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In case you didn't know перевод на испанский

149 параллельный перевод
I didn't know what you and Mr. Andrews might run into... so I came along, just in case.
No sabía con qué se encontrarían... y vine por las dudas.
Henry, in case you didn't know, I'm in love with David.
Henry, en el caso de que no supieras que estoy enamorada de David.
Pat, you've been a good, law-abiding citizen since you took this place over, but harboring outlaws is obstructing justice, in case you didn't know it.
Pat, has sido honrado desde que viniste aquí, pero acoger bandidos va contra la ley. Por si no lo sabías.
In case you didn't know, Laura will come soon.
Por si no lo sabes, Laura vendrá pronto.
And in case you didn't know it... Susie Hunsecker's out in the back right now.
Por si no lo sabías, Susie Hunsecker está en la puerta de atrás.
Look, in case you didn't know, killing that driver was murder and you're an accessory!
¡ Por si no lo sabías, matar al conductor fue asesinato, y tú eres cómplice!
In case you didn't know it God is on our side, too.
En caso de que no lo sepa Dios esta de nuestro lado.
In case you didn't know, this girl's got duties, just like sailors.
Por si no lo sabías, ella tiene obligaciones, como nosotros.
In case you didn't want her to know you're here.
Por si no querías que supiera que estabas.
Well, in case you didn't know, Milt Danby is rounding up his two brothers and all of their sons and all of their hired hands.
Por si no lo sabes, Milt Danby está reuniendo a sus dos hermanos y a todos sus sobrinos.
In case you didn't know what hit you, they're Cheyenne...
Los que los han atacado son Cheyennes.
In case you didn't know, your rent has not been paid in four months. - Four months?
Y este apartamento no se paga desde hace cuatro meses.
Al Cumberland practically built this studio, in case you didn't know.
Al Cumberland prácticamente construyó este estudio, por si no lo sabe.
The victim's name is Edna Bell, in case you didn't know.
La víctima se llamaba Edna Bell, por si no lo sabías.
I just came up here to tell you in case you didn't know and wanted to escape.
Pensé que usted no sabría eso y, quisiera huir.
Well, you know some of my thoughts on this case, and... You know, the possibility in my mind... that maybe the barbell didn't kill Mr. Stafford. You know, that someone either struck him or choked him... or something like that.
Usted ya sabe lo que yo pienso de este caso y tengo en mente la posibilidad de que esa barra no lo matara sino que alguien lo golpeó o lo estranguló.
Seducing a minor- - that's a criminal offense, in case you didn't know.
Seducir a un menor... es un delito, por si no Io sabías.
and just in case you didn't know... Hold on! Stop or I'll...
Y por si no lo sabían...
In case you didn't know it yet, your father says nobody has to even listen anymore.
Por si no lo sabías, tu padre dice que nadie te preste atención nunca más.
In case you didn't know it there's more to being a Texas Ranger than making busts.
Pero por si no sabías, ser Texas ranger... implica más que hacer arrestos.
In case you didn't know.
Lo digo por si no lo sabían.
He's in the hospital, in case you didn't know.
Él terminó en el hospital, por si no sabes
In case you didn't know, my country executes spies,
En mi país se ejecuta a los espías,
In case you didn't know, this is not a popular war.
Por si no lo sabes, ésta no es una guerra popular.
I didn't know you were involved in this case.
No sabía que también estuviera involucrado en este caso, teniente.
In case you didn't know, violation of the... - Major Crimes Act on an Indian reservation is in the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Intimidation.
Por si no lo sabes, la Ley de de Delitos Mayores en una reserva india es jurisdicción de la Oficina Federal de Intimidación.
Whooping cranes, in case you didn't know it, are noted for their mating dance.
Las grullas blancas, en el caso de que no lo sepas, se distinguen por su danza de apareamiento.
My cousin, in case you didn't know, is not a student of this school anymore.
Mi primo, en caso que no lo sepa, no es más un alumno de esta escuela.
Evidence based on olfactory prowess is inadmissible, in case you didn't know.
En caso de que no lo sepas, la evidencia basada en poderes olfatorios no sirve.
In case you didn't know - for you to go to hell.
Ir al infierno.
This is near where the Pilgrims landed, in case you didn't know.
Por aquí desembarcaron los colonizadores.
That's love, in case you didn't know.
Ya es hora de que lo aprendas.
In case you didn't know, this is not Adopt a Black Family Month.
Por si no lo sabes, no estamos en el Mes de Adopte a Una Familia Negra.
"Fat Boy," in case you didn't know, is the name of the bomb, in case you had other ideas.
"Gordito", en caso de que no lo sepan, es el nombre de la bomba, en caso de que tengan otras ideas.
In case you didn't know it you're dead.
Por si no lo sabías, estás muerta.
In case you didn't know it you're dead.
Si no lo sabías, estás muerta.
I thought it was better if you didn't know, you know, in case the police caught up with me.
Pensé que sería mejor que no lo supiera, por si me pillaba la policía.
In case you didn't know, marriage is the cure to promiscuity.
Olvídalo. Quería saber lo que pensabas de James, antes que sepas quién era yo.
In case you didn't know, my dear, I've been at TansonviIIe for 2 years now.
"Quizás ignore, querido amigo que pronto hará dos años que estoy en Tansonville."
In case you didn't know Elvis has most definitely left the building. And in his absence there will be no sideburns creeping past the earlobes.
En caso de que no lo sepas Elvis ya no está, y, en su ausencia no habrá más patillas que pasen de los lóbulos.
Hey, Peter, in case you didn't know, a balloon tied to a mailbox is the international symbol for "party over here!"
Hola, Peter. Por si no lo sabías, un globo atado a un buzón ¡ es el símbolo internacional que indica "aquí hay una fiesta"!
In case you didn't know, this is Xena.
En caso de que no lo sepa, ella es Xena.
In case you didn't know.
Por si no lo sabíais.
In case you didn't know, the gooch is the spot between your balls and butthole.
Para quien no sabe que es el "Gooch" Es el punto que está... Entre tus pelotas y tu agujero.
We're fighting a war here, In case you didn't know.
Tío Sweetheart, esto es una guerra.
I swear I didn't see you, man, I was escorting you and I know... I shouldn't have, but in this case it was a bump on the road, yes?
Juro que no te vi, la verdad que yo iba escoltándote y sé que no debí escoltarte pero en este caso fue una loma de burrro, ¿ sí?
I didn't wanna kill him in case he was holding a woman captive. How'd you know where to find Gorman tonight?
No quería matarlo en caso de que tuviera a otra mujer.
- At least they're made in Finland, in case you didn't know.
Por lo menos se fabrican en Finlandia, por si no lo sabes.
In case you didn't know, that cord is for emergency purposes only.
Por si no sabías, esa cuerda es sólo para usar en casos de emergencias.
I was a legend at the holiday house, in case you didn't know.
Fui un éxito en el Holiday House, por si no lo supieras.
Oh, my fuck! You know I did maybe think that I fucked that up, I wasn't sure. I didn't want to say anything just in case Santa was God.
que mierda tu sabes yo pense que tal vez podria cagarla pero no estaba seguro yo no queria decir nada..

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