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If you want to fight перевод на испанский

311 параллельный перевод
If you want to fight, I'll fight you.
Si quiere pelea...
Lussac If you want to fight, I who the start.
Si Lussac quiere pelea, seré yo quien la empiece.
If you want to fight, fight.
Si quieres boxear, hazlo.
If you want to fight, fight them alone. I don't want it. I'm out of it.
No quiero luchar, lucha tú solo, estoy fuera.
- If you want to fight come outside.
- Resolvamos esto fuera.
Point is, Milner if you want to fight me in the open, clean and fair I'll fight back clean.
El punto es, Milner que si quiere pelear abiertamente, de manera limpia y justa pelearé de la misma manera.
But if you want to fight, he has a chance.
Pero si luchas, tendrá una posibilidad.
If you want to fight, fight a real man!
¡ Si quieres luchar, lucha con un hombre de verdad!
If you want to fight, take it outside!
¡ Si queréis pelear, hacedlo fuera!
If you want to fight, go behind the compost so we don't see.
Si queréis pegaros, hacedlo ahí detrás, que no os veamos.
If you want to fight with Shota, why don't you look for him?
Si quieres pelear con Shota, ¿ por qué no lo buscas?
If you want to fight for a piece of his carcass you go ahead, but you'll do it without me.
Si quieres pelear por una parte de su cadáver... adelante, pero tendrás que hacerlo sin mí.
Up ahead there's a meadow where nobody will bother us, if you want to fight.
Mira que aquí cerca hay un descampado, donde nadie nos molestara, si queremos pelearnos.
If you want to fight on, take Terada and go!
Si quieres luchar, vete con Terada.
That means if you want to fight it, you can.
Significa que si quieres puedes IucharIo.
If you want to fight, you have to fight me.
Si quieres pelea, tendrás que pelear conmigo.
If you want to fight, you'll have to come get me.
Si quieres luchar, tendrás que entrar a buscarme.
If you want to fight, let's go to the living room.
Si quieres pelear, vamos al salón.
Well if you want to fight, we'll fight.
Pues si quieren pelear, pelearemos.
If you want to fight, fight me!
Si ustedes quieren luchar, luchen conmigo!
~ Which nobody can deny ~ If you want to fight, I'll fight you.
Si quiere pelea, tendrá pelea.
Men, if you're willing to fight for our people, I want you. Are you with me?
Si queréis luchar por vuestro pueblo, os necesito. ¿ Estáis conmigo?
If you dont want to buy something, whatss the idea of coming here to fight?
Si no quieren comprar nada, ¿ por qué vienen a pelearse aquí?
Look, buddy, you can have a fight if you want it, but I was just trying to be friendly.
Mira, amigo, podemos pelear si quieres, pero sólo trataba de ser amable.
Okay, Mrs. Smith, if you want Nick to drive, I don't wanna fight with you.
Sí, señora, si quiere que conduzca Nick, no pienso discutir.
Charlie, if you lose the fight and the money, then you'll want to fight again... No, no, I'm not going to give you the money to bet.
Charlie, si perdieras ese dinero querrías volver a boxear.
If Zoltan see on you his beautiful coat, he want to fight you for it.
Si Zoltan te ve con su hermosa chaqueta, querrá pelear contigo por ella.
Even if you don't like it. You almost sound as if-as if you want me to quit in the middle of a fight.
Hablas como si quisieses que lo abandonase todo en plana batalla.
If you really want to fight, here is where you can help us most
Si realmente quiere luchar, es aquí donde puede ayudar más.
Yeah, if you want to vote like men, why don't you fight like men?
Si Ud. quiere votar, ¡ pelee como hombre!
If you don't want the guards killed, you have to put up a fight.
Si no queremos que maten a los guardias, tendremos que luchar.
All right, if that's the way you want to fight the war.
Bien, si es así como desea pelear la guerra.
Yes, I suppose you'd want to fight in here if possible.
Si pudieran elegir, supongo que les gustaría pelear aquí mismo.
I've ordered my people not to fight. If you want revenge, kill me, but spare my people. They are innocent!
He dado órdenes a mi pueblo de no luchar, si todavía necesitas venganza, toma mi vida, pero respeta a mi pueblo, es inocente.
You fight here if you want to.
Luchen aquí si quieren.
If you don't want to fight.
Si no deseas pelear.
Look, I want you to go to a hotel. If anybody asks questions, say that we had a fight and you moved out, but you know nothing about Pete.
Ve a un hotel, si preguntan di que nos hemos peleado.
If you want to be a soldier you must fight for Glory-o.
Si quieres ser un soldado debes luchar por la gloria.
If you want her, you'll have to fight me.
Si la queréis, tendréis que luchar contra mí.
We've had it but we don't want it that way. Bring it along when you come tomorrow to fight and we'll take it if we can.
Llevenla con ustedes cuando lleguen mañana a pelear y la tomaremos si podemos.
I just want to say, if you believe riding against these white creatures is bad, you can stay out of the fight.
Sólo quiero decir que si crees que ir contra esas criaturas blancas es malo, puedes mantenerte al margen de la lucha.
If you really want to fight with him you guys can alwa ys do that when you get back.
Si quieres pegarte con él puedes hacerlo cuando volváis.
Lulu', even you have to participate in the fight if you want to be hired again!
¡ Lulú! Debes participar también tú en la lucha si quieres que te readmitan.
If you promise to amend your ways... I wouldn't necessarily want to fight you.
Si tú prometes enmendar tus actos... yo no querría necesariamente luchar contigo
If you don't want to fight, we can still hit you.
S no quiere pelear, todavía podemos golpearte.
If I may, sir, in other words what you're saying is that... if I want Kelly, I'm gonna have to put up a hell of a fight then.
Si puedo, señor, en otras palabras lo que está diciendo es que... si quiero a Kelly, voy a tener que luchar a muerte por ella.
If you want to kill me, you'll have to fight these colours!
¡ Si quieres matarme tendrás que luchar contra estos emblemas!
If you want to pick a fight, I'll leave now.
Si vas a provocar una disputa indigna de nosotros, me marcho.
If you really want to fight Go north
Si quieren pelear, no tienen más que ir al norte
If you want to live to fight me, keep hold of yourself just for another ten minutes.
Si quieres vivir para luchar conmigo, tendrás que aguantar otros diez minutos.
If you want to kill me, you'll have to fight these colours!
Si quieres matarme tendrás que luchar contra estos emblemas!

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