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It's been real перевод на испанский

550 параллельный перевод
- It's a real boat that's been on the water?
- ¿ Es una barca de verdad?
There " s been no real proof of it.
No hay ninguna prueba real.
But it's been said she's doing real well.
Pero creo que le va muy bien.
Boy, it's been so long since I've seen a real bed I won't know how to sleep in it!
Hace tanto tiempo que no veía una cama de verdad.
It's been a real pleasure, sir.
Fue un verdadero placer, señor.
106 maple street. Pinky, it's been a real pleasure.
Pinkie, ha sido un placer.
It's been a real struggle for me to get back here.
Ha sido una verdadera lucha volver aquí.
- It's been a real pleasure, Eve.
- Ha sido un placer, Eve.
Consider it done. It's been a real pleasure to see you again.
Ha sido un placer verte otra vez.
- It's been real luck.
- Ha sido realmente una suerte.
It's been real fine, Poorly, up to now.
Iba muy bien, Enfermizo, hasta ahora.
─ What's your real name? You know, it's been so long, I can't remember.
- ¿ Su verdadero nombre?
It's been good, real good.
Estuvo muy bien.
Well Fred, it's been a real pleasure meeting you.
- Encantado de conocerte.
This is a real dream house I've been running and no junkie's worth it!
He llevado adelante un hogar que no existe ¡ pero ningún adicto se lo merece!
How long's it been since you had real soap and all the hot water you want?
¿ Cuánto tiempo hace que no has usado verdadero jabón y agua caliente?
Ha sido todo un placer haberte conocido ".
Let's face it, Mama. Annie's always been more like a real mother. You never had time for me.
Afróntalo, mamá, Annie ha sido por mí una verdadera madre tú nunca has tenido tiempo.
Well, it's been a real pleasure, ma'am.
Bueno, ha sido un placer.
It's been a real pleasure.
Ha sido un placer hacer negocios con usted.
He's not to blame, if he'd been brought up in a real home I'm sure it would have been dif...
El no tiene la culpa, si se hubiera criado en un hogar de verdad seguro que hubiera sido distin...
It's been real interesting here.
Ha sido realmente interesante aquí.
It's been a real pleasure meeting you.
Ha sido un verdadero placer conocerle.
It's been a real nightmare.
Era un engranaje. Lo siento mucho... Te lo explicaré todo.
I ain't worth much and it's been a real spell since anybody's done anything for me.
No valgo mucho y hace bastante que nadie hacía algo por mí. Con usted me siento en deuda.
- It's been a real pleasure. - Nice meeting you.
Ha sido un placer.
It's been a real invasion
Esto fue una invasión.
After 4 or 5 hours of work the sun began to beat down, and this year it's been a real hell.
Llevaba 4 o 5 horas trabajando y el sol empezaba a pegar fuerte, y este año parece que se haya desencadenado el infierno
It's been a real long day.
Ha sido realmente un día muy largo.
It wouldn't be right for me to go off and leave you two to the tender mercies of this young monster who's been like no real son at all.
No sería justo ni estaría bien que los dejara a la tierna misericordia de este joven monstruo que no se ha portado como un hijo.
And I must say, it's been a real pleasure... because I've never seen so many beautiful flowers in my life.
Permítame decirle que fue un verdadero placer porque nunca en mi vida vi tantas flores hermosas.
He's been keeping it cool lately, but he used to be a real fireball
Últimamente se lo ha estado tomando con calma, pero solía ser una verdadera bola de fuego.
- Oh, it's been a real pleasure.
- Oh, fue un placer.
That's why we've been able to keep it intact you must be here for Peacock Dart
Por eso hemos sido capaces de conservarlo intacto. Tu debes estar aquí por el Dardo del Pavo Real.
Ewing Oil is bigger than it ever has been. You know why? It's real simple.
Petróleos Ewing es más grande que nunca. ¿ Y por qué?
General, it's been a real pleasure.
- Fue un gran placer.
It's a real nice little town. You ever been up there?
Es un pueblecito encantador, ¿ has estado?
Otherwise, it's been real quiet. FACE :
Aparte de eso, todo tranquilo.
If we don't meet again, sir I'd just like to say it's been a real privilege fighting alongside you, sir.
Por si no volvemos a vernos, señor, quiero decirle que ha sido un honor combatir a su lado.
Yeah, it's been a real drag, Dad!
¡ Sí, ha sido un verdadero obstáculo, papá!
It's been a real pleasure, sir.
Ha sido todo un placer, señor.
I admit that in the past I've been shy around women, but I've been thinking about it and I don't think there's been any real reason for my insecurity.
Tengo que admitir que en el pasado He sido tímido con las mujeres, pero he estado pensando en ello y yo no creo que haya sido ninguna razón real para mi inseguridad.
Well, it's been a real pleasure meeting you... and we've got to do it again sometime.
Bien, ha sido un placer conocerte, volvamos a vernos otro día.
Boy, it's been a real all-star season for drug rip-offs.
Ha sido una gran temporada de robos de drogas.
It's, er... it's been spatially distributed to optimise the, um... the packing efficiency of, er... the real time envelope.
Ha sido distribuida espacialmente para optimizar la... la eficiencia de almacenaje del... envoltorio de tiempo real.
Well, we wouldn't have heard anything, if it'd been him. He's real careful.
Supongo que no hubiésemos oído nada si fuera él.
Well, it's been real.
Bueno, es verdad.
It's been real.
Ha sido genial.
Ed, it's been a real pleasure.
Ed, ha sido un placer.
It's been real.
Ha sido real.
It's been real tough to make ends meet on my salary.
Ha sido muy difícil, cubrir todo con mi salario.

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