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She's my favorite перевод на испанский

164 параллельный перевод
Maybe you didn't know she's my pappy's favorite child.
Tal vez no sabías que ella es la hija favorita de mi papá.
She's my favorite singing star, that Dinah Shore.
Esa Dinah Shore es mi cantante favorita.
Not her! She's my favorite daughter.
Esta no la daré, es mi hija predilecta.
When my Grandma came to Paris... she had to see the offices of her favorite magazine It's near here
Cuando mi abuela vino a París... se empeñó en ver las oficinas de su revista favorita de moda, que está cerca del parque.
She's my favorite picture star. May I?
Es mi actriz preferida. ¿ Me la deja?
She is my mother's sister-in-law and very elegant and a great favorite.
Ella es la cuñada de mi madre es muy elegante y la gran favorita.
She's my favorite writer.
Es mi escritora favorita.
Plus, she eventually became the star... of my aunt Ceil's favorite show.
Al final se convirtió en estrella... en el programa favorito de mi tía Ceil.
And my favorite part is when Dorothy, she clicks her heels together and she says, " There's no place like home.
Y mi parte favorita es cuando Dorothy, golpea los talones... y dice "No hay ningún lugar como el hogar".
She's my favorite.
Ella es mi favorita.
She was always my favorite when I was a kid and now I see she's the most beautiful thing I ever saw.
Fue mi especie favorita desde niño. ... y ahora veo que es la cosa más linda que he visto.
Virgilia, who's always been one of my favorite characters she was a fiery abolitionist.
Virgilia, uno de mis personajes preferidos era una feroz abolicionista.
She's not my favorite person but what you did today might be unforgivable.
En serio, pobre chica. No es mi persona favorita, pero lo que le hiciste es imperdonable.
She's my favorite starling.
Es mi estornino favorito.
She's my favorite.
Es mi favorita.
She's my favorite out of all of them. Jenny Jones, Marilyn Kagan, Maury Povich. ( SINGING CONTINUES )
De Jenny Jones Marilyn Kagan, Maury Povich Letterman, Leno Montel, Ricki Lake.
She's dressed as Groucho Marx from my favorite movie of 1939,
Se llama Julie. Está disfrazada como Groucho Marx en mi película favorita de 1939 :
Joseph's mother, she was quite my favorite wife
La madre de José era mi esposa favorita
You want me to tell you that that was her favorite room... and that's where she would read to me and tell me stories and braid my hair?
¿ Quieres que te diga que era su cuarto favorito... y que ahí me leía y me contaba cuentos, y me trenzaba el cabello?
- She's not really my favorite.
- Realmente no es mi favorita.
She's my favorite writer. Didn't you love the part when Leo proposes to Joop?
No te encanta la parte cuando Leo se le propone a Joop?
My father's sister, my aunt, she was my favorite aunt, she was blind.
La hermana de mi padre... mi tía favorita, era ciega.
She's my favorite poet!
¡ Es mi poetisa favorita!
She was my mom's favorite.
Esta era la favorita de mi madre.
The only thing she can't do is fly, but that's okay she's still my favorite hero.
Lo único que no puede hacer es volar, pero está bien ella sigue siendo mi héroe favorito.
- You are my new favorite bartender. Sweetie, she's not gonna be here much longer.
Encanto, no seguirá aquí mucho tiempo.
And, uh, she's my favorite person in the whole world.
Y es mi persona favorita en todo el mundo.
She's my favorite.
Es mi preferida.
She's dressed as Groucho Marx from my favorite movie of 1939, "At the circus."
Esta vestida de Groucho Marx de mi película preferida de 1939 "En el circo".
Gina, she's not my favorite sister.
Gina, ella no es mi hermana favorita.
She's your favorite. - Okay, she's my favorite.
Ok, es mi favorita
This woman, Karen Eiffel, she's one of my favorite authors.
Esta mujer, Karen Eiffel, es una de mis autoras favoritas.
She stole my youngest child's favorite toy, a computer game named Buddee.
Se robó el juguete favorito de mi hija menor. U n juego llamado Buddee.
I went and I rented Clash of the Titans, And she was all, "that's my favorite movie." And I was like, "sweet."
Fui a alquilar Furia de titanes y me dijo que era su película favorita y yo le dije : "Genial", y me dijo : "Deberíamos verla juntos uno de estos días".
She's my favorite of them all.
- Ella es mi favorita.
She's my favorite hospice nurse in all of L.A.
Es mi enfermera geriátrica favorita de todo Los Ángeles.
I hated her mother. She was my husband's favorite sister.
Es un buen muchacho y me quiere pero no sé de dónde sacar el dinero.
- She's my favorite.
- Es mi preferida.
Wow, she's my favorite.
Es mi favorita.
She's in two of my favorite films.
Sale en dos de mis películas favoritas.
My question is, what's your mom's favorite dish that she taught you how to make or not?
Entonces ¿ saben qué hago?
My mom's favorite dish, that she would cook? Yeah. Uh, Jack I n the Box.
Me subo a la cama, y lentamente me deslizo sobre él, aplico todas mis fuerzas, lentamente, y ahí lo oyes.
She's my favorite Trumbo.
Ella es my favorita, Trumbo.
My favorite thing is to make her laugh... because she has a craxy honk of a laugh that's like Nelson from The Simpsons.
Porque tiene una carcajada y tan parecida a Nelson de los Simpsons.
Then one night on the radio comes "dancing on the ceiling," and she goes, " oh, that's my favorite song.
Entonces una noche sale en la radio "Dancing on the Ceiling" ( Bailando en el Techo ) y ella dice, "Oh, esta es mi canción favorita."
Charlie's not much of a cake person, so she just told me to pick my favorite.
Charlie no es mucho de pasteles, así que me dijo que eligiera mi favorito.
Um, okay. And now she's my favorite singer.
Y ahora es mi cantante favorita.
She's one of my favorite writers.
Ella es una de mis escritoras favoritas.
my lawyer says she's guilding evidence so we can kick him in the balls, which, unfortunately, is her favorite expression, and, I imagine, activity.
mi abogada dice que esta reuniendo evidencias y asi poderl patearle en las pelotas que es, desafortunadamente su expresión favorita, e imagino, actividad
Loretta Young. She's my dad's favorite.
Loretta Young es la favorita de mi papá.
So far, she's my favorite.
De muy lejos, ella es mi favorita.

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