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Redstone перевод на испанский

130 параллельный перевод
He headed for Redstone Pass to meet friends who'll help get rid of the lot of you.
Fue a recoger a unos amigos a Redstone para deshacerse de ustedes.
Redstone Pass is 20 miles from here.
Redstone está a unas 20 millas de aquí.
Where are you headed, sir?
- ¿ A dónde se dirige? - A Redstone. Bien.
Redstone. Fine.
RADIO ANNOUNCER : Although Vincent would not comment for the press, it was clear that he means to stay in Redstone until the manhunt is concluded.
Aunque Vincent no quiso hacer ningún comentario es evidente que permanecerá en Redstone hasta que termine la búsqueda.
I'll be in Redstone before midnight.
Estaré en Redstone a medianoche.
You've been chief of police in Redstone a long time, haven't you?
Ha sido jefe de policía en Redstone desde hace mucho, ¿ verdad?
Officer Joe Nash died suddenly tonight at Redstone General Hospital of wounds received in a gun battle some 30 hours ago. Details on our 11 : 00 newscast.
El agente Joe Nash murió esta noche en el hospital general a consecuencia de las heridas de bala que recibió hace 30 horas.
This is Captain Battersea- - the one they're looking for over in Redstone.
¡ Hola! Soy el capitán Battersby. Al que buscan en Redstone.
If you play with a magnet in your cigar case, there's a bigger gambling joint at Redstone.
Si juega con un imán en su cigarrera, hay un casino mejor en Redstone.
Over in Redstone, our sister's still waiting for you at the church.
En Redstone, nuestra hermana todavía te espera en la iglesia.
Redstone you're in the tournament
Redstone. Participarás en el torneo.
¿ Redstone?
When did you last see Redstone?
¿ Cuándo viste a Redstone por última vez?
- Redstone
- Redstone.
- Redstone? - Yes.
- ¿ Redstone?
" Redstone, Francha
" Redstone, Francha
Redstone You're lucky to have a warm room, Redstone
Redstone. Tienes suerte de tener una habitación tibia, Redstone.
I knew that you were in this room, Redstone
Sabía... que estabas en esta habitación, Redstone.
Forgive me, Redstone I was looking for company
Perdóname, Redstone. Buscaba compañía.
Yes, I know Redstone
Sí, lo sé. Redstone.
Ah He's my friend Redstone
Es mi amigo Redstone.
You can sit here, Redstone
Puedes sentarte aquí, Redstone.
Your own handiwork, Redstone?
¿ Obra tuya, Redstone?
Weak roll, Redstone You'll never make sixth man like that
Qué mal tiro, Redstone. Nunca serás el sexto hombre así.
You knew Redstone as well as I did
Conocías a Redstone tan bien como yo.
Redstone never should have been allowed in to start with
Para empezar, no debieron permitir que Redstone jugara.
Anyway, Redstone was a butcher!
Redstone era un asesino.
What about this new Redstone?
¿ Qué me dices de Redstone, el nuevo?
Run away from her, Redstone
Húyele, Redstone.
Good night, Redstone
Buenas noches, Redstone.
- It's Redstone
- Soy Redstone.
Oh, if it is talk you want, come with me, Redstone
Si lo que quieres es hablar, ven, Redstone.
Redstone didn't I was just in his room
Redstone no pagó. Acabo de ir a su habitación.
And Redstone will be back
Y Redstone regresará.
I'll get another bottle, Redstone
Iré por otra botella, Redstone.
With all due respect, Redstone, I don't understand what you're talking about
Con todo respeto, Redstone, no entiendo de qué hablas.
You're drunk, Redstone.
Estás ebrio, Redstone.
Redstone is drunk
Redstone está ebrio.
He certainly looks helpless, but he's not Redstone.
Sí que parece indefenso, pero no es Redstone.
But the front game is not played out yet Redstone is still alive
Pero el juego principal no ha acabado. Redstone sigue vivo.
Redstone is dead I killed him
Redstone está muerto. Yo lo maté.
The man who carries Redstone's markers is Redstone.
El hombre que trae las fichas de Redstone es Redstone.
Redstone! Wait!
Redstone, espera, espera.
¡ Redstone!
Today you are Redstone
Hoy eres Redstone.
Ironman One, Redstone, do you copy?
Ironman, aquí Resfond, respondan.
Redstone? What a surprise to see you here
Qué sorpresa verte aquí.

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