It's your перевод на испанский
110,525 параллельный перевод
It's a hell of a lot easier to accept who you are, in all your damaged glory, than to try and be someone you're not.
Es muchísimo más fácil aceptar ser quien eres, con todos tus defectos, que intentar ser alguien que no eres.
I know it's your birthday, but... Hey, wow!
Sé que es tu cumpleaños, pero... ¡ Vaya!
Now give your husband a kiss because it's Valentine's Day.
Ahora dale a tu marido un beso porque es el día de los enamorados.
Your... it's, you know...
Están... en, ya sabes...
Look, just... it's time for you to go home and say a proper good-bye to your wife.
Mira, es hora de que vayas a casa y te despidas de tu esposa en condiciones.
- It's your moment.
- Es tu momento.
It's called "How To Stalk Your Unstalkable Ex."
Se llama "Cómo acechar a tu inacechable ex".
It's no longer how to please your man... or woman... in bed.
Ya no va de cómo complacer a tu chico... o a tu chica... en la cama.
Uh, I don't know what the signals are like in your culture, but in mine, when we spend an evening helping someone take apart vibrators to smuggle into a foreign country, it's a pretty good indicator that it's okay to get personal.
No sé qué señales hay en tu cultura, pero en la mía, pasar una tarde ayudando a alguien a empaquetar vibradores para meterlos de contrabando en otro país, es un buen indicador de que está bien hacer preguntas personales.
So it's your choice whether you want to go after that ending or not, but I've never met anybody who made a career happen by hiding out in the fashion closet.
Es tu decisión si quieres ir a por ese final o no, pero nunca he conocido a nadie que haya hecho carrera escondiéndose en el armario.
It's so good to hear your voice.
Me alegro de escuchar tu voz.
Is it possible, Mr. Haller... and I'm not a psychiatrist, so... but is it possible that this whole thing... the girl, the incident... that it's just part of your illness, a delusion?
¿ Es posible, Sr. Haller.... y no soy siquiatra, entonces... pero es posible que todo esto... la chica, el incidente... sea solo parte de su enfermedad, una ilusión?
It's late night, crappy food, drunks in your friggin face all the time.
Es tarde de noche, comida basura, borrachos en tu puta cara todo el tiempo.
It's the alley behind your friend's bar, where he says he doesn't beat anyone up.
Es el callejón detrás del bar de tu amigo, donde dice que no golpea a nadie.
Oh, shit, it's your dad.
- Bien. ¡ Es tu papá! ¡ Escóndete!
That's your business. But when you do it in front of Mom, it hurts her feelings.
Pero cuando lo haces frente a mamá, hieres sus sentimientos.
It's not me I'm talking about, it's your wife.
No soy yo quien lo necesita, es su mujer.
It's a good job you didn't come in in your uniform.
Es bueno que no haya venido con su uniforme.
So it's OK for you to have a drink with your mate, but...
Entonces está bien que te tomes una copa con tu colega, pero...
Look, the internal workings of this unit have absolutely no relevance to the matter in front of us now and frankly it's none of your business.
Mire, el funcionamiento interno de esta unidad no es para nada relevante en el asunto que la ha traído a nosotros y francamente no es es cosa suya.
It's starting to stink, you know, that thing on your wrist.
Empieza a tener mal olor, ¿ sabes? , eso de tu muñeca.
It's your call, sir.
Usted decide, señor.
Well, now it's your turn.
Bueno, ahora te toca a ti.
It makes the hair on your arm stand up like lightning's about to strike, and if you close your eyes, you can actually see it.
Hace que se te ericen los vellos del brazo, son como relámpagos a punto de caer. Y si cierras los ojos, realmente puedes verlo.
So now it's your job to look after Mr. Barnes and his daughter, and his father.
Así que ahora es su trabajo cuidar del señor Barnes y de su hija. Y de su padre.
It's not as charming as your old bus, but I make do.
No es tan encantador como tu viejo autobús, pero funciona.
I don't need your permission. It's my life.
No necesito tu permiso, es mi vida.
Buckle your seat belts, it's wrestling time!
¡ Prepárense, es hora de luchar!
I'm sure when people read your zine, not everyone thinks it's art.
Estoy segura que no todo el que lee tu revista lo considera arte.
If we need a new camera, it's coming out of your salary.
Si compramos una cámara nueva, saldrá de tu sueldo.
If your canard, or duck, is sauvage, it's this.
Si tu canard, o tu pato es sauvage, es esto.
It's like a fucking trust fall, only I stare at your face and remember all the reasons I don't trust you.
Como una caída de confianza, pero te miro a la cara y recuerdo por qué no confío en ti.
It's the first time I've put your money into something I care about.
Es la primera vez que uso tu dinero en algo que me importa.
I was in a crappy group home, and... and it's none of your business.
Estaba en una casa de acogida horrible y... y no es asunto tuyo.
I did it, and now it's your turn.
Yo lo he hecho, y ahora te toca a ti.
If your head is focused on your family, it's in the right place.
Si tu cabeza está enfocada en tu familia está en el lugar correcto.
This first time is about accepting that it's real, and then we can focus on work... taking you back to those moments in your past when you first felt your so-called illness coming on.
Esta primera vez es sobre aceptar que es real, y entonces podremos centrarnos en el trabajo... en llevarte de vuelta a aquellos momentos de tu pasado en los que sentiste por primera vez que aparecía tu enfermedad.
It's your place.
Es tu lugar.
Well, as I said, this dynamic... always fighting and making up... it's not good for your condition, David.
Bueno, como he dicho, esa dinámica... siempre pelear y hacer las paces... no es buena para tu condición, David.
It's not your fault.
No es culpa tuya.
Or is it just your vengeance that would take another innocent boy's life?
¿ O es solo tu venganza la que podría llevarse la vida de otro muchacho inocente?
It still amazes me how she only ages when she's outside your body.
Aún me parece increíble cómo ella solo envejece cuando está fuera de tu cuerpo.
Look, it's your little room.
Mira, es tu pequeño cuarto.
It's just I'm Betsy Tough Love, your mean friend.
Solo soy Betsy Amor Duro, tu mezquina amiga.
The old clock on the wall says it's time for your meds, so let's pick this up tomorrow.
El viejo reloj de la pared dice que es hora de vuestra medicina, así que continuemos mañana.
It's your serve.
Te toca sacar.
It's time for your session.
Es hora de tu sesión.
It's your fault.
Es culpa tuya.
It's your mind.
Es tu mente.
It's not your fault, honey.
No es culpa tuya, cariño.
Your future is set and there's nothing you can do to save it... but I can.
Tu futuro está determinado y no hay nada que puedas hacer para salvarlo... pero yo sí puedo.
it's your choice 290
it's your birthday 200
it's yours 974
it's your turn 401
it's your move 63
it's your decision 99
it's your funeral 64
it's your turn now 40
it's your call 289
it's your lucky day 103
it's your birthday 200
it's yours 974
it's your turn 401
it's your move 63
it's your decision 99
it's your funeral 64
it's your turn now 40
it's your call 289
it's your lucky day 103