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Querns перевод на испанский

44 параллельный перевод
Mr. Querns, sometime after you send me back to Em City, a day, a week maybe, O'Reily will have found a way to kill me.
Sr. Querns, algún día luego de que me devuelva a Em City, un día, quizás una semana, O'Reily habrá hallado el modo de matarme.
- He asked Querns for a favour.
Le pidió un favor a Querns. - ¿ Qué?
Hey, Mr. Querns, I heard about Stanislofsky.
Oiga, Sr. Querns. Me enteré de Stanislofsky.
Mr. Querns, did the doctors figure out what's wrong with Rebadow?
Sr. Querns, ¿ los médicos descubrieron qué le pasa a Rebadow?
But you won't. Because Adebisi promised Querns no violence in Em City.
Pero no lo harás, porque Adebisi le prometió a Querns que no habría violencia en Em City.
- Talk to Querns.
- Habla con Querns.
Querns is willing to turn a blind eye to what Adebisi is doing as long as order is maintained.
Querns está dispuesto a hacer la vista gorda con lo que haga Adebisi en tanto se mantenga el orden.
If that means eliminating Querns, so be it.
Si eso significa eliminar a Querns, que así sea.
You wait, Querns.
Espere, Querns.
The new guy running Em City, Querns?
El nuevo tipo a cargo de Em City, Querns...
My pal Querns is replacing all the COs in Em City with people of his own choosing.
Mi amigo Querns ha reemplazado a todos los oficiales de Em City con gente elegida por él.
Doesn't it bother you that Querns is putting together an exclusively black staff?
¿ No te molesta que Querns esté reuniendo un personal exclusivamente negro?
Look, I told the man he could run his unit any way he wanted, as long as the violence was kept down. You know, since Querns took over, there's been no significant nonsense in Em City. Okay?
Le dije al hombre que podría dirigir su unidad como quisiera en tanto la violencia se mantuviera al mínimo.
Seems the warden was in a tizzy because Querns had all black cos in Em City.
Parece que el director se puso frenético porque Querns tenía todos oficiales negros en Em City.
Besides, as a newly-appointed trustee, I have promised Querns that there will be no violence in Emerald City.
Además que no habría violencia en Emerald City.
- What cell phone, Mr. Querns?
¿ Qué celular, Sr. Querns?
All right, Mr. Querns. I have two requests.
Muy bien, Sr. Querns tengo dos pedidos.
- Ask Querns.
- Pregúntale a Querns.
- We have to talk, Querns.
- Debemos hablar, Querns.
His name is Martin Querns.
Se llama Martin Querns.
I want to introduce you to Martin Querns, the new unit manager.
Quiero presentarles a Martin Querns. El nuevo administrador de la unidad.
don't fuck with Querns.
No jodan con Querns.
But we have to let Querns know.
Pero debemos avisarle a Querns.
- Since Querns took over?
- ¿ Desde que asumió Querns?
The behavior in there is illegal, immoral, and Querns turns a blind eye.
La conducta allí es ilegal, inmoral y Querns hace la vista gorda.
What are you gonna say, Querns?
¿ Qué vas a decir, Querns?
Officer, escort Mr. Querns off the property.
Oficial, saque al Sr. Querns de la propiedad.
Captain Hastings, move those querns if there's not enough room.
Capitán Hastings, quite esos "querns" si no hay bastante sitio.
But as deep background the guy you wanna go after is Martin Querns.
Pero como fondo... el tipo tras el que quieren ir es Martin Querns.
Like I said, go after Querns.
Como dije, vayan tras Querns.
I should've known you'd show up, Querns.
Debí saber que vendrías, Querns.
- Martin Querns.
Martin Querns.
So... remember... don't fuck with Querns.
Entonces recuerden : ... no jodan con Querns.
I asked Querns to transfer me back.
Le pedí a Querns que me devolviera aquí.
I wouldn't expect anything less, Mr. Querns.
No esperaría nada menos, señor Querns.
We also have evidence that Mr. Querns is part of the conspiracy.
También tenemos evidencia de que el señor Querns es parte de esta conspiración.
Mr. Querns, we have three years of you on wiretaps, helping Mr. Ganzel run his business, hide his cash, edit his ads to maintain the illusion he ran an escort service.
Señor Querns, tenemos 3 años de escuchas suyas, ayudando a Ganzel con su negocio, escondiendo su dinero, editando sus anuncios para mantener la ilusión de que él manejaba un servicio de citas.
Querns taped the whole thing on his cell phone.
Querns grabó todo en su celular.
Cross, Mr. Querns?
¿ Preguntas, Sr. Querns?
Mr. Querns, where are you going?
Sr. Querns, ¿ adónde quiere llegar?
Except for that Querns.
Excepto por ese Querns.
That was Querns.
Ese fue Querns.

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