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It'll be quick перевод на испанский

229 параллельный перевод
Before we're too close and before emotions get deep... we should just end it quick. That way, you won't be hurt and it'll be easier to forget me.
Es más fácil romper las relaciones... antes de que los sentimientos se hagan más profundos...
It'll be just as quick to carry you on a litter.
Iremos igual de rápido con una litera.
And you'll be back pounding the pavement so quick, it'll make your head swim.
Y muy pronto estará haciendo sus rondas por la calle.
- But don't worry. - Well, you'd better be quick about it... because if I find him first, you're gonna have another murder on your hands. We'll find him.
- No se preocupe.
At least it'll be quick.
Al menos, será algo rápido.
Well, I'll be quick about it.
Bueno, Io haré rápido.
It won't be quick. I'll break you first.
Te pondré nerviosa.
30 or so cases doesn't justify getting a -... when a lighted match is thrown into a dry wheat field, it's not too quick to assume there'll be a fire.
Treinta casos no justifican que tenga que dejar mi cena. Consejero Waring, cuando se tira una cerilla encendida a un campo de trigo seco, no es precipitado suponer que el campo arderá.
First thing in the morning, it'll be a quick one!
Mañana a primera hora, será rápido.
I'll see it's taken out of your wages. You get another cup, and be quick about it!
¡ Coge otra taza, vamos date prisa!
I can't say how quick it'll be. What is it?
No sé cuánto demorará. ¿ Qué es?
Someday, somebody's got to out-shoot me, and it'll be over with real quick.
Algún día, alguien será más rápido que yo... y acabará conmigo rápidamente.
We know you've had rather a shock, Polly, and talking about it may be disturbing, but I'm afraid we must ask you a few questions, so I'll be as quick as I can, and you just try not to let it upset you.
Sabemos que está conmocionada y que hablar Ie será desagradable. Pero debo hacerle algunas preguntas. Seré muy breve.
You'll see, it'll be quick.
Verás, será rápido.
Come on, it'll be quick. Two kisses and we're done.
- Será rápido. ¡ Dos besitos y basta!
You hardly deserve the luxury, but it'll be quick.
Es una muerte demasiado rápida.
Don't make a fuss and it'll be quick.
No te resistas. Ven y acabemos pronto.
It'll have to be quick and silent... while he's away from his bodyguards.
Tendrá que ser rápido y silencioso... cuando esté lejos de sus guardaespaldas.
Come on, Sir, it'll be quick!
¡ Venga ingeniero, hagámoslo rápido!
Quick or it'll be too late.
Rápido o será tarde.
It'll be quick.
No tardará mucho.
It'll have to be quick.
Tendrá que ser rápido.
I promise you it'll be quick and easy.
te aseguro que será rápido y fácil.
Come now, Willard. It'll all be very quick and painless.
Vamos, Willard, todo será rápido y sin dolor.
If Fraser don't get here quick, it'll be too late.
Si Fraser no llega pronto, será demasiado tarde.
It'll be quick
Será algo rápido!
I'll make it quick. Be sure.
Y comprendí que no había nadie en el pueblo con quien pudiera hablar de esto.
Quick, it'll be dawn soon.
Rápido, amanecerá pronto.
- Oh, it'll have to be a quick look, I'm afraid. - Mm-hmm?
Me temo que va a tener que ser un vistazo rápido.
It'll be quick and he'll be looking at her face at the time.
Será rápido y él la estará mirando a la cara en ese momento.
We`re sorry to bother you, It'll be quick.
Perdona que te molestemos, acabamos enseguida.
It'll be quick and painless, compared to what I could do to him.
Será rápido, comparado con lo que le haría yo.
Be quick or we'll lose it.
Venga o Io perderemos.
Tonight, you'll be working late, alone... and make it quick
Hacerlo esta noche, estará trabajando hasta tarde, solo... y hacerlo rápido.
It'll just be a quick check.
- Será un pequeño chequeo.
it'll be quick.
sera rapido.
Okay. This'll be the last story, and you have to make it quick.
De acuerdo, ésta será la última historia y tendrás que contarla rápido.
A quick chat with the old fart and it'll all be okay.
Un poco de diplomacia con el viejo gruñón y ya está todo arreglado.
Look, it's a quick hop to L.A. You'll be home before you know it.
Es un vuelo rápido a Los Ángeles. Estará de vuelta enseguida.
It'll be quick.
Será rápido.
Yes, think about it... Gotta be quick, though. You know... you'll get hungry again very soon.
Piensa en ello... date prisa, ya que, como sabes, volverás a estar hambriento muy pronto.
Better make it quick or else we'll be all day listening to his crap.
Lo haces rápido o escucharemos sus idioteces todo el día.
It'll be a quick $ 2,000.
Van a ser $ 2.000 rápidos.
Now you're talking some sense, because let me tell you you keep this up and it'll be over real quick.
Ahora estas siendo coherente, dejame decirte que.. .. si seguis en esto va a terminar todo realmente rapido
- So it'll be a quick dance.
- Entonces que sea un baile rápido.
It'll be quick!
¡ Será rápido!
¿ Por qué no traes mi paquete, en honor a esos viejos tiempos?
I don't think this'll be quick, but... it'll be interesting.
pero será interesante.
All right, but it'll have to be a quick one - we've got guests.
Está bien, pero tendremos que hacerlo rápido, tenemos huéspedes.
I gotta git a kiss an'it's gotta be quick Er I'll jump in a crick an'die!
Necesito un beso y tiene que ser rápido. O saltaré a un arroyo y moriré.
It'll be a quick death.
Será una muerte rápida.

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