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It doesn't say перевод на испанский

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It doesn't say. It doesn't seem do-able to me.
No parece posible para mí.
- Doesn't it say?
- no sabría decirle?
Say I was trying to attract a man, much older than myself, but who doesn't look it.
Digamos que estoy tratando de atraer a un hombre mucho mayor que yo pero quién no busca eso.
it doesn't say clearly but its an address in Beijin maybe its a store or a resturant its called Hon-Shon-Shi
No lo dice claro, pero es una dirección de Pekín, quizá una tienda o un restaurante llamado Hon-Shon-Shi.
It doesn't matter what we say to them.
No importa lo que les digamos
But listen, it doesn't matter what I say.
Pero escucha, no importa lo que yo diga.
Most doctors say it doesn't matter but it can't hurt.
La mayoría de los médicos dicen que no es importante pero no hace daño.
There just doesn't seem to be any other way to say it.
Al parecer, no existe otro modo de decirlo.
It doesn't say...
- No, aquí no dice nada de monstruos. - ¿ No?
That doesn't mean to say she didn't know him already. OK, it's a possibility.
Si lo conoce, por lo menos aumentan sus probabilidades de supervivencia.
We can make sure it doesn't get any worse. What do you say?
Podemos encargarnos de que no empeore. ¿ Qué te parece?
I didn't say it to you! Doesn't matter.
¡ No te lo dije a ti!
I don't know, it doesn't say.
No lo sé, no dice.
It certainly doesn't say cocktail waitress.
Desde luego no dicen camarera de cóctel.
If you say it often enough, doesn't sound right.
Si lo dices seguido, no suena bien.
They will say it doesn't matter.
Dirán que no importa.
It doesn't say why in the report because the cop that filled it up... was too busy covering his own ass to do his job.
No pone el por qué... tal vez el policía que lo escribió estaba demasiado ocupado para parar su culo y hacer su trabajo.
You don't get it ; just because that thing does what you say doesn't mean it can't manipulate you.
No lo entiendes, solo porque esa cosa hace lo que le digas no significa que no puede manipularte.
But it's not saying, doesn't say very much to me.
Pero no dice nada. A mí no me dice mucho.
It doesn't say "quiche lorraine." Maybe it's "quiche blobby white thing."
No dice "quiche lorraine." Quizás es "quiche con algo blanco viscoso."
It doesn't matter what you say.
No importa lo que digan.
I have a feeling, you say it doesn't exist.
Tengo una sensación, de que no está pasando.
However you say it, it doesn`t take longer than five seconds to say sorry.
Digalo, no tardará más de cinco segundos en decir lo siento
- They say it doesn't matter.
- Dicen que no importa.
No dice nada de seguir el camino hacia la pista o otra cosa.
It doesn't even say not to call the police.
Tampoco dicen que no llamen a la policía.
But it doesn't say anything in here about helping a nonthief.
Pero aquí no dice nada sobre ayudar a personas ajenas.
But it doesn't say why your father shot your mother... or why he turned the gun on himself.
Pero no dice por qué... tu padre... le disparó a tu madre. Ni por qué después se disparó a sí mismo.
- It doesn't matter what you say.
No importa lo que estás diciendo.
It doesn't say you can't be gay.
No dice que no se puede ser gay.
- No. - He doesn't say it.
- ÉI no habla.
It doesn't matter what people say.
No importa lo que diga la gente.
The hell it doesn'T.Susan, if you can look me in the eye and tell me that when we kissed, you felt nothing, then I'll just go, but only if you can say that and really mean it.
Ya lo creo que sí, Susan si puedes mirarme a los ojos y decirme que cuando nos besamos no sentiste nada, entonces me iré. Pero sólo si puedes decirlo y si lo dices en serio.
It doesn't say.
No lo dice.
He doesn't say it's because of you. He was making plans to build a house when you were together, and now...
No dice que esté haciéndolo por ti, pero cuando estaban juntos, hizo planes para construir una casa y ahora...
We're not any poorer than anyone else, and it doesn't matter what other people say, OK?
Estamos bien. No somos más pobres que nadie, y no importa lo que digan los demás, ¿ Ok?
It just doesn't sound any better the more I say it.
No suena mejor cuanto más lo digo.
To say she'll be missed... just doesn't cut it, because I can't even imagine a world without her in.
Decir que se la echará de menos no es suficiente, porque ni siquiera puedo imaginar un mundo sin ella.
And it doesn't really say it here but I have a solid background in sales. I'm pretty much a self-starter, so...
Y en realidad no lo dice aquí pero tengo una experiencia muy sólida en ventas y mucha iniciativa propia.
And because it is that doesn't stop of Bills to say?
¿ Y porqué no para de hablar "DE BILLS"?
I will look at him / it again so that he / she doesn't say again that my glance is insolent.
No volveré a mirarlo para que no vuelva a repetir que mi mirar es insolente.
Because it is that he / she doesn't say directly since he / she knows?
¿ Porqué no dice directamente lo que sabe?
Then because it is that he / she doesn't always say what is French, but Caribbean?
¿ Entonces porqué no dices siempre que eres francés, pero caribeño?
All I can say for the moment is that it doesn't look very good.
Lo único que puedo decir por el momento es que no se ve muy bien.
That's what cancer patients say, but it doesn't cure them.
Eso es lo que dicen los pacientes de cáncer, pero eso no les cura.
I just wanted to say, that this doesn't have to be it.
Solo quiero decir... que esto no tiene que ser el final.
You think it's easy being stuck in a cab with an 11-year-old who doesn't say anything?
Crees que es fácil estar en una cabina con un niño que no habla?
It doesn't matter if he loves you, you say that you deserve it.
No importa si él la ama, dice que se lo merece
I like to say that it doesn't matter what you do.
Me gusta decir que no importa lo que hagas.
And it doesn't make any sense to say... well, yes, they lined the stars up right... but then when it came to mapping on the ground... it was perfectly okay to flip everything around... and make it upside down.
Pero los egipcios daban mucha importancia a lo que era el norte y el sur en las pirámides, y no tiene sentido decir que tomaron la alineación en el cielo pero en el momento de proyectarla en el suelo no tuvieron problema en invertir su disposición.
If you've got something to say, why doesn't you share it?
Si tienes algo que decir, ¿ por qué no lo compartes?

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