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Improbable перевод на испанский

1,913 параллельный перевод
So it's not improbable that a minor disfigurement might actually be much more important if the disfigurement is connected to the event of birth itself, and that in itself may have made this person quite special, and occasioned their burial at a very famous monument.
Así que no es improbable que una deformidad menor pudiera ser mucho más importante si la deformidad está conectada con el evento del mismo nacimiento, que en sí misma pudiera haber hecho a esta persona muy especial, haciendo que su tumba fuera un monumento muy famoso.
It remains an intriguing but unprovable concept.
Sigue siendo un intrigante pero improbable concepto.
It would be a tremendous breakthrough, but with today's technology finding another dimension is highly unlikely.
Sería un enorme avance para la tecnología actual. Encontrar otra dimensión......es muy improbable.
I think thats unlikely.
- Creo que eso es improbable.
I think it's very unlikely.
Creo que es muy improbable.
But unlikely. You know something i don't, chuck?
Pero improbable. ¿ Sabes algo que yo no sepa, Chuck?
We can't say, either way, But it's extremely unlikely that andromeda is the creation Of any kind of terrestrial power.
No lo podemos decir, pero en cualquier caso, es extremadamente improbable que Andrómeda sea la creación de algún tipo de poder terrestre.
I know you know this, but after 72 hours there's slim chance she's still alive.
Después de 72 horas es improbable que siga viva.
There's a small chance it could be a bunny with cookies, but I wouldn't count on it.
Quizá venga un conejito con galletas, pero es improbable.
Gordon, you're unlikely to discover this for yourself, so take my word, the police commissioner earns a lot of threats.
Es improbable que te enteres de esto por cuenta propia pero créeme, el comisionado recibe muchas amenazas.
If we get out of this... the chances of us remaining friends is highly... highly... boobies.
Si salimos de esta seguir siendo amigos va a ser muy improbable... Sí.
They found Greene dead in the middle of the bolivian desert, of all places.
Hallaron a Greene muerto en mitad del desierto boliviano, el lugar más improbable.
I think that's unlikely, Thomas.
Lo creo muy improbable, Thomas.
Terry, you know it's unlikely we'll actually find anything.
Terry... sabes que es improbable que encontremos algo.
Not likely.
Es improbable.
It's a little tricky.
Es bastante improbable.
I realise this is highly improbable.
- Se que es muy improbable
Extremely unlikely, but it's possible.
Bastante improbable, pero es posible.
Of all the ridiculous, absurd, preposterous, outlandish, far-fetched, incredulous — – Bring it home now.
De todos los ridículos, absurdos... irrisorio, estrafalario... -... improbable, incrédulo... - Ya vamos llegando.
It just seems really unlikely that there are ten truely great paintings - When was the last time that you've looked at art outside of New York or L.A.? - in a community show.
Es sólo que es improbable que halla diez buenos cuadros en una muestra local.
No, no, no, not likely.
Es improbable.
Highly doubtful.
Altamente improbable.
Dad, listen, I know what the odds are. We're the exception, okay?
Es improbable, pero nosotros somos la excepción.
We decided right away that the more public we went with the story, then the less likely we were to... disappear.
Decidimos que entre más conocida la historia, más improbable sería que desapareciéramos.
It's an unlikely partnership, yours and mine.
Es una asociación improbable la tuya y la mía.
Contalnment security gentlemen Gettlng in is highly improbable...
yo los caballeros Contalnment Securlty Gettlng de adentro es muy improbable... / yo
- That's highly unlikely.
- Eso es altamente improbable.
There's only so many times we're going to be able to pull this off before someone notices.
Es muy improbable de poder lograr algo así sin que nadie se dé cuenta.
The John Ehret Patriots have made the state playoffs after their improbable eight-game winning streak.
Los Patriotas de John Ehret han llegado a los playoffs del Estado después de su improbable de ocho partidos racha de victorias.
Highly unlikely.
Es muy improbable.
That's a fishing expedition.
Eso es muy improbable.
But the questioned remained... will this planet meet the extremely complex and unlikely combination of parameters to support life as we know it?
And if we don't follow up on it, even though it seems pretty thin, someone could die. What?
Y si no le hacemos caso, aunque parezca muy improbable, alguien puede morir.
The entire African continent has just risen 7.000 feet, and unlikely they are even flooded.
Todo el continente africano se ha elevado 7.000 pies y es improbable que esté inundado.
It's unlikely.
Es improbable.
He's kind of a long shot, but he does have a juvenile conviction for burglary, so, who knows?
Puede que sea algo improbable, pero tiene una condena. juvenil por robo, así que, ¿ quién sabe?
I know how smart you are, but even if you manage to construct the prototype, highly unlikely, the real question is whether it will work.
Sé lo listo que eres, pero aún si logras construir el prototipo, altamente improbable, la verdadera pregunta es si funcionará.
Slight, I admit.
Improbable, lo admito.
Hodgins found gravel in her hair, but death by gravel is unlikely.
Hodgins encontró gravilla en su pelo, pero la muerte por gravilla es improbable.
Less anesthesia, lower risk, might still allow us to remove the nidus of infection.
- Improbable. - Menos anestesia... menor riesgo, mayor posibilidad de eliminar la infección.
Cosmically improbable coincidences happen all the time.
Coincidencias cósmicamente improbables suceden todo el tiempo.
Mm, unlikely.
Mm, improbable.
Not how, but whether the verdict was a probable or improbable outcome for this particular jury.
No cómo pero si el resultado del veredicto era probable o improbable para este jurado en particular.
Well, that doesn't sound unlikely.Your dad's made his fair share of enemies.
Buenos, eso no suena improbable. Tu padre ha sabido hacerse de enemigos.
( laughs ) But on the odd chance we actually get out of the room, See bora-bora, i am putting in one dress
Pero en el improbable caso de que salgamos de la habitación, ver Bora-Bora, estoy poniendo un vestido y un par de tacones.
That's kind of unlikely, don't you think?
Eso es bastante improbable, ¿ no crees?
Possible death? Unlikely, but possible.
- Improbable, pero posible.
- That's a long shot.
- Eso es improbable.
- Highly unlikely, Doctor.
Altamente improbable
I can try, but it's highly doubtful.
Puedo intentarlo, pero es altamente improbable.
Do not know why its success unlikely.

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