She's not well перевод на испанский
2,212 параллельный перевод
Well, she's not OK and she's not going to be OK until she gets back to work.
Pues, no está bien y no va a estar bien hasta que vuelva al trabajo.
Well, I mean, she's not gonna show today.
Pues, hoy no va a aparecerse.
Yeah, well, that's not how she sees it.
Si, bueno, no es asi como lo ve ella.
Well, she's never not been pregnant.
Bueno, nunca deja de estar embarazada.
Well, she's probably not from here.
Bueno, probablemente no sea de aquí.
She's not well, has a migraine.
No está bien, tiene jaqueca.
Well, so she's not really coming.
Pero, ella realmente no vendrá...
She just lost her son eight months ago, and she's not feeling really very well.
Acaba de perder a su hijo hace unos meses y no se siente muy bien.
Yeah, well, don't betray her when she's not even here to defend herself.
Sí, pues no la traiciones cuando ni siquiera está aquí para defenderse.
Oh, well, that's too bad, because my friend Norah here has a very strict personal and professional policy where she does not date her students...
Pues qué pena, porque mi amiga Norah tiene una política personal y profesional muy estricta según la cual no sale con sus estudiantes...
Well, it's not here'cause I tore this place apart when she left, and I didn't find a diary.
No está aquí porque puse este lugar patas arriba cuando se fue y no hallé ningún diario.
Well, she's not upstairs.
Bueno, no está arriba.
Well, except for her, but she's not really a friend so I guess that doesn't count.
Bueno, a excepción de ella pero no es realmente mi amiga, así que supongo que no cuenta.
She's not like a well-digger's daughter.
Ella no parece ser la hija de un pocero.
She's the... well you may not know. She's the young...
Usted sabe, tal vez no.
Well, it doesn't work for us if she's not involved.
No nos interesa si ella no participa.
Well, you did not make. She's her mother's side.
No me lo hiciste fácil te pusiste del lado de tu madre
- Well, she's not here just yet.
Todavía no está aquí.
She's not doing too well today.
Hoy no está nada bien.
Well, my mother's not well, so as long as she needs me.
Bueno, mi madre no está bien, así que todo lo que me necesite.
She's not feeling very well.
Ella no estaba muy bien.
Well, the good news is, she's not doing drugs.
Bueno, la buena noticias es, no está metida en drogas.
Well, if you do bring it up, just go easy on Bones because she's not like everyone else.
Bueno, si lo sacas a colación, solo ve tranquilo con Bones porque ella no es como todo el mundo.
Well, I'm standing, and-and she'd understand how awful I feel even if it's not broken.
Bueno, estoy de pie, y ella entendería lo mal que me siento hija de puta aun cuando no esté rota.
Well, in that case, she's not lost. She's hiding.
En ese caso, no esta perdida.
Well, she's not here to see you.
Bueno, ella no está aquí para verte.
Well, it's not like any of them come across worse than you do, and there's a certain someone that might actually like the way she's painted.
Bueno, no es que ellos salgan peor parados de lo que lo haces tú, y hay una persona que le gusta la manera en que es descrita.
Well, if she's not too pissed.
Bueno... si no está demasiado enojada.
Well, let's hope she's at school or at her friend's house, and not in some box like her old man.
Bueno, esperemos que esté en la escuela o en la casa de su amiga, y no en una caja como su viejo.
Well, she's not talking, so please, just go.
Bueno, no habla, así que, por favor váyase.
Well, she's certainly not gonna say anything in front of us.
Bueno, ella es sin duda No voy a decir nada delante de nosotros.
She's not very well, she is at the sanitorium.
No está muy bien, esta en el sanatorio.
Well, go and find out why she's not standing here right now in front of that.
Pues, ve a averiguar por qué no está aquí frente a eso en este momento.
I mean, it's only been a few weeks and she's well on her way to taking down Volkoff and freeing my mom, so... what's not to be happy about?
Quiero decir, sólo han sido unas semanas y ya está en buen camino de acabar con Volkoff y liberando a mi mamá, entonces... ¿ Por qué no estar feliz?
Well, she's not entirely kidding.
Bueno, no está bromeando del todo.
Well, yeah, she knows it's not my scene.
Bueno, claro, sabe que no es mi escena.
Well, she's not immune to that kind of charm.
Bueno, ella no es inmune a ese tipo de encanto.
Right, well, it's too bad she's not here to defend herself.
Si, bueno, es una pena que ella no pudiera defenderse.
She's, uh, not feeling well.
No se encuentra bien.
Yeah, well, she's wearing a coat ; I'm not.
Sí, bueno, ella lleva abrigo, pero yo no.
Well, she's the one that's crossing against the lights who your driver, he barely grazes, so she's not hurt a bit. But when she hears you got three restaurants... we're in the soup, big time.
Es la que cruzó sin mirar el semáforo y tu chofer apenas rozó, de modo que no se lastimó, pero cuando se entere de que tienes tres restaurantes, estarás en serios problemas.
Well, she's not settling for voicemail.
Bueno, no se está adaptando por correo de voz.
She's really not feeling very well.
No se siente muy bien.
Uh, well, no, she's not a lady.
No, no es una mujer.
Of course she's not well.
Por supuesto que no esta bien.
SHE'S - - Bueno, no BOOK--SMART.
Well, she's not here,'cause, you know, it's morning, so you know.
Bueno, no está aquí, porque, ya sabes, es por la mañana.
Well, it's not what she wanted.
Bueno, no es lo que ella quería.
She says well done for not getting killed and she's waiting for you in your lab.
Dice que bien hecho por no hacerte matar y que te espera en el laboratorio.
Well, something tells me she's not giving it to charity.
Algo me dice que no lo está dando a la caridad.
Well, not if she's got a bull's-eye on you, I can't.
Bueno, si ella te tiene en el punto de mira, no puedo.
she's not here 659
she's not worth it 28
she's not there 101
she's not picking up 30
she's not that bad 34
she's not 836
she's not my type 42
she's not my wife 34
she's not here yet 28
she's not feeling well 28
she's not worth it 28
she's not there 101
she's not picking up 30
she's not that bad 34
she's not 836
she's not my type 42
she's not my wife 34
she's not here yet 28
she's not feeling well 28