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It's just dinner перевод на испанский

360 параллельный перевод
It's too far out just for dinner.
Lily cocinará. Está demasiado lejos para ir a cenar.
And I'm so happy, I'm afraid it's just a heavy dinner.
Estoy muy feliz, y temo que sólo sea un sueño.
It's just that dinner will be late, sir.
Cierra esa puerta. Es sólo que la cena está retrasada.
Oogie, how is it you always manage to get here just when everybody's eating dinner.
Oogie, como te las arreglas para estár siempre aquí cuando la familia cena.
I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we won't be able to make it for dinner tonight, something just came up and I don't think Arthur's going to feel like it.
Lo siento pero no creo que podamos ir a cenar esta noche... ha surgido algo y no creo que Arthur tenga ganas.
It's just that some friends of mine are waiting for me for dinner. The little Italian place, Tony's.
Verás, discúlpame, Lo que ocurre es que unos amigos me esperan para cenar... en Tony's, un restaurante italiano.
I'll just wear it at dinner for Mr. Bourne's clients.
Será para cenar con los clientes del Sr. Bourne.
I'll probably get married one of these days, but when I do, it's gonna be to someone who thinks of life not just as a new dress and a lobster dinner or latest scandal.
Probablemente uno de estos días, pero cuando me case, será con alguien que crea que la vida es algo más que vestidos nuevos, langostas y los últimos cotilleos.
It's just about time for the dinner to gong.
Están a punto de dar la señal que indica que es hora de comer.
It's just, I can't stand living like this... A crummy apartment and a hamburger for dinner.
Es sólo que no soporto vivir así... un apartamento chico y una hamburguesa para la cena.
Well, let's just say in this case it means... your health and thank you for inviting me to dinner.
Digamos que en este caso significa... por usted, y gracias por invitarme a cenar.
Well, it's just that you didn't come down for dinner.
Es que no has bajado a cenar.
Solo es una simple cena en familia.
The only time I really miss my dad is six in the evening when it's getting dark and we're gonna sit down for dinner, just the three of us - Mom, Boothy and me.
Realmente sólo extraño a mi papá a las 6 : 00 de la tarde cuando empieza a oscurecer y nos sentamos a la mesa a cenar sólo mamá, Boothy y yo.
I just don't happen to think that's it right, your being without a dinner partner.
Es que creo que no es correcto que vayas sin pareja a la cena.
No, my Lord. It's just that we've not had a dinner party for 20 years.
Pero su señoría es solo que no habiamos tenido una fiesta en 20 años!
It's just farewell dinner.
Nada, es sólo una cena de despedida.
It's just dinner and some laughs.
Eso es todo?
It's just that the invitation to dinner should've come from me.
Es que debia ser yo quien Io invitara a cenar.
Honey, it's just for dinner, and Charles would want you to eat.
sólo vas a cenar. A Charles le gustaria que comieras.
Your dinner ´ s ready in the kitchen. You just have to heat it up.
Tu comida está lista en la cocina.
It's just another rabbit for dinner.
Otra liebre para la cena.
It's just going to be another business dinner.
Es sólo va a ser otra cena de negocios.
It's just dinner.
Es sólo la cena.
It's always a bit of a surprise, when you plan dinner or something and you've just been to the market. Spend a few bucks for groceries and you come home and he's gone, you know.
Pero es sorprendente, planear una cena o algo e ir al mercado y gastar dinero en compras y volver a casa y que él no esté.
If it's more convenient, I could stay out here, And you could just pitch the rest of my dinner into my mouth.
Es más conveniente que me quede aquí y me lances el resto de la cena en la boca.
It's just you and I at a nice joint having a nice dinner.
Solo tu y yo, en una bonita velada tomando nuestra cena.
Let's just go out to dinner and forget it.
Salgamos a cenar y olvidémoslo todo.
It's just that I don't know if you want me to fix dinner.
Es que no sé si quieres que prepare la cena.
- It's just dinner.
- Sólo es una cena.
That's all it's got to be. Just dinner.
Y así va a quedar, sólo una cena.
Take it easy, it's just dinner.
Tomelo con calma, es solo una cena.
Whereas, if it's just a drink... if you like them, you could always ask them to dinner.
Pero si sólo es una copa, si te gusta la puedes invitar a cenar.
There's no danger. It's just an ordinary dinner.
Te repito que no es peligroso, no es más que una cena.
Having Christmas dinner with you two is my present. No, it's just a little something, Mom.
Mi regalo es compartir la cena de Navidad con ustedes dos.
It's just two people going out to dinner and not having sex.
Se trata de dos personas que irán a cenar, sin que haya sexo.
Now look, I'm not trying to interfere, but it's just that... I think it's important that we all eat dinner together as a family.
Mira, no estoy tratanto de interferir, es sólo que... creo que es importante que cenemos todos juntos como una familia.
- It's just dinner. - Exactly.
- Solo es una cena.
- It's just dinner.
- Sólo cenar.
It's just dinner.
Sólo iremos a cenar.
I missed the most important dinner of my life. Yes, everything is all right. It's just peachy.
He faltado a la cena más importante de mi vida, pero no pasa nada.
Whoa, whoa, it's just a stinking dinner.
Vale, vale. Es solo una cena.
It's just not a dinner party without a melon baller.
No hay fiesta sin un servidor de melón.
I'd love to cook a nice romantic dinner for Sherry, but I can't do it at her place because I'm allergic to her cats, and there's just no privacy around here.
pero no puedo hacerla en su casa porque soy alérgico a los gatos. y aquí no hay nada de privacidad
It's just dinner.
Es sólo una cena.
It's just dinner.
Es solo la cena.
It's just, I'm starting to wonder if this is a business dinner or more of a romantic date.
Es solo, que empezaba a preguntarme Si esta es una cena de negocios o más una cena romántica.
It's just that we were enjoying our coffee so much that coffee turned into dinner, and then dinner turned into drinks, and then drinks turned into, well, coffee again.
Y disfrutábamos tanto de nuestro café, que el café se convirtió en cena luego la cena se convirtió en tragos, y luego los tragos se convirtieron bueno, de nuevo en café.
No, not a date, as far as you're concerned, it's just a dinner to discuss law stuff.
No, una cita no, por lo que sabes es una cena para hablar de derecho.
Yeah. It's just that, whenever we've had dinner, we've always, you know.
Siempre que nos veíamos para cenar, era...
Let's just forget it, and have dinner, and you'll read it after I leave.
Olvidémoslo y cenemos, y lo leerás luego de que me vaya.

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