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N1 перевод на испанский

48 параллельный перевод
Yet where the tiger and the man are one, there is no fear, there is no danger.
Pero cuando el t1gre y el hombre son uno, no hay temor, n1 pel1gro.
The passengers of the extra train from Sedan Troyes, Aubchères... need to visit the reception area at track 20
Los viajeros del tren suplementario procedente de Sedan Troyes, Aubchères... Pueden dirigirse a la junta de recepcion del anden n1
"3 Almeida Street, Islington, London N1."
Calle Almeida no 3, Islington, London N1
- Roger, N1-14.
- Roger, N1-14.
Spacing Guild shuttle N-117 arriving central transportpart.
Nave del Gremio Espacial N1 17 llegando a cápsula de transporte central.
"l cannot return your dog personally, but the lab site ls located 1 1 - 1 3 Kettle Road, N1."
"No les puedo devolver a su perro, pero el laboratorio está en el 11-13 de Kettle Road, N1."
Spacing Guildshuttle N1 17 arrivingcentraltransportpods.
Nave del Gremio Espacial N 117 llegando a cápsula de transporte central.
Sentinel N1, negative.
Sentinel Nº 1, negativo.
E-Per is good, N1 is good, N2 is okay.
E-Per está bien. N1 y N2 están bien.
Mrs. Drake, I'm arresting you for carrying out an illegal operation on Pamela Mary Barnes, of 37 Flixton Street, London, N1... on the 17th of November, 1950.
Sra. Drake, queda Ud. Bajo arresto por operar ilegalmente a Pamela Mary Barnes, de la calle Flixton, número 37, Londres, Norte 1... el 17 de noviembre de 1950.
Our N1 is unlikely to even lift off the design board.
Nuestro "N1" ni siquiera va a salir de la mesa de diseño.
They know we must have a powerful booster like the N1 or the Saturn if we are to do it.
Ellos saben que debemos tener un poderoso impulsor... como el "N1" o el "Saturno" si lo vamos a hacer.
He knows launching the N1 will be noted.
El sabe que lanzar el "N1" será notable.
The Politburo will still not fund Korolev's lunar rocket, the N1.
El Politburo aún no accede a financiar el cohete lunar de Korolev, el "N1".
Anyway, to abandon liquid oxygen now would kill the N1.
De todos modos, abandonar el oxígeno líquido ahora mataría al "N1".
Now, we can move the N1 into full production, although...
Ahora, podemos iniciar la producción completa del "N1", pero...
At this stage, uh, I wish to propose redesigning the N1.
En esta etapa, eh, yo desearía proponer rediseñar el "N1".
Korolev's dream rocket, the N1, makes a fleeting appearance on the pad.
El cohete de ensueño de Korolev, el "N1", hace una aparición magistral en la rampa.
So, I say to him, "Sir, " if you use an I-37 form instead of an N-1, " you can save yourself from using, like...
Así que le digo " Señor, si usa un formulario I37 en vez de un N1 se evitará usar como...
¡ N1!
Kings Cross, St Pancras Station, N1.
Kings Cross, Estación St. Pancras, N1.
N1 9KM.
N1 9 km.
N1 is falling.
N1 está cayendo.
We checked the latest bulletins. The only things there were measles and H1N1 and this was not that.
Los boletines más recientes solo mencionan sarampión y H1 N1 y no fue eso.
Uh, Dr. Cheever, are you concerned..... that the CDC faces a credibility issue here after the perceived overreaction to H1 N1?
¿ Le preocupa que los Centros de Control tengan un problema de credibilidad después de la reacción excesiva al H1 N1?
"I cannot return your dog personally, but the lab site is located 11-13 Kettle Road, N1."
"No puedo devolverle el perro personalmente pero el laboratorio está ubicado en Kettle Road 1113, N1."
All right, man, I think this dude is the perfect guy to N1 with us, fool.
Vale, tío, creo que este colega es el hombre perfecto al N1 con nosotros, tonto.
Do you even know what N1 is?
Sabes si quiera lo que es N1?
N1 is a dead project, but you know, my friend, everything is politics, hum?
El N1 es un proyecto muerto, pero ya sabes, amigo mío, que todo es cuestión de política.
I know, the N1 is a big fat iron bird that's never gonna fly.
Lo sé, el N1 es un gordo pájaro de hierro que jamás volará.
- N1-N2-H2...
" N1-N2-H2...
Oil pressure 10 % n1, I should go help him.
Presión de aceite 10 % n1, debo ir a ayudarlo.
Typhus, I-II N1, SARS.
Tifus, H1N1, SARS.
Come back to N1 once it's clear.
Regresa a N1 cuando esté despejado.
- Torrente. Remember, I'm the best at doing my thing.
Torrente, acuérdese que yo soy el n1 en lo mío.
Heading south on the N1, 7 a.m.
Rumbo al sur en la N1, 7 : 00 a.m.
Okay, south, N1, 7 a.m.
Sur, N1, 7 : 00 a.m.
It's not the A1 and it's not the M1, it's tracks.
No es la A1 ni siquiera la N1, son caminos.
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man We now return to yet another Indiana Jones movie.
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = translated by N1 _ 1N regresamos a otra pelicula de indiana Johns
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man And now I'm gonna go upstairs and pee in Meg's bed.
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = translated by N1 _ 1N y ahora voy a subir las escaleras y orinar en cama de Meg.
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man We now return to Deejay Butcher.
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = translated by N1 _ 1N regresamos al carnicero DJ.
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = translated by N1 _ 1N... good day bro!
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man And that is why chest hair is on its way... back.
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = translated by N1 _ 1N y es asi como el pelo en mi pecho esta en camino... a la espalda.
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = translated by N1 _ 1N
♪ ♪ [bright acoustic guitar music]
{ \ N1 } CAZA EN EL chingon secuestros.

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