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Just don't worry about it перевод на испанский

304 параллельный перевод
I do hope you won't say anything about it to my wife, not that I have anything to conceal, but I just don't want to have her worry about my hair.
No es que tenga nada que ocultar pero no quiero preocuparme por mi pelo.
Now, don't worry about it. You just stay right here.
No pensad en eso, quedaos aquí.
Just don't worry about it, you'll find out later.
No te preocupes, lo descubrirás más adelante.
- Just don't worry about it, will you?
- No te preocupes, ¿ vale?
It's just one of those days and don't worry about it
Es solo un mal día. No te preocupes.
Well, don't worry about it As far as he knows, you're just another patient on my list
No te preocupes. Hasta donde él sabe, eres otra paciente en mi lista.
And he just, he didn ´ t say anything, he said, ´ well don ´ t worry about it ´.
No dijo nada, sólo ´ bien, no te preocupes ´.
It's a lot ofwork, you know, just staying alive. Don't worry about it.
Es un trabajo duro eso de mantenerse vivo.
Don't worry about it,... just stay here.
No te preocupes por eso quédate aquí.
You do whatever you have to do and I'll just tag along and don't you worry about it.
Haga lo que deba hacer que yo la seguiré, no se preocupe.
Everything was done strictly by the book, so just don't worry about it, huh?
Todo se hizo conforme con las leyes, así que no se preocupe.
She was just making a joke, but don't worry about it, David.
No, estaba bromeando. No te preocupes, David.
And then I say, "No, don't worry about it... " we know'P'is Porter. " I just bury it.
Luego yo digo : "No, no se moleste... sabemos que'P'es Porter".
Don't worry about it, really. Just take care of yourself.
No te preocupes por eso, solo tienes que preocuparte por tu salud.
- Just keep your eyes on the road. - Yeah, don't worry about it.
- Sólo mantén los ojos en la carretera.
Don't worry about it, just relax, okay?
Solo relájese, esta bien?
Just close your eyes and don't worry about it.
Sólo cierra los ojos y no te preocupes.
Don't worry about it. Just follow me, come on!
No te preocupes. ¡ Vamos, sígueme!
Just don't worry about it. Throw it away.
No te preocupes, tírala.
I just don't think you should worry about it.
Eso no te debe preocupar.
Don't worry about it Just stay
Quedese aqui.
And your brain start going, " Don't worry about it.Just be cool.
Empiezas a pensar : " No te preocupes, tranquilo.
Just don't worry about it. I'll call you up some time, ok?
No te preocupes por eso, te llamaré cuando pueda
Don't worry about your one, two, three, four.Just put it into third.
No te preocupes por uno, dos, tres, cuatro. Ponlo en tercera.
It's probably just the weather. Don't worry about it.
Si claro, ha de ser un pequeño dolor no te preocupes.
Don't worry about it, you look just like your pictures.
No te preocupes, te ves como en tus fotos.
I just hate cheap guys. Don't worry about it.
- Es que detesto a los tacaños.
They're just customers like you. Don't worry about it.
Son clientes como ustedes, no se preocupen.
Don't worry about it, It was just a bad dream.
No te preocupes. Fué una pesadilla.
Look, just don't worry about it.
No te preocupes.
I just wanted to get it off my chest that I'm very sorry. Don't worry about it.
Queria sacarmelo de dentro, siento mucho todo lo ocurrido.
Idiot, I just had some bad luck, don't worry about it.
Idiota, sólo tuve mala suerte, que eso no te preocupe.
If he seems a little disoriented, don't worry about it. It's just the drugs.
Si lo ve aturdido, no se preocupe, es por los calmantes.
Don't worry about it. They're just Jews.
No te preocupes, no son más que judíos.
Well why don't you take a lesson from them and just don't worry about it.
¿ Ah, sí? ¿ Por qué no aprendes de ella y no te preocupas tanto?
Just put it aside, don't worry about it.
Déjenlo por ahí.
Louiee, just don't you worry about it. You hear?
Louiee, no te preocupes por nada. ¿ Me oyee?
Don't worry, Valerie, just burn it and forget about it.
No te preocupes, Valerie, quémalo y olvídalo.
No se preocupe, cójalo.
Don't worry about it. It's just as tough on them as it is on us.
Es tan duro para ellos como para nosotros.
Don't worry about it. I'll just take it out of your salary for the next couple of years.
No te preocupes, Alfred... te lo descontaré de tu sueldo en los proximos años.
- Just don't worry about it, ok?
- ¿ Estas bien?
It'll just take a second. Don't worry about it.
Sólo será un momento.
Why don't you just pay me now, so we don't have to worry about it later?
Por que no me pagas ahora.
Don't worry about it. - I'm really sorry. I just came out and bonk!
Perdón, nada mas salí y pum!
For you people that are really agonizing... and just hate all this stuff and all the hollering... if you don't make a turn, it'll be over next week... so you won't have to worry about it.
Para todos ustedes que están angustiosos... y odian todo esto y todos los gritos... si no hacen un cambio, todo va a terminar la semana próxima... por lo que no tendrán que preocuparse por esto.
Don't worry about me! Just do it!
¡ No se preocupe por mí, sólo hágalo!
Now, you just don't worry about it none.
No tienes por qué procuparte.
Just don't worry about it. Well, that's easy for you to say, Dad.
Es fácil para tí decirlo, papá.
Don't worry about it. It's just an old war wound acting up.
No te preocupes, es solo una vieja herida de guerra la que actúa.
And if we just remember the one rule is don't talk to anybody, then we won't have to worry about it.
Si recordamos la regla básica de no hablar con nadie, no habrá que preocuparse.

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