She got married перевод на испанский
628 параллельный перевод
Even if Otsū's feelings were to change and she got married for life to some other man my feelings wouldn't change.
Incluso si los sentimientos de Otsu cambiaron... y se casó para vivir con otro hombre... mis sentimientos no cambiarían.
I don't think anything came of it, I think she got married or something or other.
Creo que no resultó nada de eso, creo que se casó o algo así.
About a year. Then she got married and had to stop.
Entonces ella se casó y se terminó.
She was in show business too, before she got married.
Antes de casarse se dedicaba al espectáculo.
I bet she got married, huh?
Apuesto a que se casó, no?
I haven't seen her Since she got married.
No la he visto desde que se casó.
She got married.
Se casó.
She got married, I think.
Creo que se casó.
She got married.
- Que se casó.
Well... She got married.
Pues... se casó.
─ No. Not Detroit. She got married.
- Imagino que se casaría.
Let's see, Lili would be perfect, but she got married and left.
Veamos, Lili sería perfecta, pero se casó y lo ha dejado.
She got married again.
Se volvió a casar.
I stood up for her when she got married, me and Mrs Palmer
Estuve cuando se casó, yo y la Sra. Palmer.
When I was in school, she got married.
Se casó cuando yo estaba en la escuela.
She got married.
Se ha casado.
She got married and I haven't even met her husband.
Se casó y ni siquiera conozco al marido.
- She got married. Do you mind?
- Se casó. ¿ Te importa?
She got married yesterday, poor thing.
Se casó ayer, pobrecita.
When I heard she got married I went to the jungle to try to forget her.
Cuando supe que se había casado me fui a la selva intentando olvidarla.
I was taken prisoner, the Allies came... A few cheap presents and she got married.
Me reclutaron y me hicieron prisionero, llegaron los aliados... regalando unas cuantas chucherías y se casó.
She remembered that it had always been said that the farm would be painted when Ingmar got married.
Ella recordó que siempre se había dicho que la granja se pintaría cuando Ingmar se casara.
Yeah. She copped the husband, married him and now she's got the car.
Es la pareja del marido, se casó en él y es la dueña del coche.
She thought I should have it if I got married.
Pensó que debería tenerlo por si me casaba.
She's a statue. Shouldn't have got married...
De todos modos, ella no debió casarse.
I thought that you being so crazy about her father... and she takin'after him so much that... well, if you and Stephen got married... why, Lollie could come and live with you.
Pensé que estando usted tan enamorada de su padre... y ella ser tan parecida a él... bueno, si usted y Stephen se casaran... Lollie podría venir a vivir con ustedes.
She's a nice girl, but we Got no business being married.
Pero no tiene sentido estar casados.
You know, when Ida got married, Mrs. Baldi bought her a magnificent suitcase of imitation leather, she's very kind.
Sabes, cuando Ida se casó, la Sra. Baldi le regaló una magnífica maleta de cuero de imitación, ella es muy amable.
Because, you see, If we got married, She could spend the rest Of her life hobnobbing With high society in england.
Porque si nos casáramos... ella se codearía toda la vida con la alta sociedad de Inglaterra.
Yes, but she's married now and got a husband.
Sí, pero ahora está casada y tiene un marido.
She got married last week.
¡ Se casó!
She got married.
Then if a girl got married she'd have to let him kiss her?
Y si una se casa, ¿ tiene que dejar que la besen?
She's got to be married, that's all there is to it!
¡ Tiene que estar casada, eso es todo!
She gave them to me when I got married.
Me las regaló cuando me casé.
Yes, and besides, I always said that when my daughter got married, she'd have the finest wedding in the territory.
Siempre dije que cuando mi hija se casara haría la mejor boda.
Then we got married, and she refused to go near a horse from that moment.
- Sí. Después de casarnos, no volvió a acercarse a un caballo.
I got to get down there. She can't get married without me.
- No puede casarse sin mí.
When a woman is married, she has to flirt twice as hard to prove she's still got it.
Cuando una mujer se casa, tiene que flirtear el doble para probar que todavía está ahí.
But my mother got married soon afterwards... and somehow I always felt she didn't like me because I reminded her of Father.
Pero mi madre se casó poco después y siempre sentí que no me quería porque le recordaba a papá.
She got married.
Se ha casado hoy.
But if I'd said otherwise, she'd never have got married.
Pero, ¿ qué hubiera pasado si a ella le hubiera dicho lo contrario?
She got on a getting - married kick.
Esta planeando una boda.
Look this way, I give her somethin', I'm a swell fella. We get married, she's got it comin'she thinks.
Si me caso, creerá que tengo obligaciones con ella.
She's a real lady, Georgia, only she married some guy who likes spending other people's dough, so he got her to write out a bunch of bouncers.
Georgia es una verdadera dama... pero se casó con un tipo al que le gusta gastar el dinero ajeno... hizo que firmara un montón de cheques sin fondos.
She and Bruce got married.
Bruce y ella se casaron.
But for my kind of type, I got married to Emily... who's the right kind of type for my kind of type, and she don't push me.
Pero por suerte, me he casado con la mujer adecuada para mí. Ella no me presiona.
But before you know it... she starts worrying about what's gonna happen... when maybe she hasn't got the prettiest legs in the world... and how nice it would be if she could sit back and relax and say to herself... there was something else he married her for.
Pero acto seguido... ella empieza a preocuparse por lo que ocurrirá... cuando ya no tenga las piernas más bonitas del mundo... y lo agradable que sería poder relajarse y decirse a sí misma... que él se casó con ella por otra razón.
She was a war widow and got married again, with me.
Era viuda de guerra y volvió a casarse conmigo.
She just got married to Gianni Franchi.
Se ha casado con Gianni Franchi
Yes, she'd just got married.
Sí, acababa de casarse.
she got 31
she got sick 23
she got what she deserved 16
she got pregnant 32
she got out 26
she got it 33
she got away 43
got married 47
married 735
she goes 59
she got sick 23
she got what she deserved 16
she got pregnant 32
she got out 26
she got it 33
she got away 43
got married 47
married 735
she goes 59
she gone 24
she gave me 22
she gets 19
she gets it 55
she gave it to me 33
she good 16
she gasps 38
she gave me this 22
she groans 17
she gave me 22
she gets 19
she gets it 55
she gave it to me 33
she good 16
she gasps 38
she gave me this 22
she groans 17