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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ O ] / Ozzie

Ozzie перевод на испанский

398 параллельный перевод
- Whoever has the tickets. We don't care. Oh, Ozzie!
- El que tenga los pasajes, nos da igual.
Front and center!
- ¡ Ozzie! ¡ Justo de frente!
There's, uh – There's Ozzie and Hitchie and him and him.
Están Ozzie y Hitchie y él y él.
Ozzie, I got the whole day figured out.
Ozzie, tengo todo el día organizado.
- Ozzie.
... Ozzie, what a remarkable specimen he is.
- Ozzie, qué espécimen tan... sorprendente es.
Ozzie and I, we could look Miss Smith up in the social register.
Ozzie y yo podríamos buscarla en el registro social.
Ivy, this is Hildy, Claire, Ozzie, Chip.
- Ivy, ésta es Hildy. Claire. Ozzie.
Just a minute, Ozzie.
Espera un momento, Ozzie.
Ozzie, if you say the bubbles tickle your nose, I'll drown you.
Ozzie, si dices que las burbujas te hacen cosquillas, te ahogo.
Get up there.
Ozzie, sube arriba.
And now a request from Mrs Connie Morris of Northwood, Middlesex, for her husband, Flight Sergeant Ozzie Morris, who is serving in the Middle East.
Ahora una dedicatoria de la Sra. Connie Morris de Northwood, Middlesex, para su marido, el sargento Ozzie Morris, destinado en Oriente Medio.
Hey, ozzie! Vayase a la casa.
Ama a los niños, como todos ustedes.
- Lord and Ozzie Nelson.
- Lord y Ozzie Nelson.
I got you in one ear sayin'one thing... and I got Ozzie Cleveland in the other saying'something else.
Por un lado, tú me dices una cosa... y por el otro, Ozzie Cleveland me dice otra.
Ozzie Cleveland.
Ozzie Cleveland.
I'm resigning as vice president of the Coalition, Ozzie.
Renuncio a la vicepresidencia de la coalición, Ozzie.
I support this organization, Ozzie.
Apoyo a la organización, Ozzie.
You can do it, Ozzie.
Tú puedes lograrlo, Ozzie.
With me, Ozzie, it's like pounding a round peg into a square hole.
En mi caso, es como querer meter un círculo en un cuadrado.
I can't do the job, Ozzie.
- No puedo con el trabajo, Ozzie.
Ozzie, Curt, get over here.
Ozzie, Curt, vengan.
Shut up, Ozzie.
Cállate, Ozzie.
Hey, we're not askin'you for your money, Ozzie.
Oye, no te estamos pidiendo tu dinero, viejo.
- Ozzie.
- Ozzie.
¿ Ozzie?
Ozzie, what the hell's going on out there?
Ozzie, ¿ qué demonios pasa ahi fuera?
Ozzie, am I being punished?
Ozzie, ¿ me estais castigando?
Ozzie, if you can hear me, I'll try to restore contact from your end by activating one of the electromagnetic booster cells.
Ozzie, si puedes oirme, voy a intentar restablecer contacto... activando una de las células amplificadoras electromagnéticas.
Ozzie, I can't hear you.
Ozzie, no te recibo.
Ozzie, what have you done?
Ozzie, ¿ qué has hecho?
We're gonna drink this one to Ozzie.
Nos la beberemos a la salud de Ozzie.
To Ozzie.
Por Ozzie.
A scientist named Ozzie Wexler was killed today in a shopping mall.
A un cientifico llamado Ozzie Wexler, en un centro comercial.
Well, it ain't Ozzie and Harriet.
Bueno, no somos una familia tradicional.
Look, Ozzie's dead.
Ozzie murió.
Why don't we replace you two with ozzie and harriet?
¿ Por qué no los reemplazamos por Ozzie y Harriet?
Welcome back, Ozzie and Harriet.
El regreso de la familia ideal.
Ozzie and Harriet.
Ozzie y Harriet.
Ozzie and Harriet?
¿ La pareja perfecta?
Unlike Ozzie Osborne, who was always accused of corruption of the young.
Al contrario de Ozzy Osbourne, que siempre es acusado de corrupción de menores.
Hello, Ozzie.
Hola, Ozzie.
How long till the bar, Ozzie?
¿ Cuánto tiempo seguirás en el mostrador, Ozzie?
Thank you, Ozzie.
Gracias, Ozzie.
Don't trust Ozzie.
No confíes en Ozzie.
- There's Ozzie.
- Ahí está Ozzie.
I don't think so, Ozzie.
Serâ mejor que no, Ozzie.
What's the commission on your favors these days, Ozzie?
¿ Cuânto sacas de comisión hoy en día, Ozzie?
I know, Ozzie.
Lo sé, Ozzie.
You did this for the 300 quid, Ozzie, so don't give me the Good Samaritan stuff.
Lo hiciste por las 300 libras, no te hagas el Buen Samaritano.

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