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If you're done перевод на испанский

886 параллельный перевод
Yes, looks as if you're done for, Lopez.
- Parece que no tienes cuerda para más.
If there's quitting to be done, you're gonna do it.
Si alguien baja los brazos, seréis vosotros.
If you're suggesting using the radio as a means of finding your child, it can't be done.
Si sugieres usar la radio como un medio para encontrar a tu hija, no puede hacerse.
Did they ever tell me, if you don't do you're gonna get done?
¿ Me advirtieron que me pasarían por encima?
And remember, we're done for if he gets away. Out you go!
Y recuerden que estamos perdidos si escapa. ¡ Vayan!
Colonel Carrington told him if you didn't get ammunition to Fort Piney, they're done for.
El coronel Carrington le dijo que si Ud. No envía municiones... estarán acabados.
You know, Norris, you've just done a stretch. If they nab you with that water pistol, You're going to catch an awful spanking.
Si le pillan con esa pistolita, le darán una buena zurra.
Monsieur, if you're willing to take a sporting chance go back to Egypt keep up your work, at least try and save what you've already done.
Monsieur, si está dispuesto a arriesgarse, vuelva a Egipto y siga con su trabajo. Trate de salvar lo que ya ha hecho.
[No Audible Dialogue] i tell you, Mary Ann, if we lose him, we're done for.
En serio, Mary Ann, si lo perdemos, estamos acabados.
If they get you now, you're done for.
Si ahora te atrapan, estás perdido.
If you're after fuel, sir, that last package done it in.
Si busca combustible, señor, el último barril está listo.
I ought to be getting back on the job. If you're done with me for now, I'd better go.
Si han terminado conmigo, debería volver a mi trabajo.
MAN : Well, it can't be done that way, Mr. Ohlrig, but if you're willing to spend...
Le estamos muy agradecidos por haber venido.
If it takes him for ever to get it, we're done. Do you understand?
Ese no me va a entender y vamos a ir arreglados. ¿ Tú, me entiendes?
That we showed them how it's done today. If you're proud of that.
A que hemos demostrado cómo se hacen las cosas y si está orgulloso.
Well, if you're going to make up a story, you'd have done a better job than that. But it's really very simple.
Puede que sea una tontería pero no lo entiendo.
If you're done here, go away. Nasty old man.
En cuanto hayas terminado aquí, vete.
How do you expect to get anything done if you're gonna fight? - I'll kill him.
¡ Basta!
If you're smart, you can wreck his organization where the worst damage is done.
Si es listo, puede hundir su organización en donde más le duele.
And if you don't understand what you've done... it's because you're incapable of understanding anything.
¡ No tienes ni idea de la que has armado!
Heberge, if you're done with your work... I'll find something else for you to do.
Heberge, si ha terminado su trabajo... le buscaré algo más que hacer.
If that man recognizes you, we're done for.
Si ese hombre te reconoce | estás en problemas.
If you're done with your coffee and done telling war stories would you mind making up a position report?
Si ya has acabado con las historias, podrías hacer un informe de posición.
If you're done, we'd better move.
Si han terminado, tenemos que marcharnos.
You're 35 and if you were to succeed, you'd already have done it.
Tienes 35 años y si tuvieras que triunfar en la vida, ya lo habrías hecho.
If you squirt me, you're done for!
¡ Si me tiras chorros, estás perdida!
If you had a husband, he would have done everything for you. However, you're not married.
Si tuvieras un marido, haría cualquier cosa por ti, pero no estás casada.
If you're ungrateful enough to leave me for a man who's done nothing for you, you deserve nothing else.
Si prefieres irte con un hombre que no ha hecho nada por ti... será tu decisión...
I'm asking if you're done!
Pregunto que si ya acabáis.
No, child, you're not done for, even if you go on as an atheist.
No está hecha para ello, incluso si continúa viviendo como una atea.
- If il professore sees you, you're done for
- Si te ve el profesor, vas listo. - ¿ Por qué?
If you're so vain and full of pride for all you've done, then what are you hiding out in here for?
Si se siente Vd. tan envanecido y lleno de orgulloso por lo que hizo, ¿ por qué está aquí escondido?
If you're done talking crap now, may I say a word?
Si ya terminaste de halagarme, ¿ puedo decir algo?
But if you'll just do me a favor until we're done.
Hágame el favor, hasta que acabemos.
You're not done proper if you're not done in church... that's what I say.
Los que no se casan por la iglesia, es como si no estuvieran casados.
Mind if I wait until you're done?
- ¿ No les molesta que espere?
If you botch it, we're done for.
Si fracasas, estamos perdidos.
If you're done, Boka, just throw him down!
Si teminaste, Boka, tiralo abajo! aqui estamos!
If I say you and I are done, we're done.
Si digo que tú y yo hemos teminado, entonces se acabó.
If you ate any of that stuff, we're both done for.
Si usted comió algo de eso, los dos estamos perdidos.
- Sundance, when we're done'if he's dead, you're welcome to stay.
- Sundance, cuando acabemos, si ha muerto, puedes quedarte.
If you're led by political motives it could be done.
Si fuera por motivos políticos podría hacerse.
We're done for if you're caught.
Estamos perdidos si te atrapan.
It couldn't be done if you're only half-hearted
Si eres poco entusiasta no puedes dedicarte a ello.
If you want to get anything done in this country you've got to complain... till you're blue in the mouth.
En este país si quiere que algo se haga, tiene que quejarse hasta que le quede la boca azul.
If you're going to do it, do it and be done with it!
Si lo va a hacer, ¡ hágalo de una vez por todas!
It's never welcome, but if you've done all you can do and it's your best in a way, I guess, you're ready for him.
Nunca es bienvenida, pero si has hecho todo lo que has podido y has dado lo mejor de ti mismo de alguna manera, creo, estás preparado para ella.
Now, look, men, I know this is as painful to you as it is to me, but it's gotta be done if we're gonna clear Tom Donnelly's reputation for the few of us who still care.
Sé que esto es tan doloroso para vosotros como para mí, pero hay que hacerlo... si queremos limpiar el nombre de Donnelly, para quienes nos importa.
If you're done with your swimming, I'd like to talk to you about the murder of Rafe Crowder.
Si ya terminó de nadar, quisiera hablar con usted sobre el asesinato de rafe crowder.
If you're so sure that I've done something that's going to make lovable old Hiedeman suddenly drop dead in a few days, I'm sure the police would love to know about it.
Si está tan segura de que hice algo para que el viejo y querido Hiedeman caiga muerto en pocos días... sé que a la policía le encantará saberlo.
That's the only way you're gonna get something done- - do it yourself if you want to accomplish something,
Esta es la única forma en que vas a conseguir algo hecho. Haz lo tuyo si quieres conseguir algo.

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