It wasn't real перевод на испанский
654 параллельный перевод
I'm not going to Lodge a complaint. It wasn't a real Lie.
Esa no es una verdadera mentira.
That wasn't the real reason I was holding you so close. It so happens,
No te abrazo tan fuerte por eso, sino porque te quiero, que Dios me ayude.
It wasn't a real fight.
No ha sido una pelea.
It wasn't the Royal Family you went back for.
Que no volvéis por la familia real. ¡ Ten cuidado con lo que dices!
I made the most tremendous effort and pretended it wasn't real at all.
Hice un esfuerzo simulando que no es real.
Only it wasn't a real wolf.
Pero no era un lobo verdadero.
Looked like a real strike, but it wasn't.
Creía que era una huelga, pero no lo era.
- It wasn't real?
- ¿ No era real?
She kept improving every day, and it wasn't long before Jake figured she was ready to step out and show some real speed.
Mejoraba cada día, y pronto Jake la creyó lista para salir a correr de verdad.
It was like a real kid's party, wasn't it?
- Era como la fiesta de un niño, ¿ no?
- It wasn't real.
Pero no era auténtico.
The rest of the banking house wasn't real, it was fictitious to fund the steel factories in the north.
Además el Instituto Bancario era solo una actividad ficticia de las Acerías del Norte.
Well, I did, only... Well, it wasn't a real job.
Bueno, lo tenía, sólo que.... bien, no era un trabajo de verdad.
He explained to me that it wasn't a true story.
Mira, él me explicó que aquella historia no es la historia real.
Your terror was real. but it wasn't the terror of something you couldn't remember.
Tu terror era real, pero no era el terror de algo que no pudieras recordar.
I say it was like a dream, but it wasn't, it was real.
He dicho que fue como un sueño, pero fue real.
Heh. We had this set of Royal Norwegian that wasn't in use so I thought I'd bring it up for you.
Nadie usaba esta vajilla de Noruega Real por eso se la he traído.
We always quarrelled, but it wasn't for real.
Discutíamos siempre pero no era en serio.
Wasn't it, everyone? Oh, that was real good. That was real good.
No les parece que la televisión fue fabulosa esta noche?
And then we sang and shouted like it wasn't real.
Parecíamos locos bailando. Cantando, gritando... Como si estuviéramos en otro mundo.
- All that was real, wasn't it?
¿ Todo fue real o no?
I didn't tell you before because i wasn't sure whether it was real or not, but i am sure now.
no estaba seguro de que fuera real, pero estoy seguro ahora.
Well, that was areal town, wasn't it, hecate? A real place.
Hmm... no no como ahora en absoluto.
Yes, darling, but it wasn't real magic.
Sí, querida, pero no es magia de verdad.
Where you about to say, Doctor, that it wasn't a real kidnapping?
¿ Qué iba a decir, Doctor? ¿ Que Vincenti no ha sido raptado?
I wouldn't ask if it wasn't a real emergency.
No te lo pediría si no estuviera en un apuro.
I was, yes. I wasn't sure whether it was you or the real monk.
Si, no estaba segura si eras tu o el verdadero monje.
I didn't know that it wasn't real.
No me di cuenta de que no era de verdad.
We won't forget the firemen and the director who said, "It is just a fake!" It wasn't fake, but a real fire.
No olvidaremos a aquellos que apagaron el fuego, ni al director, que dijo : "Es un simulacro". No era simulacro, era fuego real.
No, it wasn't the real jail...
No, no era una verdadera prisión...
The unicorn appeared to be real until you said it wasn't.
El unicornio parecía real hasta que dijisteis que no lo era.
Well, now, that was real smart of him, wasn't it?
Muy inteligente de su parte.
That was real good, wasn't it?
Eso estuvo muy bien, ¿ verdad?
- So it wasn't real? - Of course not.
- ¿ Entonces no era verdad de verdad?
But this fire you saw it wasn't real.
Pero el fuego que viste no era real.
Man, it wasn't like this before, When we were little, all you used to talk about, after our old man died, was how you were gonna get Mom a decent place to live in, How you were gonna work real hard... to get her a new pad,
Tío, esto no es como antes, cuando eramos niños, todo lo que deciamos después de morir el viejo, de como ibamos a conseguirle a Mama un lugar decente para vivir, como ibamos a trabajar duro para comprarla una casa nueva.
It wasn't a real one, I did it with my mouth!
No fue de verdad. ¡ Lo hice con la boca!
It wasn't the real outside, was it?
No es realmente lo de fuera, ¿ verdad?
It wasn't until later... that the idea of using real flesh occurred to him.
No fue hasta más tarde... que la idea de usar verdadera carne humana se le ocurrió.
You get there, have a real good mission, hit your target, find out later your target was totally destroyed, that it wasn't one of these misses or almost, you got it.
Llegas allí, tienes una misión realmente buena, le das a tu blanco,... después te enteras de que tu objetivo fue totalmente destruido,... Que no fue uno de esos tiros errados o casis, lo conseguiste.
As a young girl growing up in that strange place it's hard to recall what was real and what wasn't.
Como niña que se desarrollaba en tan extraño lugar... es difícil recordar lo que era real y lo que no lo era.
It wasn't a real mutiny, but a simulated one.
No era un motín real, sino una simulación.
It wasn't a real surprise.
No fue una verdadera sorpresa.
God, when he first spoke to me, he said it wasn't his real voice I heard.
Cuando me habló al principio dijo que no era Su voz.
Romana, it wasn't our idea to use the royal house of Atrios as carriers, was it?
Romana, no fue idea nuestra usar la casa real de Atrios como portadores, ¿ verdad?
The sun wasn't setting, it's here.
Es una pseudo puesta de sol, ya que la puesta de sol no es real.
Doesn't mean it wasn't real.
¡ Eso no significa que no fuese real!
It wasn't even for real.
Pero no es verdad.
OK. So in other words, it wasn't a real man that raped you?
Es decir, que no la violó un hombre real.
It was real, wasn't it?
Fue real, ¿ verdad?
Oh, it wasn't a real tuna, it was made of chrysanthemums.
No era un atún de verdad, estaba hecho de crisantemos.
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't hard 37
it wasn't a big deal 50
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't hard 37
it wasn't a big deal 50
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37