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If we hurry перевод на испанский

483 параллельный перевод
We can make it if we hurry.
Podemos hacerlo si nos damos prisa.
- Yes, if we hurry.
- sí, nos damos prisa.
If we hurry.
- Si nos apresuramos.
We can capture them before the ship sails if we hurry.
Los cogeremos antes de que zarpen.
A train leaves for Avellino in an hour, if we hurry we can catch it.
El tren para Avellino parte dentro de una hora.
If we hurry, we can still make it.
Si nos apuramos, llegaremos.
I'll bet we could catch him if we hurry.
Podemos pillarle si corremos.
If we hurry, we can just about make it.
Si nos damos prisa podemos cogerlo.
In fact, if we hurry we might just get back in time to get up.
Si nos damos prisa aún llegaremos a la hora de levantarnos.
And if we hurry, we can try it on.
Por favor.
Come on, honey, if we hurry we can still make it.
Ven, cariño, si nos apuramos, podremos llegar.
I think if we hurry now, we'll be late just the right amount. Won't we Evelyn?
Creo que si nos damos prisa, llegaremos tarde lo justo, ¿ no te parece, Evelyn?
Well, maybe if we hurry, we can find that dark café before it's too late.
Bueno, puede que si nos damos prisa encontremos ese café antes de que sea tarde.
We'll be in trouble if the lady comes out. Hurry, let's leave...
Tendremos problemas si ella nos ve.
We must hurry if we wish to pay it.
Debemos apurarnos si queremos pagarlo.
If you really mean this you'd better hurry up because we're leaving at ten and...
Si realmente va en serio, es mejor que se dé prisa porque salimos a las diez y...
It won't catch us if we don't hurry. Come on, mother.
Vamos o no nos esperarán.
Wilfred, we'll have to hurry if we want to see the moon rise over the Downs.
Wilfred, debemos darnos prisa... si queremos ver salir la luna entre las montañas.
We should be late if Francis doesn't hurry.
- Llegaremos tarde si Francis no se apura.
My dear, if we're going to the opera, you'd better hurry.
Querida, si vamos a ir a la ópera, será mejor que te des prisa.
If you don't hurry, Margaret, we shan't get that compartment to ourselves.
Si no te das prisa, no estaremos solos.
And we can just make it If you'll hurry.
Y podemos llegar si te das prisa.
I will be if we don't catch that boat. Driver, can't you please hurry?
Lo estaré si no cogemos ese barco.
- We're in a hurry, if you don't mind.
Y tenemos prisa, si no le importa...
We better hurry if were gonna see the Wizard!
¡ Démonos prisa para ver al mago!
Buena, si hay que darse prisa.
If you hurry, we can make it.
Si se apura, llegaremos.
If we don't want defeat, Your Highness, we must hurry.
Si no queremos ser derribados, Alteza, debemos darnos prisa.
Well, if, uh, we want to hear Galli, we'll have to hurry.
Bueno, si queremos oír a Galli, tendremos que apurarnos.
Biff, if we don't hurry, why, we'll be late for the show.
Si no nos damos prisa, llegaremos tarde al espectáculo.
He says if we don't hurry, the Japanese may get there first.
Debemos apurarnos o los japoneses estarán allá antes que nosotros.
If you're in a hurry, we'll walk. Jed.
Está bien, si estás apurada, caminaremos.
We don't want to keep you if you're in a hurry.
No queremos entretenerte si tienes prisa.
Tell them we may still be alive if they hurry.
Si se dan prisa, quizá nos encuentren con vida. ¡ Vamos!
Miss Hollister, if we do not hurry, the driver, he will go off without us.
Si no nos damos prisa, se irán sin nosotros.
We can hurry if you want to see the ceremony.
Tenemos que darnos prisa si queremos ver la ceremonia.
We'd better hurry. If he gets to the river before we do, we're finished.
Debemos llegar al río antes que él.
If we don't hurry, the rice will get washed away!
las plantas serán arrastradas todo se arruinará.
You know what? We need to hurry It's two o'clock, and if we get to the stadium late it will be full and we'll have to stand up like idiots
Son ya las dos, y si llegamos tan tarde al estadio... lo encontraremos lleno de gente, y tendremos que quedarnos de pie.
If you don't hurry, we'll miss the first act.
Si no te das prisa, no veremos el primer acto. Lo siento mucho.
If you want to talk to her we must hurry.
Tenemos que apresurarnos si quieres hablarle.
Gentlemen, I apologize for the need to disrupt your harmony, but if Mr. Braun is going to catch the night train, we must hurry.
Señores, pido disculpas por interrumpirles de este modo, pero si el Sr. Braun va a tomar el tren nocturno, hemos de darnos prisa.
- And we're going to be late if we don't hurry. - Oh, yeah.
Y llegaremos tarde si no te das prisa.
H ‚ I ‚ ne, if you want to come hurry up, they're sending the car for me. - May we...
Héléne... si quieres venir ven, que ya me han traido el coche.
We won't have time if we don't hurry.
No tendremos tiempo si no nos apresuramos.
Well, we'll both be dead ducks if we don't hurry!
¡ Pues nos van a desplumar como no nos demos prisa!
See if there's a rear exit. We may have to get out of here in a hurry.
Mire a ver si hay alguna salida por detrás, por si tenemos que salir corriendo.
Hurry up. If that ring checks out, we'll give him an escort.
Si la alianza es de ella, saldrá de ahí escoltado.
- Esther, if you hurry we can have coffee.
- Esther, si te apuras podemos tomar café.
You ain't leaving in no hurry if we can help it.
No se marchará tan rápido si podemos evitarlo.
We don't usually use places like this and if we don't get a lot of high-class services. and in a hurry, there'll be a terrible embarrassing scene in this sanctum.
No estamos acostumbrados a estos sitios, así que si no tenemos un servicio de primera clase y rápido, puede producirse una terrible escena en este santuario.

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