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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ N ] / Now give it to me

Now give it to me перевод на испанский

620 параллельный перевод
Now give it to me again.
Dímelo otra vez.
Now give it to me.
Now give it to me.
Ahora, dámelo.
Good! Now give it to me for a moment.
Bien, ahora préstamelo un momento.
Now, you give it to me, now. You bully.
Dame eso ya mismo, alborotador.
And now, give me a bawling-out and beat it likel can tell you're going to.
Y ahora, dame una reprimenda y lárgate...
Here, give it to me now!
- Dámela, te lo ordeno.
And now, when I dont need it and don ´ tt deserve it, you give it to me.
Y ahora que no la necesito, y que no la merezco, es cuando me la das.
Give it to me now.
Venga. Vamos.
I'm a kibbutzer in this, now you want to give it me?
Yo sólo soy una invitada y ahora me endosas el mochuelo a mí.
Now I'm going to make you hear it and give me an answer for l just can't go on so any longer.
Y ahora vas a oírlo y me darás una respuesta porque así no puedo continuar.
Now I'm lonely, down the slope, lonely and beaten. So I want to confess, if that mouth was lying, about the love it offered if those sorcerer's eyes asked for more I would give.
Ahora solo en la pendiente solitario y ya vencido yo me quiero confesar, si aquella boca mentía el amor que me ofrecía por aquellos ojos brujos yo habría dado siempre más.
Well, will you give it to me now?
¿ Me la darías ahora?
You'll be in a position to give it to me now.
Ahora podrás dármelo.
Perhaps if you ask her now, she'll let you give it to me.
Quizás, si se lo pides ahora, te dejará que me la des.
Now, you listen to me, my microscopic friend, you might be able to give orders to that barnacle you're engaged to, but the last time a man tried it on me, I was six and he was seven, and for one solid hour I beat him over the head with my all-day sucker.
Ahora escúchame, mi microscópico amigo, puede que le des órdenes a ese percebe con el que estás comprometido, pero la última vez que un hombre lo intento conmigo, yo tenía 6 y él 7, y durante toda una hora, le di en la cabeza con un pirulí.
Now, give it to me, before I take it from you.
Dámelo, antes de que te lo quite.
It just doesn't seem reasonable that we should have to give her back now to strangers.
No me parece razonable que tengamos que entregarla a unos extraños.
Why give it to me now?
¿ Por qué me la da ahora?
You want to give me the rest of it now?
¿ Quiere contarme el resto ahora?
But I'm happy to be able to give it to you now.
Pero me alegro de poder dártela ahora.
Sure, Anita... once it has to be again... now don't cry my girl, come... come, give me a kiss... you were... sure enough not too bad...
Seguro, Anita... algún día... tenía que pasar, ¿ no? ... pero no llores, hija mía, ven aquí... Venga, dame un beso... seguro... seguro que no has sido la peor...
If you give it to me now, I can go right with Joe.
Si me la das ahora, puedo irme con Joe.
If you allow me to give you a piece of friendly advice, do it now privately.
Si acepta un consejo amigable, hágalo en privado.
Make her give it to me now! Or it will be too late!
Dígale que me lo dé ahora,... o será demasiado tarde.
- Come on, give it to me now.
- Vamos, dímelo ya
I will give it to you now, if you promise to marry me.
Se la daré ahora si me Io promete. - ¿ Ahora?
Now, give it back to me.
- Now she won't give it to me.
Ahora no me lo quiere dar.
Perhaps I may be allowed to give it to you now.
Quizás se me permita entregárselo ahora.
Now, I always give a man the air before he gives it to me.
Yo siempre largo a un hombre antes de que él me largue a mí.
Will you give it to me now?
¿ Me la das ahora?
Now you give it to me.
I can't give you your money now! The house needs every cent. You owe it to me!
No puedo, necesitamos hasta el último centavo.
Well you can give it to me now, because in half an hour...
Pues ya puedes dármelo, porque dentro de media hora...
Give it to me now!
¡ Ahora mismo me lo das!
Now, let me give it to you fast and plain.
Ahora, iré al grano.
I would say they're a little more complex than you yourself realize, If it is your intention to give me brainwashing, I am silent from now on,
Si tiene la intención de lavarme el cerebro, no diré una palabra.
Now, don`t tell me. I know you`ve got to slosh this around a little... and get the dribble off, and give it right back to you.
No me diga ya sé que tengo que enjuagarla aquí sacarle la saliva y dársela a usted.
Make me a promise right now, that the moment you use it, if you ever have to, that you'll get another one made and you'll give it to someone.
Prométeme que en el momento que la uses, si la usas, harás otra copia y se la darás a alguien.
Now it is necessary to give them a punishment that will seem unfair because it has been provoked from your bad mood and from your incapability.
Y ahora me obliga a castigar a esos hombres con un castigo que me parece injusto, provocado únicamente por su mal humor y su incapacidad.
And now the Sunday Gazette, which proudly claims the readership of... of... Give it to me!
Y ahora el Sunday Gazette, que orgullosamente proclama un número de lectores... de... ¡ Dámelo!
Now if you want it you'll have to give me 30 marks.
¿ Has visto qué buena es esta tela? Si la quieres, págame 30 marcos.
I don't know, Sabra, you went to the bank and they wouldn't give you the money so now you come to me for it.
No sé, Sabra, fuiste al banco y no te dieron el dinero así que vienes a mí por él.
Just as I do now, I'd have to cut, carry and sell the wood. Besides, you cannot give me this forest, because it's not yours.
Igualmente tendría que cortar Ia leña y cargarla y venderla, y además tu no puedes darme este bosque porque no es tuyo.
I, too, as it happens, since you're so admirably qualified to give me... what up to now I've not been able to obtain :
Y por ello estás admirablemente cualificado para darme... lo que hasta la fecha no he podido conseguir :
Think it would be better if you were to give me the five now and then leave...?
Sería mejor que me dieras ahora los cinco mil y así...
She should see where it's driven me to now. It might give her... rather a shock, mightn't it?
Ella debería ver en dónde estoy ahora Le daría un infarto, ¿ entiendes?
I'm always telling myself that I ought to give it up, but now I suppose I never shall.
Siempre me digo que tengo que dejarlo, pero parece que no hay manera.
It seemed churlish not to give him a lift now and again, so... I did.
Me pareció justo llevarle de vez en cuando, y eso es lo que hice.
Now give it to me.
¡ Ahora, dámela!

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