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If you're lying to me перевод на испанский

167 параллельный перевод
Como me estés mintiendo te mato e iré cantando a la silla eléctrica.
If you're lying, I implore you to tell me.
Si mientes, te imploro que me digas.
I don't know if you're lying to me, or if you're insane and I don't really care any longer, but that man, I believe was in the car that's been following us.
No sé si me estás mintiendo, o si estás loca y realmente ya no me importa, pero ese hombre, creo que conduce el carro que nos sigue.
Look, if you're trying to prove that I'm a bad son and he's a wise father.. with his hat on and chickens in his bedroom, you are wrong tonight! I'm not lying, I'm happy, happy!
Si lo que quieres es demostrarme que soy un hijo desagradecido y él un padre razonable con sus gallinas y el sombrero puesto, te has equivocado, porque estoy alegre, no me convences.
If you're lying to me...
Si me estás mintiendo...
But if you're lying, well, this... this will seem like child's play to what I'll do to you.
Pero si me miente, bueno, esto... parecerá un juego de niños comparado a lo que le haré.
If I may be so bold, B.J., you're lying to the wrong fella.
Si me permites el atrevimiento, B.J., le mientes a la persona equivocada.
If I told you why we're in this sorry state, you might think I was lying, to make you go away.
Si ahora os dijera cuál es nuestra condición... me temo que pensaríais que lo digo con mala intención... para haceros marchar de aquí.
If you're lying to me, my friend's gonna take that boy...
Si eso es mentira, mi amigo se llevará al niño...
If you're lying to me, I'm gonna deep-fry your ass.
Si mientes, te freiré el trasero.
If you're lying to me, you're dead.
Si me estás mintiendo, la mato.
If I find out you're lying to me, God hisself won't be able to help you.
Si me entero de que me mientes... ... ni Dios será capaz de ayudarte.
The only way you'll ever end up lying next to me is if we're run down by the same car.
Nunca te acostarás conmigo, a no ser que nos atropelle el mismo coche.
If you're lying to me, I'll be back.
Si me estás mintiendo... regresaré.
If I find out that you're lying to me, I'll kill you, too, understand?
Si descubro que me estas mintiendo, te matare, entendiste?
I'm not suggesting that you're lying... that you're about to file a fraudulent claim... but forgive me if this sounds... a little bit like bullshit to me.
Yo no sugiero que usted miente que usted está a punto de archivar un reclamo fraudulento pero perdónenme si esto suena... como una mierda para mí.
If you're lying to me and I find out, you'll give yourself up.
Si me mientes y me entero, te entregarás.
And if I find out you're lying to me flyboy... I'm going to give you to Frenchy there and see if he likes you.
al que le agradas.
If I find out you're lying to me about those two men- -
Si averiguo que me mientes sobre esos dos hombres...
Now, son, if you think by lying to me you're going to save your own hide, you'd better forget it.
Si crees que mintiéndome vas a salvar el pellejo, te equivocas.
- If you're lying to me, Bird...
- Si me está mintiendo, Bird...
If you're lying to me...
Si me miente...
I'm very concerned. See if you're lying to me...!
Estoy muy consternada Mira, si me estás mintiendo...!
If you're lying to me...
- Si me estás mintiendo...
If you're lying to me I blow your balls off.
Si me estás mintiendo te vuelo las pelotas.
- If you're lying to me...
- me estas mintiendo...
Then you know what'll happen if I find out you're lying to me.
Entonces sabes lo que pasará si me entero de que me estás mintiendo.
I don't know if you're lying to me, yourself, or the both of us.
No sé si me estás mintiendo, te estas mintiendo o ambas cosas.
If you're lying to me again, I'll kill you myself.
Si me estás mintiendo otra vez, te mataré yo misma.
But if I find out that you're lying to me, B. Slick is going to be the least of your problems.
Pero si descubro que me mientes, B. Slick pasará a ser el menor de tus problemas.
If you're lying to me and anything happens... I will hold you personally responsible.
Si averiguo que me miente y pasa cualquier cosa, le haré personalmente responsable.
If he's not, I'll assume you're lying to me, and you're gonna wish you hadn't.
Si no está, supondré que miente, y deseará no haberlo hecho.
If I find out you're lying to me, I'll finish with you, I swear!
Si descubro que me mientes acabamos, te lo juro.
And if you're lying, well, I know where to find you.
Y si me está mintiendo, sabré dónde encontrarlo.
Maria... I can't help you if you're lying to me.
María, no puedo ayudarte si me mientes.
What kind of future are we gonna have if you're already lying to me?
¿ Qué clase de futuro tendremos si ya me estás mintiendo?
If you're going to marry me, you've got to know when I'm lying.
Si te casas conmigo, debes saber cuándo miento.
I want to see you see me. And Raymond... if you're lying, I'll know.
Quiero verte como me miras y Raymond si me mientes... yo lo sabré.
And I'm gonna know if you're lying to me.
Sabré si me mientes...
Then you should have no trouble believing me when I say that if you're lying about these coordinates, there will be nowhere in this galaxy for you to hide.
- Entonces no deberías tener problemas en creer cuando te digo que si nos estás mintiendo sobre estas coordenadas no habrá lugar en esta galaxia donde esconderse.
Evelyn, if you're lying to me, it's your daughter who will suffer.
Evelyn, si me está mintiendo,... es su hija quien lo sufrirá. Le estoy diciendo la verdad.
If you're lying to me, I'll find out.
Si me estas mintiendo, lo descubriré.
Gene, if you're lying to me, it ain't gonna be god that strikes you down.
Gene, si me estás mintiendo, será mejor que Dios haga que te caigas muerto.
I swear to god, if I find out you're lying to me...
Juro por Dios, si descubro que me mientes- -
If you're lying to me, you're an accomplice.
Si me mientes te conviertes en cómplice.
Gruz, if you're lying to me, I'll kill you.
Gruz, si me miente, lo mataré.
You lie to me and I would usually lie to you too by acting as if I don't realise you're lying.
Me miente y yo suelo mentirle también fingiendo que no me doy cuenta de que me miente.
I never know if you're lying to me.
Nunca sé si me estás mintiendo.
If you're lying... look, my daughter is sick, and I don't want to spend any more minutes in here than necessary.
Si me estas mitiendo.. Mira, mi hija está enferma, y no quiero pasar aquí un minuto más de lo necesario.
If I find out you're lying to me, I'm going to drive a stake through your predatory heart.
Si descubro que me estás mintiendo te voy a meter una estaca en tu corazón depredador.
Zach, if you're lying to me, I'll find out.
Zach, si estás mintiéndome, lo descubriré.

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