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It's just temporary перевод на испанский

262 параллельный перевод
Well, it's just a temporary job until we can save enough money... to buy a car and a shack on the cape.
Es algo temporal, hasta que ahorremos lo suficiente... para comprar un auto y una cabaña en el Cabo.
It's just I got into trouble. See, it's only temporary, sir.
Tengo problemas, pero son pasajeros.
It's just a temporary fix and fairly useless.
Los paliativos no sirven para nada.
Maybe it's just a temporary thing.
Tal vez sea algo temporal.
Oh, it's just a temporary misunderstanding, Jamie.
Oh, es sólo un malentendido temporal, Jamie.
It, it's all right, Willard, it was just a temporary job.
Está bien, Willard. Sólo era un trabajo temporal.
I just lost a temporary filling, and every time I suck air it's a new adventure in pain.
He perdido un empaste temporal y, cada vez que aspiro, el dolor es una nueva aventura.
It's just temporary.
Es sólo temporal.
But we have different plans, so it's just temporary.
Pero tenemos otros planes, así que es sólo temporal.
Well, it's just temporary... till I find whatever's right for me.
Bueno, es temporal, hasta que encuentre algo apropiado para mí.
I... I'm sure it's just temporary,
y estoy segura de que sólo es temporal,
It's just temporary.
Es algo temporal.
Karl, it's just temporary.
- Karl, es algo temporal.
It's just a temporary discomfort.
Es sólo un malestar pasajero.
If not, it's just a temporary setback.
Si no, es un contratiempo temporal.
But it's just temporary.
Pero es sólo por un tiempo.
Wow, inspector. Our friend here lost his memory, but I'm sure it's just temporary.
Inspector, nuestro amigo perdió la memoria.
I can explain that. You see, it's just a temporary promotion until I'm fired.
Puedo explicarlo, es un ascenso temporario hasta que me despidan.
- Look, it's just a temporary job... until I finish school and get my own museum.
- Me largo de aquí. - Mira, sólo es un trabajo interino... hasta que acabe la carrera y monte mi propio museo.
I told them all this was temporary. It's just until I can find homes for them.
- Le dije que esto sería provisorio... hasta que pudiese encontrarles un hogar.
Ma, it's just temporary.
Ma, es sólo temporal.
Usually it's just a chap who's advanced himself a short-term, unauthorised, unsecured temporary loan from the company's account and invested it unluckily.
Suele ser uno con un préstamo a corto plazo, no autorizado, sin garantía, intemporal, con dinero de la empresa y que tiene mala suerte a la hora de invertir.
It's just a temporary seal. 5 mins and we're out of here.
Te hare un empaste provisional, tardare cinco minutos.
Pero, si me interesa, podré trabajar... toda la jornada cuando me gradúe.
It's just a temporary setback. Don't you "Willie, honey, babe" me.
¿ Y puedo seguir invirtiendo?
It's just temporary.
Esto es pasajero.
It's just temporary.
Es sólo temporario
I don't know. They don't usually go through the ceremony if it's just a temporary assignment.
No lo sé, pero no se celebra esta ceremonia si es algo temporal.
It's just temporary.
Es algo provisional.
I'm sure it's just temporary.
Estoy seguro de que es solo temporal.
It's probably just temporary. In a year or so Danny and I'll buy a house.
Sabes, esto solo es temporal, en un año Danny yo comparemos una casa.
Aw, it's just temporary.
Es solo algo temporal.
It's just a temporary position.
Es sólo un empleo temporal.
It's just a temporary...
Sólo algo temporal...
It's just temporary, Mom.
Es sólo temporal, mamá.
It's just a temporary setback!
- ¡ Oigan! ¡ Es sólo un revés pasajero!
Knowing you, sir, I'm sure it's just a temporary condition.
Conociéndolo, señor, sé que es un estado provisorio.
She says it's just temporary.
Dice que es temporal.
If your mom's moving out, it's usually just temporary.
Si la mamá se muda, por lo general es temporario.
It's just temporary.
- Por un tiempo?
It's just temporary.
Sólo es temporal.
Asks me if I'll look after Pappy while he's gone, you know, it's just a temporary kind of thing.
Algo temporario. Pienso :
It's probably just temporary nerves, don't you think?
Probablemente sólo sean nervios temporales ¿ Tú crees?
Anyway it's not long term, it's just a temporary hideout.
De todos modos esto no debe durar mucho, es un escondite de paso.
I'm never gonna know if it's real between me and Xander, or if it's just some temporary insanity that made me think
Nunca sabré si lo mío con Xander es real... o si es sólo una locura del momento que me hizo pensar...
- Now, it's just temporary, Niles.
- Es temporal, Niles.
But it's just a temporary setback, like I said.
Pero es sólo un revés temporal, como le dije.
Either it's true love, in which case it's too late for you to declare yourself, or it's just a temporary infatuation.
Y aún siendo verdadero amor, en ese caso es muy tarde para declarárselo, o si es un amor pasajero
It's probably just temporary.
Quizás sólo sea temporal.
It's just temporary.
- Es provisional.
It's just a temporary loan.
Sólo sería un préstamo.

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