos compañeros.
No, I'm getting fed up with the way you're acting, if that's what you mean.
No, estoy harto con tu manera de actuar.
Si sabe lo que quiero decir, y creo que debería saberlo.
Well, I'd like to do him a favor if that's what you mean.
Le haré un favor a él si se refiere a eso.
Nos hemos conocido, si se refiere a eso.
I have no conviction, if that's what you mean.
No tengo convicciones.
- I'm clean, if that's what you mean.
- Que estoy limpio.
Oh, I got somebody to take me home, if that's what you mean.
Tengo a alguien que me llevará a casa, si te refieres a eso.
Yes, we're still being followed, if that's what you mean.
Sí, todavía nos siguen, sí es a eso a lo que se refiere.
I'm not afraid of getting hurt, if that's what you mean.
No temo salir lastimado, si a eso se refiere.
He has a fine pack of foxhounds, if that's what you mean.
Tiene unos perros de caza fabulosos, si a eso se refieren.
I appreciate it, if that's what you mean.
Sé apreciarlo, si a eso te refieres.
He hasn't any legal right, if that's what you mean.
Él no tiene derecho legal, si a eso se refiere.
I run trains, if that's what you mean.
Yo los pongo a andar, si a eso se refiere.
I didn't see trotsky, if that's what you mean.
No vi a Trotsky.
Well, I didn't tell him, if that's what you mean.
No se lo he dicho, si es a lo que te refieres.
Because if you can't understand what that caterpillar... has begun to mean to the world... or what it could mean to your brother's future... then we might just as well forget the whole thing.
Porque si no comprende lo que la oruga... significa para el mundo... o lo que podría significar para el futuro de su hermano... entonces será mejor olvidarnos de todo.
- Well, he danced, if that's what you mean.
- Bueno, bailaba, si se refiere a eso.
I didn't come lookin'for you just to admire you, if that's what you mean
No volví aquí a buscarte para admirarte si a eso te refieres.
Miss. Claythorne was locked in her room, doctor. If that's what you mean.
La Srta. Claythorne estaba en su cuarto si a eso se refiere.
I haven't sold them if that's what you mean.
No los he vendido, si se refiere a eso.
She don't work here no more, if that's what you mean.
No. Ya no trabaja aquí.
We can't trade there, if that's what you mean.
No puedes jugar allí si es lo que preguntas.
Mr. Carswell doesn't interest me, if that's what you mean.
El Sr. Carswell no me interesa, si esto es lo que usted quiere decir.
Oh, I told her I was married if that's what you mean.
Le dije que me había casado. ¿ A eso se refiere?
I've been on one, if that's what you mean.
He estado deprimido, si a eso se refiere.
If I sell the Top Hat, you and I are washed up? That's exactly what I mean.
No lo entiendo. ¿ Quieres decir que si vendo El Sombrero de Copa, tú y yo nos separamos?

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