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Poppy перевод на испанский

1,681 параллельный перевод
You, too, Poppy.
- Igualmente, Poppy.
Hey, mom, Poppy told me that you called her assistant to make arrangements for the two of us to go to Eleanor's show together.
- Mamá, Poppy me dijo que llamaste a... su asistente para hacer arreglos para las dos... para ir juntas a la presentación de Eleanor.
And then Poppy won't go, and her friends won't go, and you can explain to your mother why she has an empty first row.
- ¡ Bien! - Entonces Poppy no irá, ni sus amigas... y después le podrás explicar a tu madre... porque está vacía la primera fila. ¿ Eso te hará feliz?
She's in the front row with Poppy Lifton.
- Está en primera fila con Poppy Lifton.
I do my best work off the radar. But while you're on Page Six with the Poppy Liftons you're the bigger threat to Bart's business.
Yo hago mi mejor esfuerzo para estar fuera del radar mientras que tú en "Page Six" con las Poppy Liftons del mundo eres la mayor amenaza para el negocio de Bart.
Poppy seed?
¿ Semillas de amapola?
Fire me and the poppy gets it.
Si me despides, le doy al cachorrito.
Hey, poppy, I need to borrow this.
Hey, papá, necesito tomar esto prestado.
And what paid for your Poppy Pocket duvet set, Simon?
¿ Y quien pagó por tu acolchado de Poppy Pocket, Simon?
No, Poppy.
- No, Poppy.
Indian and not yours, Poppy, but the great-great-great-grandfather, your right.
- No tu abuela, Poppy, no. Pero tu tatarabuela, si.
Where is alocaþia you, Poppy?
- ¿ Donde está tu mesada?
Maybe Poppy on one or the other girls.
- Quizá Poppy u otra chica.
Hi, Poppy!
- ¡ Oh! ¡ Hola, Poppy!
Good night, Poppy.
- Buenas noches, Poppy.
And you have earned the new poppy that is coming with us to the White House.
Y se han ganado el nuevo cachorro que vendrá con nosotros a la Casa Blanca.
You're gonna love this, poppy.
Te encantará, papá.
¡ Poppy!
Oh, poor, poor Poppy.
Pobre Poppy.
Poor Poppy.
Pobre Poppy.
Friends, we are gathered here today in remembrance of our missing friend, Poppy.
Amigos, estamos reunidos hoy para recordar a nuestra amiga desaparecida, Poppy.
Oh, Poppy.
No. No, I was the sole perpetrator of Poppy's demise, and ever since I have been wracked with guilt.
Yo fui la única culpable de la muerte de Poppy y desde entonces me carcome la culpa.
She sat on poor Poppy deliberately.
Se sentó sobre la pobre Poppy a propósito.
It's poppy.
Es como al estilo pop.
There goes the poppy seeds.
Aquí están las semillas de amapola.
the poppy, the smoke of the burning poppy.
La amapola. El humo de la amapola cuando se quema.
You are a trespasser in my poppy fields.
Entraste en mis campos de amapola.
- Poppy?
- ¿ Poppy?
- She was helping me look for something.
- ¿ Poppy? - Me ayudaba a buscar algo.
- Here's Poppy.
Aquí está Poppy.
Poppy, take that out of your mouth.
Poppy, sácate eso de la boca.
- Good night, Poppy.
- Buenas noches, Poppy.
- Poppy, no.
Poppy, no.
- Poppy, come on.
Poppy, ven.
Can you look at Poppy too?
¿ Puedes ver a Poppy también?
Poppy, stop.
Poppy, basta.
Poppy, stand still.
Poppy, quédate quieta. No te muevas.
You and Poppy have to share, but I think the bed's big enough.
Poppy y tú tienen que compartirlo, pero la cama es grande.
Poppy, let's make some dinner and let your sister get settled.
Poppy, vamos a hacer la cena para que tu hermana se instale.
Poppy, come on.
Poppy, ven.
Come on, Poppy.
Ven, Poppy.
Nice work, Poppy.
Bien hecho, Poppy.
Hold on, Poppy.
Sujétate, Poppy.
Poppy, we've got to cook one of these one night.
Poppy, necesitamos cocinar uno de estos una noche.
- ¡ Papi!
- Poppy's home! Poppy's home!
- ¡ Ya llegó papi!
- Poppy's here! Poppy's here!
- ¡ Ya llegó!
- Oh. - Where's Poppy?
- ¿ Dónde está Poppy?
Poppy. - Maybe he knows.
Quizá él lo sepa.

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