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If that's what you think перевод на испанский

536 параллельный перевод
- You were lying all the time. - All right then, if that's what you think.
Tú nunca has intentado ser decente ni vivir como un ser humano.
If this wakes him up, what do you think's going to happen when you blow that safe?
Cuando abras la caja fuerte será peor.
You'd better go, if that's what you think.
Váyase, si piensa eso.
If you think Cody done right settling'down and all, maybe that's what you'd like to do.
Si crees que Cody ha hecho bien al establecerse... tal vez tú quieras hacerlo.
I still don't think he's a murderer, if that's what you mean.
No creo que sea asesino, si te refieres a eso.
Si sabe lo que quiero decir, y creo que debería saberlo.
All right, if that's what you want to think.
Muy bien, si es eso lo que piensas...
If that's what you want to think, okay. Only get out of here.
Me da igual lo que creas, pero vete.
If that's what's worrying you, please don't think...
Si eso te preocupa, no pienses más.
If that's my daughter in there, then I think this should be left to me. Alright, see what you can do.
Si es mi hija la que esta ahí, creo que debo ocuparme yo.
It is not your American, if that's what you think.
No se trata de tú americano, si es eso en lo que piensas.
If that's the way things are in 1887... what do you think's gonna happen in 1888?
Si las cosas están así en 1887... ¿ Qué crees que va a pasar en 1888?
If you think it's best for us to go away, why, that's what we'll do.
Si crees que es lo mejor para todos, nos iremos.
Hey, if you can't remember that far back, I think I know what's the matter with you.
Si no recuerda ni eso, creo que ya sé lo que le ocurre.
But if that's what you think, you go to him.
Pero si eso es lo que crees, díselo.
I'm not having an affair with him, if that's what you think.
No estoy teniendo una aventura con él, si es lo que te crees.
If you're worrying about what people will think, that you were Hugh's wife, well, don't.
Si te preocupa qué dirán por haber sido la mujer de Hugh, olvídalo.
If that's what you think, why did you get into that business?
Si eso es lo que piensas, ¿ por qué te metiste en ese asunto?
Well, I think we can manage to get along without any help from you... -... if that's what you mean.
Bueno, creo que nos arreglaremos para salir adelante sin su ayuda si es eso lo que quiere decir.
If you mean what I think you mean, that's a dirty crack.
Si dices lo que creo que quieres decir, es muy ofensivo.
If that's what you think, you better pull that trigger.
Si eso cree, mejor apriete el gatillo.
- If that's what you think, go ahead.
- Si así lo has decidido, vete.
- If that's what you think...
- Si opina así.
Sure... if it's you that calls me that, sure. - And what will you call me when you think of me?
- "Mi pequeña"
If that's what you think.
¿ Qué se cree éste?
If that's what you meant, I think that Pork Chop's already worth all the gold in Fort Knox.
Si te referías a eso, creo que Pork Chop ya vale más que todo el oro de Fort Knox.
I don't think she has the cards, if that's what you're looking for.
No creo que ella tenga las cartas. Si es eso lo que busca.
You see, that's what I'd do if I were the kind of girl that you think I am.
Mire, eso es exactamente lo que haría... si fuera el tipo de mujer que usted cree que soy.
Okay, if that's what you think, we'll find some place suitable and we'll stop.
Muy bien, si es lo que piensas, buscaremos un buen sitio y nos detendremos.
Well, if that's what you want, I better think again.
Bueno. Si eso es lo que quieres, mejor lo pienso de nuevo.
If that's what you really think...
Si es así como piensas realmente...
I'm not hotfooting it after José, If that's what you think.
No voy a ir volando tras Jose, si es lo que piensas.
If that's what you think, you don't know the girls in Upper Sandusky.
- No te preocupes. No conoces a las chicas de Upper Sandusky.
If you think that i'm going to stay and take care of a grubby, thumb-sucking little kid... that's precisely what you're going to do.
Si crees que me voy a quedar a cuidar a este sucio niñito que se chupa el dedo... ¡ Eso es precisamente lo que vas a hacer!
It hadn't occurred to me, but if that's what you want to think... it's linda.
No se me había ocurrido, pero si eso es lo que quieres pensar. Es Linda.
This isn't a kind of police interrogation if that's what you think.
Esto no es, como Vd. podría pensar, un interrogatorio policial.
If it's the Navy's public image that concerns you... just think what this will look like in the newspapers.
Si es la imagen pública de la Marina lo que te preocupa... piensa en cómo se verá esto en los diarios.
If you think i'm going to live with a man that's done what you've done... giving you the best years of my life... i trusted you!
¿ Te crees que quiero vivir con un hombre que ha hecho algo así? ¡ Te he dado los mejores años de mi vida! ¡ Me he fiado de ti!
If that's what you think, ask the bank about it.
Si piensa eso pregúntele al banco.
- What's on your mind? - I think I should mention... that if you continue to make advances to my fiancée, I shall knock your block off.
- Creo que debería mencionar... que si sigues insinuándote a mi prometida, te partiré la cara.
- Not with Nellie, if that's what you think.
No está con Nellie, si estás pensando en eso.
I would not provoke a fight, if that's what you think.
No iba a provocar una pelea, si es eso lo que piensas.
I ain't afraid, if that's what you think.
No tengo miedo, si eso es lo que piensan.
If there's something you know that we don't I think you'd better tell us what it is.
Si sabe algo que nosotros no sepamos será mejor que nos lo diga.
Look, I'm not following you, if that's what you think.
Mira, no te estoy siguiendo, si es eso lo que piensas.
If that's what you really think, just go away and don't come back!
¡ Si eso es lo que piensas, lárgate y no vuelvas!
If that's what you think it's all about, go back to your music waltz.
Si de eso crees que se trata, puedes volver a tu música.
You're wrong. In terms of white support, I don't think it matters that much because if we're successful tomorrow, what will happen is that the cops will consider every single student whether he's on the picket line or whether he's one of us or not, every student an enemy.
Creo que te equivocas respecto al apoyo blanco, no creo que importe tanto porque si tenemos éxito mañana, lo que sucederá es que la policía considerará a cada estudiante, ya sea que esté en el piquete o sea uno de nosotros o no, a cada estudiante como un enemigo.
I certainly am not. If that's what you think, I absolutely am not.
Si eso piensa, por nada del mundo lo haré.
I'm not going to have anything to hold over me when I'm married, if that's what you think.
Sepa que él no tendrá ningún dominio sobre mí cuando esté casada.
You know what I think, and I've been giving it a lot of thought lately. I don't know if I can actually buy the fact that there's somebody up there.
Lo que yo creo, y lo estuve pensando detenidamente... no sé si puedo creer el hecho de que haya alguien ahí arriba.

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