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Overheated перевод на испанский

250 параллельный перевод
Squire, you get so confoundedly overheated.
Squire, se acalora demasiado.
Get him overheated.
Mantenle acalorado.
You just probably got yourself a little bit overheated.
Probablemente te has sobrecalentado.
The axle box is overheated.
La caja de ejes se calienta
He was slightly overheated and went out to get some air.
Tenía dolor de cabeza y salió a que le diera el aire.
That telephone gets overheated with "ha-ha" s.
En el teléfono sólo se escuchan risas.
Loursat has retired to his overheated den.
Loursat ha venido a encerrarse en su guarida sobrecalentada.
Looks as though this car has been overheated.
El coche se ha calentado.
Of course it is. You overheated it.
La has calentado demasiado y has quemado la resistencia.
That emotions will grow overheated until they explode.
Que los ánimos se van a caldear hasta estallar.
- It's warm but not overheated.
- El agua no hierve.
Twenty-four hours in port on an overheated ship... eight hours trying to convince an idiotic witch doctor... that I've never been exposed to the bubonic plague. And when I finally come ashore... I'm greeted by a reception committee from the penitentiary.
24 horas en el puerto, en un barco con un calor sofocante, ocho horas intentando convencer a un brujo idiota... de que nunca me he expuesto a la peste bubónica... y cuando llego a tierra, me recibe el comité de recepción de una penitenciaría.
No, in general, the building too must be overheated.
No, en general, también el edificio debe estar demasiado caldeado.
You're getting overheated. Future undecided?
Muy cerca de despedirlo, señor Wiley, usted es el sobrecalentamiento.
Don't get overheated, Red. Good morning, Mr. Wiley.
No tenga pregreješ, de Auburn.
It's overheated. I can't get it started.
Se ha calentado y no arranca.
We hardly want overheated champagne.
No queremos champán caliente.
You'll be getting overheated.
Sentirá mucho calor.
The Sun has overheated the starboard.
El Sol ha sobrecalentado el estribor.
Maybe it's overheated.
Quizás esté sobrecalentado.
Don't get overheated remember, be sure and wear a hat.
Pero no pases demasiado calor. Sé prudente y ponte un sombrero.
No. Too many clothes, you get overheated.
Demasiada ropa sube la temperatura.
Nothing to get overheated about.
No es nada para enojarse.
Should you run out like that when you're so overheated?
¿ Conviene que salga corriendo así cuando está tan acalorado?
Está recalentado.
The head... it gets overheated, see.
En la cabeza. Se recalientan los sesos.
I smell like an overheated horse.
Huelo como un caballo sobreexcitado.
She's tired and overheated and has a headache, but apart from that she's fine, thank you.
Tiene calor, está cansada y le duele la cabeza, pero, a parte de eso, está muy bien, gracias.
The shaving cream could've been overheated and you just could've squeezed the toothpaste too hard.
La crema de afeitar puede haberse sobrecalentado y cuando la apretaste fuerte...
The engine's overheated.
El motor se recalentó.
Don't get overheated, son.
No te agites demasiado, hijo.
Damn thing overheated. Now I can't get her started again.
Se recalentó, me detuve para enfriarlo, pero ahora no quiere arrancar.
You'll get all overheated in here with that coat on.
Usted recibirá todos recalienta en el aquí con el abrigo puesto.
Wine overheated.
El vino se sobrecalentó.
Well, I-I'm probably one of the few men in the world who could've told you that wine was spoiled and told you it was because it was overheated.
Yo soy quizás uno de los pocos hombres en el mundo que podría haberle dicho que ese vino estaba malogrado y por causa del sobrecalentamiento.
Brain getting a little overheated is it?
El cerebro se te está sobrecalentando, ¿ no es así?
But if you looked at the gauge, It wouldn't have overheated.
Si lo hubieras mirado, no se habría recalentado.
Motor's overheated.
El motor se sobrecalentó.
Every now and again, this woman fails to remember that she benefits from the mercy of a man who has the power to turn her over to 5,000 overheated animals whose attentions she surely would not outlive!
Esta mujer parece no recordar que se beneficia de la piedad de un hombre que tiene el poder de entregarla a 5.000 animales sobreexcitados a cuyas atenciones no sobreviviría!
He said we must've overheated them.
Dice que nos abriguemos.
Michael, the pulley is overheated.
Michael, la polea se recalentó.
You know, I'm so overheated.
¡ Tengo tanto calor!
I think your brain has been overheated, sir. And your body overindulged in sexual excess.
Tiene el cerebro recalentado de tanto sol y sexo.
You left me sitting in Chicago with an overheated bio-feedback machine.
Me dejaste sentado en Chicago en una maquina Bioalimentadora sobrecalentada.
If you get overheated and catch pneumonia, blame Matthew.
Si te emocionas demasiado y coges pulmonía. Culpa a Matthew.
I'm a little overheated myself.
Yo misma estoy un poco sobrecalentada.
[Shudders] Bumper to bumper traffic, and Edwin's car overheated. Mm-hmm.
Los autos iban pegados unos a otros y el auto de Edwin se recalentó.
It's overheated.
Está recalentado.
An overheated room.
La calefacción está alta...
Termites don't like the cold and are easily overheated.
A las termitas no les gusta el frío y fácilmente se sobre calientan.
Gomez, that overheated moron?
Homero, ¿ ese tonto sobre calentado?

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