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It doesn't have to be перевод на испанский

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Well, it doesn't have to be today, it could be another day.
Bueno, no hace falta que sea hoy. Puede ser otro día.
I think you need to talk to someone that you can... you can tell everything that happened to you, and it doesn't have to be me.
Creo que necesitas hablar con alguien con el que puedas... al que puedas contar todo lo que te paso, y no tengo por que ser yo.
It doesn't have to be that way.
No tenían por qué haber sido así.
It doesn't have to be anything it doesn't want to be.
Sólo debe ser lo que quiera ser.
It doesn't have to be a plaque.
No tiene que ser una placa.
Tony, it doesn't have to be a shrink.
Soy la opción obvia.
I don't want to mess with that. It doesn't have to be a mess this time.
No tiene por qué ser un lío esta vez.
You know, it doesn't have to be the Maldives or Fiji or Costa Rica.
Tu sabes, no tiene que ser las Maldivas. o Fiji o Costa Rica.
It doesn't have to be.
No debe serlo.
It doesn't have to be.
No tiene por qué serlo
But it doesn't have to be this way.
Pero no tiene por que ser así.
It doesn't have to be like this, jack.
No tiene por qué ser así, Jack.
It doesn't have to be.
No tiene porqué.
It doesn't have to be.
Que todo ha servido para nada. No tiene que ser.
Well, it doesn't have to be coffee. How about dinner?
Bueno, no tiene que ser café.
it doesn't have to be me.
No tengo por qué ser yo.
It doesn't mean we have to be enemies, OK?
Esto no quiere decir que debamos ser enemigos, ¿ OK?
- It doesn't have to be though.
- No necesariamente.
It's understandable you'd be upset. It doesn't mean you have to self-destruct.
Es comprensible que estés perturbada pero no significa que tengas que autodestruirte.
- It doesn't have to be this way.
- No tiene que ser así.
Okay, all that said, if your friend doesn't confess and this ends up on your record, it is, it's gonna be harder for you to go to college, to get a job, and you may have to go to jail,
Vale, todo lo dicho, si tu amiga no confiesa y esto termina en tu expediente, va a ser muy doro para tí el ir a la universidad, conseguir un trabajo, y puedes tener que ir a la cárcel,
No, it doesn't have to be.
No, no tiene que serlo.
It doesn't have to be.
No tiene que serlo.
We figured out if it's rigid on the ground, it doesn't have to be flexible when we're flying.
Pensamos que si era rígida en el suelo, no necesitaba ser flexible durante el vuelo.
I'm just saying it doesn't have to be that way.
Me limito a decir que no debería ser así.
– It doesn't have to be perfect.
- No tiene que ser perfecta.
- Well, it doesn't have to be.
- No tiene por qué serlo.
Well, it doesn't have to be.
No tiene por qué serlo.
And if... It doesn't have to be in order.
No tiene que ser en orden.
But it doesn't matter, because all I have to do is wait a few more days, right, and then he'll be gone, and then the decision makes itself.
Pero no tiene importancia, porque todo lo que tengo que hacer es esperar un par de días, y luego él se irá y la decisión se toma sola.
It doesn't have to be Harvard.
No es necesario que sea Harvard.
– Oh, yeah. Yes. Um, you see, the thing about the nuclear bomb, your honor, is that it doesn't have to be made perfect.
Sí, verá, el problema con la bomba nuclear, Su Señoría... es que no tiene que ser perfecta.
Thing is, it probably is the right thing, but... sometimes the right thing is a luxury, and it can have profoundly dangerous consequences, and yet it's almost as if he doesn't want that to be true.
El problema es que probablemente sea lo correcto, pero a veces lo correcto es un lujo. Y puede haber consecuencias profundamente peligrosas. Y aún así es como si él no quisiese que fuera verdad.
It doesn't have to be every man for himself.
No tiene que ser un sálvese quien pueda
I can talk to a woman. It doesn't have to be like that.
No está mal hablar con una mujer.
It doesn't have to be confusing.
No necesita ser confuso.
But I'm saying, it doesn't have to be, just by...
Pero te digo, no tiene que ser así, sólo por...
It doesn't have to be here.
No tiene que ser aquí.
Well, it doesn't have to be serious, ok?
Bien, no tiene que ser serio, ¿ vale?
I'll always, always remember last night and I will cherish it forever. But, y'know, people our age, we... we have to live every second to the fullest. It doesn't make any sense for either one of us to be tied down to just one person.
- Siempre recordaré lo de anoche, y conservaré el recuerdo siempre, pero sabes, la gente de nuestra edad debe vivir cada segundo al máximo ; no tiene sentido para ninguno de los dos estar amarrado a una sola persona.
Even though we were never really close it would be nice to see a familiar face, or any face that doesn't have blood dripping from its lips and flesh between its teeth.
Aunque nunca estuvimos muy unidos estaría bien ver una cara conocida o cualquier cara que no tenga sangre en los labios y carne entre los dientes.
It doesn't have to be teaching, you know.
No es sólo enseñar, ¿ sabes?
Of course. But it doesn't have to be books now, does it?
Claro, pero no tienen que ser libros, ¿ no?
You know, it doesn't all have to be chemistry from the jump.
Sabes, no es necesario que haya química de inmediato.
He was tapped on the shoulder and this was what he was going to do and it doesn't mean it's gonna be handed to you and I'm sure that it had to have been unbelievably challenging.
Recibió un golpecito en el hombro y esto era lo que él iba a hacer y ello no significa que te lo van a dar en la mano y estoy seguro de que tuvo que haber sido increíblemente difícil.
It doesn't have to be.
No tiene que ser.
It doesn't have to be you guys.
No hace falta que sean ustedes.
It doesn't have to be.
No tiene que ser así.
But it doesn't have to be just you and me.
Pero no tenemos que ir solo.
With a perennial it allows this plant to come back each year from its root system. It doesn't have to be started each year from seed and it doesn't have to grow its entire root system each year like an annual plant would have to do.
La planta perenne puede crecer de nuevo desde la raíz, no necesita ser plantada anualmente por las semillas y no es necesario desarrollar nuevas raíces, como una planta anual sería.
Well, then it doesn't have to be goodbye.
Bueno, entonces no tiene que ser un adiós.

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