It's just перевод на испанский
166,898 параллельный перевод
It's just the way it is.
Así son las cosas.
Well, it's just a six-seater, but he wanted to help.
Bueno, solo tiene seis plazas, pero quería ayudar.
Well, at least it's not just us with our wangs hanging out.
Bueno, al menos no somos los únicos haciendo el ridículo.
'But it's probably easier if I just show you.'
"Pero probablemente sea más fácil si te lo muestro."
It's just such a fanciful notion.
Es una noción fantástica.
It's just, you know... work-in-progress.
Es solo, ya sabes... trabajo en elaboración.
Sorry, it's just...
Lo siento, es solo...
It's Okay, they're just frightened.
Está bien, solo están asustados.
It's just that.
Es solo eso.
It's just a different kind of living.
Solo es un estilo de vida diferente.
It's all just atoms, you can rearrange them any way you like.
Todo es solo átomos, puedes reacomodarlos de la forma que quieras.
I'm sorry, it's just, I don't know who you are.
Lo siento, es solo que no sé quién eres.
- It's just paint!
- ¡ Solo es pintura!
- It's not just paint.
- ¡ No solo es pintura!
It's just I saw her- - it felt so real.
Es que la vi ; fue tan real.
It's just- -
Es solo que...
Smells unfortunate, but just imagine what it's giving off magically.
Apesta horrible, pero solo imagina la magia que puede emitir.
It tried, but when it saw that it couldn't win- - well, let's just say it stuffed me in a place most convenient.
Lo intentó, pero cuando vio que no podía ganar... bueno, digamos que me mandó a un lugar más conveniente.
It's just that the statute of limitations on my son's case is getting close, and no one's making any progress.
Es que el plazo de prescripción del caso de mi hijo se está acercando, y nadie está haciendo ningún progreso.
Well, Yolanda, looks like it's just you and me tonight.
Bueno, Yolanda, parece que solo estaremos tú y yo esta noche.
Because maybe you did, but maybe, you know, it's just a product.
Porque quizá te lo cortaste, o quizá sea solo un producto.
♪ Call it purple That's just what we'll do ♪
Lo llamamos púrpura Esa es nuestra solución
It's floating like this, and in CGI, you can just take- - this can all come out.
Que flote así. Con efectos por computadora, se puede borrar todo esto.
It just seems like there's such a small chance of punks barging in.
Creo que es poco probable que los punks se cuelen.
♪ It's called the Kupid Shufle Just give it a chance ♪
Se llama "El meneo de Kupido" Solo dale una oportunidad
It's just great.
Es fabulosa.
And it's not just her body I adore.
Y no solo adoro su cuerpo.
You're asking a lot of questions, Your Majesty, but it's just so hard to think in this dreary cell.
Está haciendo muchas preguntas, majestad, pero es muy difícil pensar en esta triste celda.
That's just it... this isn't my realm.
Es solo que este no es mi reino.
Well, it's no big deal, it's just the things that we used to do together- - you know, the running and the hiking and the surfing- - we're just, you know, we're not doing'em together.
Bueno, no tiene importancia es solo que las cosas que antes hacíamos juntos... lo de correr, el senderismo y el surf... ya, bueno, ya no las hacemos juntos.
It's still unclear if there was an ongoing threat or just a one-time occurrence.
Sigue sin aclararse si había sufrido amenazas o ha sido un hecho aislado.
Actually, it's just Callen.
En realidad, solo a Callen.
It's just what I do.
Es el mío.
No, it's just like you planned.
No, justo como tú lo planeaste.
It's just, uh, premature.
Pero es precipitado.
It's all just noise.
Es solo ruido.
It's a big bank job for just three people.
Es un robo de banco muy grande para tres personas.
Yeah, it's just... you're risking your life when shooting him on sight would be a little bit easier.
Sí, es que... está arriesgando su vida cuando dispararle en el acto sería un poco más fácil.
It's just... you know the guy I shot in Houston?
Es que... ¿ recuerdan al tipo que le disparé en Houston?
All right, folks, it's just a misunderstanding. I'll be back shortly. Do you understand.
Esta bien, amigos, es solo un malentendido.
It's just a long historical narrative.
Es simplemente una larga narrativa histórica.
So that tells you it's not just the lack of erosion but there is no time between these limits.
Así que te dice que no es sólo la falta de erosión... sino que no hay tiempo entre esos límites.
It's hard to tell just by looking at the structure as such.
Es difícil decirlo con sólo mirar a la estructura como tal.
And it's not just a design like God intended and he created the lion.
Y no es sólo un diseño como que Dios diseñó... y creó al león.
It's just too close, too tight quarters.
Todo está muy justo, muy apretado.
It's just such a big step for her.
Es un gran paso para ella.
I have to say, I just think it's great that you're going to college, Connie.
Tengo que decir, creo que es genial que vayas a la universidad, Connie.
I just don't get why it's such a big deal.
No entiendo por qué es tan importante.
It's just... It's for the end of people's lives.
Es sólo... que es para el final de la vida de las personas.
Look, I know there's an age difference between us, but I just never think about it.
Mira, sé que hay una diferencia de edad entre nosotros, pero nunca lo pienso.
It's just that there have been no new sandwiches in mailboxes, so the signs seem to be working.
Es sólo que no han habido sándwiches en los buzones, así que las señales parecen estar funcionando.
it's just us 148
it's just sex 51
it's just a game 119
it's just the beginning 44
it's just me 474
it's just a dream 89
it's just a joke 49
it's just amazing 21
it's just business 103
it's just that 910
it's just sex 51
it's just a game 119
it's just the beginning 44
it's just me 474
it's just a dream 89
it's just a joke 49
it's just amazing 21
it's just business 103
it's just that 910