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Revolting перевод на испанский

729 параллельный перевод
"How revolting."
"¡ Qué asco!"
And now, friends, in view of the fact that Miss Potter's engagement... is being celebrated here tonight, so to speak, I think a few words from her mother would be revolting.
Y ahora, amigos, en vista del hecho del compromiso de Miss Potter... que está siendo aquí celebrado, por así decirlo, creo que unas pocas palabras de su madre serían repugnantes.
You're revolting!
Eres repugnante.
A revolting sight.
Sería aborrecible, Sr. Brown.
An empty sleeve is revolting to most people.
A mucha gente le da asco ver una manga vacía.
We were at Tony's, and the idea of food was revolting.
Fuimos a Tony, pero la comida era horrible.
- Ugh! Revolting.
- Es asqueroso.
I do believe you'd rather be at that revolting concert on that peculiarly hideous pier listening to Mendelssohn's Spring Song or a great beefy contralto singing Sweet And Low.
Creo que preferirías estar en ese asqueroso concierto... en ese espantoso muelle... escuchando la Canción de Primavera de Mendelssohn... o a un contralto fornido cantando "Sweet And Low".
Oh! How revolting.
¡ Qué asco!
He was an unpleasant brute, a revolting man who terrified me.
Era una especie de bruto antipático, abominable. Me aterrorizó.
At the present moment, I find it revolting.
En este momento lo encuentro horrible.
You're the most revolting, cheap, four-flushing... - Ah-ah-ah.
Es el más repugnante, asqueroso...
I didn't say a word. I know, but your expression, it's positively revolting.
Yo no he dicho nada.
Mr. President I accuse Colonel Dort of having been the diabolical agent of the affair and of continuing to defend his deadly work through three years of revolting machination.
Sr. Presidente acuso al Coronel Dort de haber sido el agente diabólico que creó el asunto y de seguir defendiendo su obra durante tres años con malévolas maquinaciones.
I think it's revolting.
Creo que es repugnante.
Homer Busby, you're revolting.
Homer Busby, eres repugnante.
It is positively the vilest, most revolting stuff I have ever tasted!
Es realmente lo más horroroso y repugnante que haya probado jamás.
The most revolting stuff he- -
Lo más repugnante que haya...
That will stand alone in my memory as something revolting.
Es una imagen repugnante que no podré olvidar.
That's silly! It was revolting.
- Fue asqueroso.
You're revolting!
¡ Eres repugnante!
Oh, those revolting clothes.
¡ Oh, estas ropas repugnantes!
Try it. It's very healthy. That's just what I'm doing and the effect is revolting.
- Pruébela, es muy saludable.
Nos das asco.
I have at last joined that revolting group of world travelers.
Me he unido a un asqueroso grupo de viajeros.
Me? On the windowsill you left four infinitesimal pieces of ash from a particularly revolting kind of tobacco which you were known to use.
Dejo en el alféizar de la ventana ceniza de un tabaco especialmente desagradable que fumaba usted.
It's revolting!
¡ Es repugnante!
He's becoming revolting. Great! Only how do you know that's the way he actually is?
Magnífico, pero no sabes cómo es en realidad.
This place only succeeds in revolting me.
Este lugar sólo consigue repugnarme.
... Lady Ingram is impoverished... whereas the revolting Mr. Rochester has an assured income of 8000 a year.
Lady Ingram está algo empobrecida, mientras que el asqueroso Sr. Rochester tiene una renta asegurada de 8.000 al año.
Es asqueroso.
What a revolting female she is, to be sure.
Es una mujer repugnante.
Dr. Byles, you're revolting.
Dr. Byles, es repugnante.
What a revolting idea for an unmarried girl of your age.
Qué idea repugnante para una jovencita que no está casada.
- How revolting.
- ¡ Es horroroso! - Además...
It's revolting!
Es... es... ¡ es repugnante!
Such bestiality is madness. It's stupid, revolting!
La crueldad es una bestia insensata.
I've tried it. lt's revolting.
La probé. Es repugnante.
We played truant one day to go and catch frogs or lizzards or something quite revolting and I fell in the water
Un día fuimos a cazar ranas y nos caímos al agua. Nos descubrieron.
I can't agree to this revolting scheme.
No puedo estar de acuerdo con esta farsa.
You know, on second thought, old man, I think I find you even more revolting as an Englishman than I do as an American. So, would you be good enough to revert to your more normal loathsomeness?
Pensándolo bien, creo que le encuentro... mas desagradable cuando me habla en serio... que cuando me habla en broma, Fitz. ¿ Es tan amable... de volver a hablar normal?
sit down... revolting thought, August.
Acabo de tener un pensamiento horroroso.
I'll explain that the idea is revolting.
Me encantará explicarles que... Buena idea.
I like men who are offensive and revolting.
Me gustan los hombres que se ofenden y se rebelan.
Oh, how revolting!
Por Dios, qué asco.
No wonder people are revolting!
¡ Es normal que se rebelen!
One of the most revolting sales talks I've ever heard.
Es uno de los argumentos más repugnantes que he oído.
- How revolting.
Qué asqueroso.
An absurd and revolting idea, given my great wealth
Una absurda y retorcida idea, dada mi gran fortuna.
You're revolting.
Me das asco.
I would have horsewhipped him then and there, the revolting little plebian.
Yo habría fustigado a ese plebeyo en ese momento.

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