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Loved перевод на испанский

47,684 параллельный перевод
" Abraham was just 13 years old, but he already loved to read and learn.
" Abraham sólo tenía 13 años, pero amaba leer y aprender.
Because you loved him.
Porque lo amabas.
Anna loved you.
Anna os amaba.
Your parents loved you and kept you safe till the day they died.
Tus padres te querían y te mantuvieron a salvo hasta el día que murieron.
The man I loved would have gutted her.
El hombre que yo amaba la hubiera destripado.
I loved it.
Me encantó.
I loved that part when you were like, uh, "I don't mind doing paperwork."
Me encantó cuando dijiste : "No me molesta el papeleo".
Frank would have loved this.
Frank habría amado esto.
You know he would've loved you, but...
Sabes que te hubiera querido, pero...
- You knew I loved her.
- Sabías que la amaba.
Evette just loved those old porcelain antique dolls.
Evette solo amaba a esas antiguas muñecas de porcelana.
The first reference I could find was the Boston molasses flood in 1919, gateways was there helping people who had lost their homes and loved ones get back on their feet, and, boy, did they do a good job,
La primera referencia que pude hallar fue la inundación de melaza en Boston, en 1919. Gateways estaba ahí ayudando a gente que perdió sus hogares, y a sus seres queridos a levantarse.
I loved you before I knew you.
Te amé apenas te vi.
My mother loved my father.
Mi madre amaba a mi padre.
And she loved my brother.
Y amaba a mi hermano.
He was a really good friend, and I know he loved you like crazy.
Era un muy buen amigo y sé que te quería un montón.
Do you know why Lois Schenken loved animals so much?
¿ Sabe por qué Lois Schenken amaba tanto a los animales?
If you were willing to go toe-to-toe with Harriet, prove that you were right and she was wrong, she loved that.
Si usted tuviera que enfrentarse a Harriet demuéstrele que tiene razón y ella no. Eso le encantará.
One, the deceased should be loved by their families.
Uno : El fallecido debe ser querido por su familia.
When I was a kid, I loved to listen to the radio.
Cuando era niña, me encantaba escuchar la radio.
I loved the disc jockeys. I loved what they chose to play.
Escuchar a los locutores y sus selecciones musicales.
The truth is, I didn't think that in the matter of a couple weeks, a month, that I would be standing here talking about a woman that I truly loved.
Lo cierto es que no esperaba que, en cuestión de un par de semanas un mes, estaría aquí hablando sobre una mujer a la que yo quería de verdad.
Pop McLaren obviously wanted Bruce to follow in his footsteps, and Bruce absolutely loved it.
Obviamente, Les McLaren quería que Bruce siguiera sus pasos, y a Bruce le fascinaba la idea.
I loved the way he would rotate the car, and there was a finesse to that. To be able to extract every ounce of what this machine is capable of, a machine that... can hurt you.
Me fascinaba la elegancia con la que rotaba el auto y era capaz de aprovechar cada onza de lo que esa máquina podía hacer, una máquina que... podía lastimarte.
I loved the way he always said, "She'll be right, mate."
Amaba la forma como decía : "Ella estará bien, amigo".
Even though Bruce was really wanting to try and wind down, he loved racing, he loved driving. And he was still good at it.
A pesar de que Bruce quería intentar desconectarse, amaba las carreras, amaba correr, y seguía siendo bueno.
It was a car accident. And I loved my wife.
Fue un accidente de coche, y amé a mi esposa.
I loved you.
Te amé.
My mother loved her kitchen, so we keep a piece of her in here.
Mi madre amaba su cocina, así que, mantenemos un pedazo de ella aquí.
I smoked cigarettes for 15 years. I loved every goddamn puff I took.
Fumé durante quince años y disfruté cada uno de ellos.
Minnesota, Wisconsin... Is that they have the kind of women that I loved when I was younger.
Minnesota, Wisconsin... es que tienen el tipo de mujer que me gustaba cuando era joven.
Dude, we hooked up alright, you loved it and you know it.
Amigo, nos enganchamos bien. Te encanto y lo sabes.
She loved you.
Te amaba.
That's why you never told me that you loved me.
- Es por eso que nunca me dijiste que me amas
Ben, I never told you that I loved you because
- Ben, nunca te dije que te amo porque
Ben, I've always loved you.
- Ben, siempre te amaré
You're the Employer Of the Year, loved by her community.
Es la empleada del año, amada por su comunidad.
I was loved.
Era amada.
I thought you loved Jessica.
Pensé que amabas a Jessica.
I-I loved her.
Yo la amaba.
- I loved her!
- ¡ La amaba!
You loved her, too.
También la amabas.
- What stomach things? He loved her, and she died.
Él la amaba, y ella murió.
For anyone out there who loved the obese bastard as much as I did, I just want to say a few words.
Para cualquiera allá afuera que amaba al obeso bastardo tanto como yo, solo quiero decir unas palabras.
My sister loved that dress.
Mi hermana amaba ese vestido.
I loved who you were.
Me encantaba quién eras.
Don't worry, he died doing what he loved, being a dumb fucking rat.
No te preocupes, murió haciendo lo que amaba, siendo una maldita y estúpida rata.
We loved each other!
¡ Él y yo nos amábamos!
You and your brother loved each other very much, didn't you?
Tu hermano y tú se querían mucho, ¿ no?
She told me to tell you she loved it.
Me ha dicho que te diga que le ha encantado.
- Loved her.
- La amabas.

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