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It's your funeral перевод на испанский

264 параллельный перевод
They say it's your fiancé's funeral.
Dicen que es el funeral de tu prometida.
Well, it's your funeral, kid.
Bueno, allá tú, chica.
It's your funeral.
Será su funeral.
All right, it's your funeral, Anne Schuyler.
De acuerdo, es tu funeral, Anne Schuyler
It's not your funeral. Let him burn your fan mail.
Él tiene que quemar las cartas de tus fans.
Why should I be, it's your funeral.
¿ Por qué? Es problema tuyo.
Well it's your funeral, come on then, there's a bus.
En fin, es asunto suyo. Vamos, viene un autobús.
All right, gentlemen, it's your funeral.
Muy bien, caballeros, es su funeral.
It's your funeral, not mine.
Es tu funeral, no el mío.
It's your funeral, pardner.
Será su entierro, camarada.
Well, it's your funeral.
Bien, es su funeral.
Well, okay. It's your funeral.
Es por eso que necesito el dinero tan rápidamente.
It's an invitation to your own funeral.
Se está cavando su propia fosa.
De acuerdo, el entierro es vuestro.
- It's your funeral.
- Allá usted.
It's your funeral.
Bueno, allá usted.
It's your funeral, Pop. Did you hear that?
Será tu perdición, abuelo. ¿ Has oído eso?
- Okay, it's your funeral!
- Está bien, es tu funeral.
It's strange to watch your own funeral.
¡ Qué raro es que uno pueda asistir a su propio entierro!
Well, it's your funeral.
Será tu muerte segura.
It's your funeral.
Será tu funeral.
It's your funeral.
Es tu funeral.
Alright, stand there. It's your funeral, not mine.
Quédese de pie ; es su funeral, no el mío.
- Okay, it's your funeral.
OK, es su problema.
Either way, it's your funeral, isn't it, dear?
De todos modos, es tu funeral, ¿ no, querida?
The girl told me about your mother-in-law's funeral. What is it?
Está bien, Sra. Bayles.
It's your funeral.
Allá usted.
- Thank you. - It's your funeral.
Gracias Este es tu funeral
It's nice you'll be the man in charge. You can see your wife has a proper funeral.
Pues organice un buen funeral para su mujer.
But it's your funeral, not mine!
¡ Va a ser tu tumba, no la mía!
It's your funeral, idiot.
Es tu funeral, idiota.
- It's your funeral, Bob.
- Es su entierro, Bob.
Okay, professor, it's your funeral.
¡ Bien, será su funeral!
Go ahead, it's your funeral.
Adelante, será tu funeral.
It's been 4 years, since your mother's funeral, that I've seen aunt Setsuko
No la veía desde hace 4 años.
If you guys get your fingerprints on those pages, it's your funeral.
Si dejan sus huellas en las páginas, será su funeral.
It's either that, or use it to pay for your own funeral.
¿ O prefieres usarlos para pagar tu propio funeral?
After that, it's your funeral, Lieutenant.
Después, será su funeral, teniente.
It was your grandmother's funeral today.
Hoy fue el funeral de tu abuela.
It's your funeral, butterball.
Es tu funeral, bola de cebo.
It's your funeral. Soon, yes.
Pronto, sí.
It's your funeral!
Es tu funeral!
Then it's rather your funeral, isn't it?
Entonces, será su funeral.
If you don't, it's your funeral.
Si no lo está será su fin.
It's your funeral.
Es su funeral.
Of course. It's your funeral.
Lo vuestro es un funeral.
I was spying on Tommy's funeral from the groves, with your binoculars... and after everybody had left... that tall man picked up Tommy's coffin all by himself... put it in the hearse and drove off.
Estaba espiando en el funeral de Tommy con tus binoculares,... y después que todos se fueron el hombre alto tomó el | ataúd de Tommy por si solo lo pusó en el coche | fúnebre y se fué.
You do that, and it's your funeral and your little dog.
Lo haces y prepararas tu funeral. Y el de tu perrito.
It's your funeral, man.
Es tu tuneral, amigo.
Why not, it's your funeral.
Es tu funeral.
- It's your funeral.
- Es tu entierro.

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