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Now it's up to you перевод на испанский

702 параллельный перевод
Do you think it's still okay to be hanging that up now that the wedding is off?
¿ Deberíamos usarlo aunque no haya habido boda?
And now it's up to you to get him out of it.
Y tú tienes que sacarlo de ahí.
From now on it's up to you.
De ahora en adelante es cosa tuya.
I've worked 25 years to build it up and now you ask me to dump it into somebody's lap.
He trabajado 25 años para levantarlo, y ahora me piden que se lo regale a cualquiera.
Let me tell you something. If you let us go now, I'll try and get you off with a light sentence, but if you lock us up, that's legal assault, and I'll see to it that you get the limit.
Permítame decirle algo... si nos deja salir ahora trataré de sacarlo con una sentencia ligera... pero si nos encierra, es asalto, y veré que le den el máximo.
Listen, kid, now it's up to you.
Oye, muchacho, todo depende de ti.
Now it's up to you.
Ahora depende de ti.
Well, Bill, it's up to you now.
Depende de ti, Bill.
It's up to you now.
Ahora depende de ti.
- It's up to you now, Cook.
- Ahora depende de usted, Cook.
- Now. It's up to you. Swan.
- Es tu decisión, Swan.
Well, that's what you been up to now, ain't it?
Eso habéis sido hasta ahora, ¿ no?
Now, it's up to you.
Tú decides.
- That's the idea. Now all you have to do is build it up a little bit, and you've got something.
Ahora sólo falta que lo pulan un poco más.
From now on, it's up to you.
A partir de ahora, depende de ti.
- Now it's up to me to see that you get there safely.
Depende de mí que llegue a salvo.
Now, in peacetime, as you know, there's a lot of leg-pulling between the services. But the soldiers are our brothers in arms and it's up to us to get'em off so they can live to fight again.
En tiempos de paz, como Uds. saben... hay muchos chistes entre las armas... pero los soldados son nuestros hermanos... y depende de nosotros rescatarlos... para que puedan vivir y continuar luchando.
Now, you get yourself all prettied up,'cause it's gonna be our night to howl.
Ponte guapa, porque nos vamos a divertir.
You're choosing between'em now. It's up to you, Pete. If you please, sir, I'd like to go back.
Es ahora cuando le toca elegir entre la vida y la muerte.
- She's preparing it now. If you took it up and waited to bring the glass down...
¿ Podrías llevársela y esperar para bajar el vaso?
You haven't asked my advice, Norval, and it certainly isn't up to me... to advise you to evade the law, but since you were dragged into this situation... and it's practically forgotten now anyway, and the Kockenlockers have gone... probably taken root someplace else.
No me has pedido consejo, Norval, y ciertamente no es apropiado... que te aconseje burlar la ley, pero ya que te has visto arrastrado a esta situación... y ya está prácticamente olvidada, y los Kockenlockers se han ido... probablemente echando raíces en otro sitio.
Well, don't tell Aunt Susie I told you, now, because it's a secret and she said that you and Clarence fixed it up with a man for her to get a new job and make lots of money.
No le digas a tía Susie que te lo he dicho, porque es un secreto... dijo que tú y Clarence hablasteis con un hombre... para conseguirle otro trabajo mejor.
It's up to you now.
Ahora depende de usted.
Now it's up to you. You can have the apartment, Ethel.
Y si realmente quiere cambiarla puede comenzar enseguida.
I let you loll in bed because it's the first day... but from now on you've got to be up every morning at 4 : 00 sharp.
Te dejo holgazanear porque es el primer día... pero a partir de ahora te tendrás que levantar cada día a las 4 : 00.
Now, Phil, I'm not asking you to make loopholes where it counts, at the office, meeting people, like at Anne's tonight, but to go up to Connecticut to a party...
No te pedí que hicieras excepciones... en la oficina o en reuniones como la de hoy. sólo es una fiesta en Connecticut.
It's up to you psychiatrists now.
Ahora depende de ustedes, los psiquiatras. Gracias, Dr.
Keep him or send him away it's up to you I took him for one night now it's your turn
Le he alojado una noche, ahora es tu turno.
It's up to you now. You'll have to brake your backs and work twice as hard.
Ahora depende de Uds. Rómpanse la espalda si es necesario, pero trabajen el doble que las demás.
Everything's ready, it's up to you now.
Ya preparamos todo. Todo. Ahora te toca a tí.
Now that it's finished, you'll have to dream up another excuse for breaking dates.
Ahora necesitarás otra excusa para anular citas.
Quiero que Ud., su instructor y su jurado me dejen en paz.
Well, sheriff, Now it's up to you
Bueno, sheriff, ahora le toca a Vd.
But now, it's up to you guys to see that he doesn't get to the party to see Corinne.
Pero ahora, es a ustedes a ver que no llegar a la fiesta para ver Corinne.
It's all up to you now, don't forget.
Todo depende de ti, no lo olvides.
Well, it's your life... and now more than ever you've got every right to mess it up.
Es tu vida y tienes todo el derecho a arruinarla.
Now, when pat gets back home, it's up to you to keep him outside here.
Cuando Pat regrese, tú debes mantenerlo aquí afuera.
I've reported it, now it's up to you.
Yo ya he puesto la denuncia, ahora es cosa suya.
I'm sure of it, and I thank you for this but now it's up to Denise
Y comeríais de maravilla. De eso estoy seguro. Yo se lo agradezco, pero tiene que decidirlo Dénise.
Now, you meet a girl, you like her, everything's fine. And when you get serious, this thing comes to live and breaks it up.
Conoces a una chica que te gusta y todo está bien, y cuando las relaciones son serias, esa cosa cobra vida y lo echas todo a perder.
Taza, it's up to you now. Good luck.
Bien, Taza, ahora es cosa tuya.
And honey, now it's up to you
Y cariño, ahora depende de ti.
Cos honey, now it's up to you
Porque cariño, ahora depende de ti.
Honey, now it's up to you
Cariño, ahora depende de ti.
Now it's up to you to reciprocate my sympathy!
Ahora, a ver si usted me cambia a mí, la simpatía.
I guess it's up to you now, Admiral.
Ahora depende de Ud., almirante.
Now, senorita, it's up to you.
Ahora, señorita, depende de usted.
Well, now it's up to you.
Ahora depende de ustedes.
It's all up to you now.
Ahora todo depende de usted.
You figure there's a McDade up there now, waiting to hear it ring?
¿ Usted piensa que ahora mismo puede haber un McDade ahí fuera, esperando la señal?
Jost, it's not up to you now.
Pero Jost... No puedes escoger.

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