It just went off перевод на испанский
177 параллельный перевод
It just went off by accident.
Se disparó accidentalmente.
- Acaba de apagarse.
It just went off.
Se ha disparado.
It just... It just went off.
Sólo - Sólo se disparó.
It's on the news right now. It just went off Channel 4, just went off.
Acaba de terminar en el canal 4, acaba.
You ain't thinking good, and you're seeing worse. And... wow... it just went off.
Usted no piensa bien y ve aún peor entonces, vaya, solo sucede.
It just went off.
No lo sé, se disparó sola.
It just went off line.
Se acaba de desconectar.
It just went off, sir.
De repente, estalló.
Okay. All right, so then you pointed the gun at him, and it just went off.
Está bien, entonces le apuntaste con el arma, y se disparó.
It just went off. It's a misfire, I assure you.
Se me escapó, fue un fallo Se lo aseguro
It just went off.
Se disparó solo.
- It just went off.
- Se me ha escapado.
It just went off!
¡ Se me disparó!
And the ball-peen hammer? You were cleaning it and it just went off.
Y lo del martillo, ¿ a que estaba limpiándolo y se le escapó?
What? - It just went off. - What happened?
- Se disparó sola.
It just went off.
El arma se disparó.
And then it just- - the light bulb went off.
Y luego justo... se apagó la luz.
It must have come off just before Lorenzo went through the port.
Recuerda, a pesar de los trucos que emplee, tú no me has visto antes.
That one-eyed colonel left just before it went off.
Antes de la explosión del barracón sólo ha salido ese coronel tuerto...
No. I had a roast in the oven, and I was opening the door and it just fell off and went... just like that.
Tenía un asado en el horno, y al ir a abrirlo se ha caído la puerta, sin más.
It just went off!
( Ben lanza la pistola sobre la mesa y esta se dispara ) Simplemente se disparó!
l mean, it just suddenly.... lt just changed direction and went whizzing off. lt flashed and- -
O sea, de repente... Cambio de sentido y se fue. En un periquete- -
He just grabbed for the gun and it went off.
Él sólo agarró el arma y ésta se disparó.
It all started just after you, Doctor, and as we later discovered, Miss Smith, went off on your last little jaunt.
Todo comenzó poco después de que tú, Doctor, y como se descubrió más tarde, la señorita Smith, os fuisteis a una excursioncita.
Well, I just fired off one of the rocket ships, you see, and I arranged the controls so that it went straight up...
Bueno, sólo disparé uno de los cohetes, verás,... y puse los controles de modo que fuese hacia arriba...
He claims he was just cleaning his gun when it suddenly went off!
¡ Afirma que estaba limpiando la pistola cuando se le disparó por accidente!
I just picked it up and it went off.
La cogí y se disparó.
When he decided to run for supervisor, he did call me... and I went in to meet with him... and we just hit it off instantly.
Cuando decidió lanzarse para supervisor, él me llamó... y fui a reunirme con él... y nos caímos bien de inmediato.
Detective Harrison of the metro division made a statement this afternoon attributing the most recent death to an accident the guy was just cleaning his chainsaw when it went off yeah sure, maybe it was a suicide
Los chicos sólo la limpieza de la escena del crimen Sí, claro, en caso de haber sido un suicidio. La teoría de Harrison era tan buena... como la aplicación de inyecciones en una pierna de madera.
It's just the minute I tried to cool things off, she went ballistic.
Es que apenas trato de calmar las cosas, se descontrola.
They're okay. It's just that Laura blew it for a second and went off the road, onto the shoulder, broke the A-frame under the car.
Laura se distrajo un momento, se salió de la carretera... y rompió la suspensión del auto.
No, it was just a single incident, and your lives went off in different directions.
No, fue sólo un incidente aislado, y sus vidas tomaron diferentes direcciones.
It just went off.
Ya me iba.
It just went on forever. Every day they picked up where they left off the day before. - It was like an endless dream game.
Todos los días empezaban donde lo habían dejado el día anterior.
It was like a light just went off in my head, and I knew she'd...
Fue como que un bombillo estalló en mi cabeza, y supe que ella...
I couldn't come off that, really because if you went to do anything on the toms, it was just nothing
No podia hacer otra cosa porque si te ponias a hacer algo con los tambores, te perdias.
But then I just fully went for it and pulled off the demi-entrechat.
Pero luego fui por todo y logré el demi-entrechant.
I was waiting, just like you said me to, but when she saw me, she got a gun... We struggled and it went off.
Estaba esperando como usted dijo pero... al verme sacó la pistola, forcejeamos y se ha disparado.
It happened the other night when you went to the bar to get drinks. You know, it just caught me off guard, I didn't know how to handle it.
Sabes, me tomó por sorpresa, no sabía como manejarlo.
'Cause when I went in there with my third nipple he just lopped it right off.
Cuando fui con mi tercer pezón lo cortó de inmediato.
As it happens, my radio alarm went off just... as...
Mientras ocurría, mi despertador sonó justo... cuando...
It went on and on and on just like that - the President not being able to shut this thing off.
" Continuaban y continuaban y continuaban - sin el Presidente der capaz de detener esto.
And it's time you went off to sleep I've started my own company I'm going to export German craftsmanship all over the world I'll create the biggest import-export company in Germany, just for you
Y en el tiempo que pasó durmiendo... He comenzado mi propia empresa.Voy a exportar... ingeniería alemana en todo el mundo. Crearé la empresa de importación-exportación... más grande de Alemania...
Well, you've got to refrigerate it. See, they cut off our power so many times over the years that she just went with the pure preservatives.
Necesita refrigeración Nos cortaron la luz tantas veces... que decidió usar conservantes puros.
that my staff was loyal but i'm sure they were complex of reasons that that went into it to some the wiretapping was just a part of a campaign by Kissinger to fortify his position as nixon's deputy he was endlessly playing off his
Pero por otro lado era una forma de demostrar la lealtad de mi equipo. Pero estoy seguro que hubo razones complejas para hacerlo. Para algunos, la escucha telefónica fue parte de la campaña de Kissinger para fortalecer su posición como delegado de Nixon.
I swear, we'd be in the middle of doing it, and if his goddamn beeper went off... then he'd just leave.
Te lo juro, estábamos en el medio de eso, y si sonaba su buscapersonas... se iba.
It just turns out it's Earl the Pearl's night. Cat went off. Dropped 33 points on the Celtics.
Earl de Pearile metió 33 puntos a los Celtics.
I'm just asking if, after we had sex - if that's the way it went - would we take our clothes back off afterwards?
Estoy preguntando, si luego de tener sexo - si esa es la dirección en la que vamos - nos volveríamos a desnudar?
And that was it I just took off never went back
Y eso fue todo me fui y nunca más regresé.
Well, after thinking about it for a little while, it seems the Plattsburgh lecture just went great, and it went exactly the way we originally expected these lectures to work, which is that, at a certain point, it was like a light bulb's going off
Bueno, después de pensarlo un poco, parece que la conferencia de Plattsburgh salió genial y salió justo como queríamos que salgan estas charlas.
it just happens 49
it just doesn't feel right 28
it just occurred to me 28
it just is 92
it just goes to show 17
it just feels right 19
it just doesn't 17
it just so happens 29
it just came out 53
it just started 21
it just doesn't feel right 28
it just occurred to me 28
it just is 92
it just goes to show 17
it just feels right 19
it just doesn't 17
it just so happens 29
it just came out 53
it just started 21