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She came to see me перевод на испанский

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She came to see me, and we talked it all over.
Ella vino a verme y lo conversamos.
She came to see me.
Ella ha venido a verme.
Poor Andrea, the widow, was sick and needy. She came to see me and...
La pobre Andrea, la viuda, estaba enferma y necesitada.
She came to see me.
Ella vino a verme.
- She came to see me - one time when I was in the barn.
- Vino a verme cuando yo estaba en el granero.
The night before she came to see me, She'd undergone a very bizarre and frightening experience.
La noche anterior que ella vino a verme había tenido una experiencia muy extraña y aterradora.
When I was in prison, she came to see me every day.
Cuando estaba en prisión venía a verme todos los días.
She came to see me.
Vino a verme.
But she came to see me at my hotel because she'd liked the film.
Ella vino a verme a mi hotel porque le había gustado la película.
"She came to see me and I told her what I could."
"Me vino a ver y le conté lo que pude."
When she came to see me after Victor broke his femur.
Cuando vino a verme porque Victor se había roto el fémur.
On our one-month anniversary, she came to see me.
En nuestro aniversario de un mes, ella fue a verme.
- She came to see me?
- ¿ Vino para verme?
She came to see me when I got out of intensive care.
Volvió cuando salí de Terapia Intensiva.
She came to see me before she left.
Vino a verme antes de irse.
She came to see me at the farm.
Ha ido a verme a la fábrica.
That's why she came to see me.
Por eso vino a verme.
Me ocultaron muchas cosas.
But the point is, they were not there the night she came to see me.
El punto es que no las tenía cuando vino a verme.
What for? Well, she came to see me.
Bueno, ella vino a verme.
She came round to see me this morning, and seeing I was so hard-put, she said little idris could stop on in her class.
Vino a verme esta mañana, y al verme tan atareada, dijo que el pequeño Idris podía ir a su clase.
She refused to see me at the casino, so I came here and waited till she got home.
Se negó a verme en el casino, así que vine y esperé a que llegara.
She came to my house to make sure you were with me,.. and when she didn't see you, she started crying, saying :
Ella vino a mi casa para estar segura de que estabas conmigo y cuando no te vio se puso a llorar diciendo :
She woke me up some hours ago and asked me to see that you got this note if you came in.
Me despertó hace unas horas... y me pidió que le diera esta nota si regresaba.
She came here once to see me, I forget about what. She was boring, badly dressed. A stranger.
Si... una vez la ví en Milán, vino a decirme no sé que cosa era aburrida, vestia mál...
I can still see her in court, never batting an eyelash while they pumped me dry. - Lf she came to me on her knees...
Aún puedo verla sentada en el juicio, sin pestañear... mientras me dejaban sin un centavo.
She came to see me in her best shoes.
Vino a verme con sus mejores zapatos.
She is but a child. They came to see me, not you.
Han venido por mí, no por usted.
~ When I asked if she'd accompanied me, she came along with me this morning to see Mr. Mayor.
- Que yo le dije si me acompañaba, y ella me acompañó esta mañana a ver al señor alcalde.
I shudder to think he might see your daughter again lf he asks her questions, he'll discover the truth that she died and came back to life again
Me da escalofríos pensar que podría volver a ver a su hija. Si él responde sus preguntas, descubrirá la verdad... que ella murió y volvió a la vida.
Her mother came to see me last week. She had seen lots of doctors, but her condition hasn't improved.
Su madre vino a verme y me dijo que Cecily va de médico en médico, pero su situación no mejora.
Because I knew she heard my prayer and would always love me and see no harm ever came to me so long... so long as I never lost my faith in her.
Supe que ella escuchaba mi plegaria. Que ella siempre me querría. Y haría que no me ocurriera mal alguno.
She found out where I lived and came to see me.
Encontró donde vivía y vino a buscarme.
After she died, he came to see me in secret again.
Después de que ella murió, él vino a verme en secreto.
About a fortnight ago, she came here to see me.
Hace unos quince días vino a verme.
Since the suburbs aren't Paris, and Paris isn't France, she had to get a visa every time she came to see me.
Cada vez que me visitaba necesitaba la Visa.
You realise she came to look for me, to see if I was all right?
Te das cuenta de que vino a buscarme, para ver si yo estaba bien?
When the war started, she alone came to see me off.
Cuando comenzó la guerra, sólo ella fue a despedirme.
So, then when I came in, she was embarrassed, you see, so she went into the bathroom and she asked me to bring in her clothes.
Por lo tanto, cuando llegué, ella estaba avergonzada de verme se fue al cuarto de baño y me pidió que le alcance su ropa.
And he imagines that she... A year before she died, my mother came to see me in Rome.
No logra hacerlo y la deja caer en el primer cementerio que encuentra y la imagina... un año antes de morir, mi madre vino a verme en Roma,
This girl tells me that she came to see you.
Esta chica afirma que viene a verle a Vd.
When Savannah came to see me, she told me her name was Renata Halpern.
Me dijo que se llamaba Renata Halpern.
Look, she and the kid came to see me.
Ella vino a verme con el muchacho.
I didn't see her'til much later, when she came runing down down the lane, to tell me about the shooting.
No fue hasta mucho más tarde cuando vino corriendo por el camino para contarme lo del disparo.
Six months ago, she came to see me. Couple of lumps on her throat.
Hace seis meses vino con dos bultos en la garganta.
She never came to Canada to see me.
Ella nunca vino a Canadá a visitarme.
See, she came over here to tell me about...
Verás, vino a contarme...
She came over to see me last night.
Vino a verme ayer de noche.
She came by to see me.
- Pasó a verme.
Esta escondido en...
Dejó algo un rizo de su cabello, en la tumba de su padre.

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