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Lund перевод на испанский

499 параллельный перевод
May I present Miss Ilsa Lund.
La señorita lisa Lund.
Mademoiselle Lund and Monsieur Laszlo, may I present Major Strasser.
Permítanme presentarles al comandante Strasser.
I want you to take Miss Lund home.
Lleva a la Srta. Lund a su casa.
- lisa Lund.
- llsa Lund.
Miss Lund is beautiful, yes but you were never interested in any woman.
Lund es bella pero no te interesaban las mujeres.
You mean Pete Lund?
¿ Se refiere a Pete Lund?
- Lund won't be in tonight.
- Lund no vendrá esta noche.
They were going to kill Pete Lunn.
Iban a matar a Pete Lund.
This man Lunn lived here, that's all.
Ese hombre, Lund, sólo vivía aquí.
The killers came from out of town, and they were here looking for Lunn.
Los asesinos vinieron de fuera a por Lund. Sólo le dispararon a él.
- What do you know about Lunn?
- ¿ Qué saben sobre Lund?
They came into Henry's Diner looking for Lunn.
Buscaban a Lund en el restaurante.
He and Lunn worked together at the filling station.
Trabajaba con Lund en la gasolinera.
I'd like a copy of the report on Lunn's fingerprints soon as you get it from Washington.
Quisiera una copia del informe de Whasington de las huellas de Lund.
- Lunn worked for them.
Lund era uno de sus empleados.
I've had some postmortem photographs made of this fellow Lunn.
Sí. Te mando varias fotos postmorten de Lund reveladas.
I want to interview Lunn's beneficiary.
Quiero ver al beneficiario de Lund.
Pete Lund.
Pete Lund.
- Pete Lund.
- Pete Lund.
Oh, the man in 1212. But - But his name was never Lunn.
El hombre de la 1212, pero su nombre no era Lund.
- Pete Lund!
- ¡ Pete Lund!
- The Lunn case.
- En el caso Lund.
I'm investigating the death of a man named Ole Andreson. Alias Pete Lunn, but best known as the Swede.
Investigo la muerte de Ole Andresen, alias Pete Lund, y más conocido como el sueco.
What do you mean, disappearing like that?
- ¿ Qué significa esto, Lund?
For you, Luna'.
Lund speaking.
Sí, soy yo.
The kid should have a permanent position.
Lund debería tener un puesto fijo.
Wasn't Paul Lund working with you, Prof. Deemer?
¿ No estaba Paul Lund trabajando para usted, profesor Deemer?
Paul Lund.
Paul Lund...
I have a son, also a doctor, who lives in Lund.
Tengo un hijo, también médico, que vive en Lund.
Tomorrow I shall receive an honorary degree in Lund Cathedral.
Mañana recibiré un título académico honorario en la Catedral de Lund.
You're taking the car to Lund?
¿ Va a coger el coche para ir a Lund?
Well, I'm going to Lund.
Bien, voy a Lund.
We're going to have company as far as Lund.
Vamos a tener compañía hasta Lund.
Terri Lund!
Tery Lan
You must be Lund.
- Debes de ser Lund.
- Lund.
Lund. What's your first name?
- ¿ Y tu nombre de pila?
My assignment is Eric Lund, who is guilty of trying to buy an interest in this magazine.
Veamos, mi objetivo es Eric Lund culpable de querer comprar una parte de esta revista.
During this... transition period we're very fortunate to... to be able to turn to Mr. Lund whose syndicate is making a substantial investment in Mace Publications.
Durante este período de transición, tenemos la suerte de contar con el Sr. Lund cuyo sindicato ha invertido sustancialmente en nuestra editorial.
As their spokesman, Mr. Lund will actively participate in the management of the company, and he will function as my executive assistant.
En calidad de portavoz el Sr. Lund participará activamente en la gestión de la compañía y se convertirá en mi asistente ejecutivo...
June, they say he's gone to Eric Lund's camp at Lake Sherwood.
June, dijo que había ido al lago Sherwood.
We'll use their helicopter and take Lund with us. All right, I'll try.
Tomará a Lund como rehén, y nos iremos en su helicóptero.
They could have spotted us from that helicopter when we came down here- - in case they did tell Lund we're in here, and act as though you're double-crossing us.
Lo intentaré. Puede que nos vieran desde el helicóptero. En ese caso actúe como si nos traicionara.
And say to Lund, that Brodersen have got the drug-history from Rødovre.
Y dile a Lund que Brodersen tiene el historial de drogas de Rødovre.
I was with Lt. Lund.
Estaba con el Teniente Lund.
... and the youngest, Sir Archie... Richard Lund
... y el más joven,
Mr. Lund?
- Sr. Lund.
It's possible, just barely possible. All right. Then, you can take Lund hostage.
Es posible, muy posible.
- Shouldn't you be in Lund?
- Esto tiene una pinta muy misteriosa.
- That's right.
- ¿ No deberías estar en Lund?

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