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1,005 параллельный перевод
- lei camino de quién? - El nuestro.
" Earl Williams captured by the Morning Post.
" lei Post captura a Williams!
- Hi, babe.
- lei nene!
- That's the worst jam.
- lei peor de los líos!
Bet you a lei of beads. No gottum lei.
- Te apuesto un collar de cuentas.
It had real thought. I read snatches of it on the plane coming from Moscow.
Lei fragmentos en el avión al regresar de Moscú.
As far as my part of your future is concerned I read a poem somewhere once that said :
En lo que a mi concierne sobre tu futuro... una vez lei un poema que decia :
I know, I learned that at school.
Si, hijo, si,.. ya se. Ya lei todo eso.
Is Mariele's father a soldier too?
lei papá de Maliele también es soldado?
A conflagration of the wildest passion... Please!
lei corazón de la Archiduquesa!
You hero.
lei héroe!
The Count de Wardes.
- lei conde de Wardes!
- Harrison's dummy!
- lei muñeco de Harrison!
Paper, mister?
- lei diario de la mañana!
Morning paper.
lei diario de la mañana!
The kid was right, Lieutenant, here's Stroud!
lei chaval tenia razon, Teniente, aqui esta Stroud!
- He thinks I'm a very poor liar.
- lei solo opina que soy un mal embustero!
The Pope?
lei Papa?
I read that you might seek a divorce... In order to marry a Russian Grand Duchess.
Lei que tu podrias buscar un divorcio... para poder casarte con una Gran Duquesa Rusa.
If you'd seen him with that letter, you'd know it wouldn't.
Si le hubieses visto la cara cuando le lei la carta, sabrias que si.
I read all the Horatio Alger stories when I was a child.
Lei todas las historias de Horatio Alger cuando era niño.
I read that you were away at Sands Point doing the Whitney house.
Lei que fue a Sands Point a trabajar a la casa Whitney.
That Grandpa got enough of you and ran away!
lei anciano se marchó porque se hastió de vosotros!
Hey, everybody!
iEscuchad! lei actor!
The actor hung himself out back by the cliff.
lei actor se ha suicidado! iSe ha colgado!
I've been readin about it, and I feel proud of you.
Lo lei y estoy orgulloso de ti.
I've read in the phone book he's an agent for a engine factory.
Lei en la guía telefónica que es agente de una fábrica de motores.
Oh, my suit!
lei traje!
No patient was ever seen in his house, as the doctor was rather solitary and focused on his research.
'lei doctor no recibía a pacientes en su casa. 'lRaras veces tenía invitados, sus investigaciones... 'locupaban todo su tiempo.
Dr. Cordelier declined to make any comments. "
'lei Sr. Cordelier se ha negado a hacer declaraciones. "
Evil spirits were constantly after me.
'lei espíritu del mal me acosaba incesantemente.
I had started my research with a thorough study of all narcotics known and unknown, since I discovered a few.
'lei punto de partida de mi método'lfue el estudio de todos los estupefacientes conocidos,'lincluso los desconocidos,'lya que descubrí nuevas sustancias.
The telephone!
lei teléfono!
The coal is burning!
lei carbón se quema!
- You were saying,... - The flying boat spotted Bismarck at 1030 and has been shadowing ever since using cloud cover.
Estaba diciendo... lei avión avistó al Bismarck a las 1030 lo está siguiendo desde entónces... con la protección de la nubes.
Lei un poema que yo misma escribi. Después que termine, mamá dijo que teniamos que irnos...
I know that your perfume is named "Per lei" I know what you read,
Sé que tu perfume se llama "Per lei", sé qué lees,
When i saw the name "treasures unlimited,"
Cuando lei ahi el nombre de "tesoros ilimitados",
Mei-Lei, I would like to arrive more appropriately dressed.
Mei-Lei, me gustaría llegar vestido más apropiadamente.
Sydney, tell Mei-Lei to keep an eye on him.
Sydney, dile a Mei-Lei que lo vigile.
Mei-Lei, will you see everything's all right with Mr. Goldfinger?
¿ Te fijas que todo esté arreglado con el Sr. Goldfinger?
I read in the paper you're 72 years old, right?
Lei en el periódico que usted tiene 72 años, ¿ no es así?
Sì. Per lei.
Sí, sí, per lei.
Si, di Napoli. Lei?
Sí, de Nápoles, ¿ y usted?
"Lei Ling's Cut Black Comfort Tea. Forsythe, R.I."
"Té especial para toda clase de dolencias."
"... to make a column for her lovely side... "
"... a lei di fare, al bel flanco, colonna... "
Look at this! The Injun's been trading beets for the white man.
lei indio esconde la carne del hombre blanco.
I read about that break.
Lei lo de tu fuga.
Morning paper. Read all about the big robbery.
DOS MUERTOS EN TIROTEO lei diario de la mañana!
The whole town!
lei pueblo entero!