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Mediocre перевод на испанский

1,404 параллельный перевод
"lt's a poor pupil who doesn't overtake his master"
"Es un alumno mediocre que no supera a su maestro"
And you... you're gonna go choke on your average fucking mediocre life.
¡ Y tú tú te vas a asfixiar con tu vida mediocre!
I don't want to work for the Vatican like my dad and be mediocre.
No quiero trabajar para el Vaticano como mi papá y ser mediocre.
De ForcheviIIe was mediocre. I require intelligence.
Sólo puedo amar a la gente inteligente.
A mediocre journalist, a unsuccessful writer.
Un periodista mediocre, un escritor fracasado.
Our country may have degenerated to the point where people like Paris Hilton can make celebrities of themselves by having rather pedestrian, I must say, lackluster intercourse on the Internet or Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan may fuel their fame with finely waxed crotch shots and random behavior that's worthy of drug addicts.
Nuestro país quizá haya degenerado al grado en el que Paris Hilton se vuelva famosa al tener sexo pedestre y, francamente, mediocre, por Internet. O que Britney Spears y Lindsay Lohan muestren sus entrepiernas depiladas y tengan comportamiento caprichoso digno de drogadictos.
This guy has been bounced around from one mediocre assignment to the next,
Lo han pasado de una tarea mediocre a otra.
You are forgetting what the Olympics are all about - giving out medals of beautiful gold.... so-so silver and shameful bronze.
... dar medallas de precioso oro plata mediocre y vergonzoso bronce.
Dating is a poor means of interaction.
Las citas son un medio mediocre de interacción.
... but whoever removed their implants was a poor surgeon.
Quien haya quitado sus implantes, era un mediocre cirujano.
Dewey, you're not just here because of that second-rate K-Mart... straight-to-video version of me, are you?
Dewey, tú no estás aquí sólo por esa mediocre imitadora mía... de películas que se venden en gasolineras, ¿ eh?
Such mediocrity.
Qué mediocre.
I'm a very weak lawyer... and the government is gonna come at you with everything they've got.
Un abogado mediocre y débil Y el gobierno te va a atacar con cualquier gilipollez que encuentre.
Mediocre people tolerate success... when it comes to someone exceptional like a movie star or an athlete... but when it comes to one oftheir own... then it strikes them as being an injustice.
La gente mediocre tolera el éxito... cuando se trata de alguien excepcional como una estrella de cine o un atleta... pero cuando se trata de uno de los suyos... entonces les parece una injusticia.
Stop distribution in all directions of mediocre films.
¡ Parad la distribución de películas mediocres!
... about a mid-level band struggling with their own limitations in the, you know harsh face of stardom.
... sobre una banda mediocre incapaz de asumir el éxito.
It's a think-piece about a mid-level band struggling with their limitations in the harsh face of stardom.
Trata de una banda mediocre incapaz de asumir el éxito.
Some average band trying to come to grips with success.
Como una banda mediocre incapaz de asumir el éxito.
Bit of a hack, she was, you know.
Un poco mediocre, sabes.
Everybody thought that she was a hack director, but she wasn't, Mr. Lossman.
Todos creían que era una directora mediocre, pero no lo era, Sr. Lossman.
She was not a hack, believe me.
No era mediocre, créeme.
I'm afraid I do think they overpaid for the Picasso. For me it was unusually mediocre, don't you think?
Para mí, era inusualmente mediocre, ¿ no lo cree?
What's life if it's not great?
¿ De qué sirve una vida mediocre?
These are mediocre times, Mrs Dunn.
Éstas son épocas mediocres, Sra. Dunn.
Without a stammer. - So literature should be read aloud?
El poeta es mediocre. "Sí, ¡ pero cómo recita su verso!"
It was the story of an idealistic jazz musician... who falls in love with a mediocre vocalist-an easy girl.
Es la historia de un músico de jazz idealista que se enamora de una vocalista, una chica fácil.
Okay, well, I mean, the prose in this is mediocre at best.
Lo que dice este libro es muy mediocre.
I was a mediocre soccer player back in junior high.
Yo era un jugador mediocre de fútbol en primaria.
As a photographer, you're a mediocre house painter, Mr. Leery.
Como fotógrafo es un mediocre pintor de casas, Sr. Leery.
"One of the most aggressively mediocre students ever to galumph his way through the halls at Capeside High."
"El estudiante más agresivamente mediocre que se abrió paso a golpes hacia Capeside"?
- What do you- -? - Cheap paint applied by cheap labour wouldn't even come close to repairing what you and your friends did to my boat.
Una pintura barata da un resultado mediocre lo cual no me repone los daños que usted y sus amigos le causaron a mi bote.
He's an ex-con with a loser job who likes young girls.
Un ex convicto con empleo mediocre que busca jovencitas.
I gave you a glittering Vegas and you turned it into a scanty Atlantic City.
Les di un fastuoso Las Vegas y ustedes lo convirtieron en un mediocre Atlantic City.
You're a crappy politician.
Porque usted es un político mediocre.
-... mediocre.
-... mediocres.
A king who founds a dynasty is a hero... but his son is a mediocrity, and his grand son a half-wit or a monster... and his great grand son probably both. No!
Un rey que funda una dinastía es un héroe... pero su hijo es mediocre, y su nieto, un imbécil o un monstruo... y su bisnieto, posiblemente las dos cosas.
You keep this up and I can see a partnership. I guess we have the same vision. Excuse me.
Mientras usted dormitó en su cama pequeña, en su mediocre las casas del suburbio encantadoras con su mediocre de mujer del suburbio bonita, si yo estaba aquí y me involucré, que mis miradas futuras diferente como su.
Remember when I said your wife was moderately attractive?
Yo he dicho una vez, sin embargo, su esposa sería mediocre bonito.
First, I want you to promise that no matter what you do in life, you will never ever settle for average.
Primero, quiero que me prometas que hagas lo que hagas en tu vida no te conformarás nunca con algo mediocre.
I'm as mediocre as at school.
Soy mediocre. Como en el colegio.
Your grades were marginal and now you're pulling straight as. What happened?
Eras un estudiante mediocre y ahora eres bueno, ¿ qué pasó?
He's a lousy archer, and a poor horseman.
Era un arquero malísimo, y un jinete mediocre.
I think that if the reigning powers had any respect for good pictures or the people who could make them that this respect was probably very well tempered by the somewhat cynical observation that poor and mediocre pictures might just as well prove successful as their pictures of higher value.
Creo que si el poder imperante respetara los buenos filmes o a quienes los hacen si este respeto fuera templado por una observación algo cínica los filmes mediocres podría ser tan exitosos...
But you just couldn't "vanilla down" the writing, could you?
Pero no pudo hacer mediocre su estilo, ¿ verdad?
You're just a tiny, mediocre man in a really big suit!
¡ Solo eres un hombre miserable en un traje que le viene grande!
You know what your mediocre husband did?
¿ Sabes qué ha hecho el idiota de tu marido?
Nick has come over all poorly... so I had to bring on a substitute.
Nick se volvió mediocre así que tuve que traer a un substituto.
He's dumb and has no future.
Es mediocre, y no tiene futuro.
Why is he stupid?
¿ Por qué dices que es mediocre?
I don't know.
Supongo que meterlo al banco de inmediato antes de que se den cuenta el empleado mediocre que soy. No lo se.
The poet is mediocre. "Yes, but how he recites his verse!"
- Y tenemos ese refrán : " No importa si es ilegible.

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