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Maybe we should go back перевод на испанский

163 параллельный перевод
Stella, I don't know, maybe we should go back.
Stella, no sé, quizá debamos volver.
Maybe we should go back.
A lo mejor debemos regresar.
Maybe we should go back to the van and try to get back into town.
Deberíamos regresar a la ciudad.
Maybe we should go back.
Tal vez debamos regresar.
Maybe we should go back?
¿ No será mejor que regresemos?
Maybe we should go back. Do you want to go back?
- Quizás deberíamos regresar.
Maybe we should go back to the hotel.
Podemos volver al hotel.
I think that maybe we should go back to your place tonight.
Y pienso que quizá deberíamos ir a tu casa esta noche. ¿ Qué piensas?
Maybe we should go back.
¡ Steele, quizá deberíamos regresar!
Guys, maybe we should go back up to the road.
Chicos, tal vez deberíamos volver a la carretera.
Maybe we should go back to the plane.
Quizás deberíamos regresar al avión.
Maybe we should go back to the hospital. Oh, come on.
Volvamos al hospital.
Maybe we should go back.
Deberíamos volver.
Cory, maybe we should go back to our...
Cory, tal vez deberíamos volver a nuestro...
Maybe we should go back to the city Before it's too late.
Deberíamos volver a la ciudad antes de que sea muy tarde.
Maybe we should go back to Sick Bay.
Tal vez deberíamos volver a la Enfermería
Maybe we should go back to taking shifts.
Quizá deberíamos volver a hacer turnos.
Maybe we should go back in the mating season.
Quizás deberíamos venir otra vez durante el periodo de celo.
Quizá debemos regresar al parque
Maybe we should go back and help.
- Tal vez deberíamos volver a ayudar.
Eh, quizá deberíamos volver a tu casa.
Maybe we should go back to the apartment.
Tal vez deberíamos regresar al departamento.
Maybe we should go back to our original list of probables see what they've been up to this past month
Deberíamos volver a la lista original de sospechosos... y ver qué hicieron durante el último mes.
Maybe we should go back.
Quizá deberíamos regresar.
Maybe we should go back to the blood thinners.
Quizá deberíamos volver a los anticoagulantes.
Maybe we should go back.
Quizá deberíamos de volver.
Hey... maybe we should go back to my cabin.
Oye, ¿ quizás deberíamos ir a mi cabina?
Maybe we should go back and get some help.
Deberíamos ir a pedir ayuda.
Maybe we should go back.
Quizá deberíamos volver a casa.
Maybe we should go back to the clarinet.
- Tal vez deberíamos volver al clarinete.
Now, I think maybe we should go back to the three days a week for just a little while.
Ahora, Ahora, creo quizá deberíamos volver a los tres días por semana sólo por un corto tiempo.
Maybe we should go back out and look some more.
Quizás deberíamos volver y mirar algo más.
Peter, maybe we should, maybe we should both go back to New York.
Peter, quizá deberíamos, quizá deberíamos volver... a Nueva York por un tiempo.
Boss, maybe we should go out and come back in again.
Oiga, jefe. Será mejor que salgamos y entremos otra vez.
Maybe we should just go on back to the pageant.
Quizá tendríamos que volver a la obra.
Maybe we should just go back.
- No se siente bien.
- Maybe we should go further back.
- Quizá debemos remontarnos a antes.
Look, Dave, if you want to go back to the first district... maybe we should think about it.
Escucha, Dave, si quieres volver a la comisaria Quiza deberias pensarlo.
Maybe we should go through it and figure out what we should bring back to Quinn, huh?
Quizá debamos seguir adelante... y pensar qué deberíamos llevarle a Quinn.
Maybe we should just go back to work.
Tal vez sea mejor volver al trabajo.
I think maybe we should just go back to the way things used to be.
Seria mejor regresar a lo que eramos antes.
Maybe we should turn around and go back to the interstate.
A lo mejor deberiamos dar la vuelta y volver a la interestatal.
If it does go that way, maybe we should put our clothes back on.
Si vas para ese lado, sería mejor que nos vistiéramos otra vez.
Maybe when we're done here, we should go back to Fiji.
Podríamos volver a Fidji cuando esto termine.
- Maybe we should go back to the lab.
Que lo comprueben de nuevo.
Maybe we should just go back inside.
Quizá solo debamos regresar dentro.
Maybe you ´ ve learned what you need to and we should go back.
Tal vez ya aprendiste lo necesario y debemos volver.
Maybe we should go out the back door and spend the rest of the day at the library.
Mejor salgamos por la puerta de atras y pasemos el día en la bibleoteca.
Maybe we should go and come back another time?
¿ A lo mejor deberíamos irnos y volver en otra ocasión?
Yeah, but still, if that assistant calls me back, maybe we should go with'em.
Sí, pero si la asistente me llama tal vez deberíamos firmar con ellos.
maybe we should just go back to being neighbors.
Quizás deberíamos volver a ser sólo vecinos.

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