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She took her own life перевод на испанский

90 параллельный перевод
She took her own life.
Acabó con su vida.
She took her own life.
Se suicidó.
Even Lollia, whom you could find nothing against, you degraded and humiliated till she took her own life!
A LoIia, como no pudiste hallar nada contra ella, Ia degradaste y Ia humiIIaste hasta que se quitó Ia vida.
She took her own life.
Hasta que se quitó la vida.
Died. [Prime minister] she took her own life.
Se suicidó.
And when we thought she could go no further she took her own life.
Y cuando creímos que no iría más lejos se suicidó.
I know she was a telepath and that she took her own life.
Sé que ella era telépata y que se suicidó.
But she took her own life. It wasn't the Corps that did it.
Pero fue ella quien se quitó la vida.
It wasn't until later that I found out that she took her own life.
No me enteré hasta mucho después de que se había quitado la vida.
If she took her own life, then she is damned and must be buried in unconsecrated ground.
Si ella se quitó la vida, ha sido maldecida y deberá sepultarse en suelo no consagrado.
She took her own life, Brother, even if we both wish to believe otherwise.
Se quitó la vida, Hermano, aún cuando deseáramos que fuera diferente.
All right, then, I was gonna wait to tell you this but last night, Susie... She took her own life.
Bien, iba a esperar para decirle esto, pero anoche Susie se quitó la vida.
She took her own life.
Ella se quitó la vida.
I'm writing a few things down here and as to the cause of death did you want us to list that she took her own life or would you prefer we leave that unmentioned?
Estoy escribiendo unas cuantas cosas Y en la causa de muerte ¿ Quiere que pongamos que se suicido?
She took her own life.
Se quito la vida.
She took her own life.
Ella misma se quitó la vida.
She took her own life. She took sleeping pills.
Se suicidó con pastillas para dormir.
She had ovarian cancer, then it spread to her stomach and liver, and she took her own life.
Tenía cáncer de ovario, luego se le extendió al estómago y al hígado y se suicidó.
If she took her own life...
Significa que si se quita la vida...
She couldn't handle it, and she took her own life.
No pudo manejarlo, y se quitó la vida.
She took her own life. Now up till now he's been handling it pretty well, but I think it may be catching up with him.
Hasta ahora él ha podido manejarlo un poco pero creo que puede estar superándolo.
Sadly, Natalie's parents told me she was so disaught over yet another relationship ending, that she took her own life.
Tristemente, los padres de Natalie me contaron que ella estaba tan destruida por terminar otra relación, que se quitó la vida.
I thought she took her own life!
Pensé que ella tomo su propia vida.
She never forgave herself and apparently consumed by guilt and depression, she took her own life shortly thereafter.
Nunca se lo perdonó y, aparentemente, consumida por la culpabilidad y la depresión.......se suicidó poco después.
She took her own life.
Ella se suicidó.
SHIN Yi-hwa intricately planned the premeditated murders, and it seems she took her own life after her crimes were uncovered.
SHIN Yi-wa planeó intrincadamente los asesinatos premeditados,... y parece que se llevó su propia vida después de que sus crímenes fueran descubiertos.
She took her own life... for she refused to be a slave to the King of Hongsawadee.
Se quitó la vida... pues se negaba a ser esclava del rey de Hongsawadee.
Pure and simple, he verbally abused this poor girl until she took her own life.
puro y simple. Abusó verbalmente de esa pobre chica... hasta que se suicidó.
naebody saw it coming... she took her own life here on the farm, up in the loft where Gunter stayed.
Ella se suicidó. Aquí en la granja. En la habitación donde se alojaba Gunter.
Before we had the chance to release her, she took her own life.
Antes de que pudiéramos soltarla, se suicidó.
So you don't think she took her own life?
¿ No... cree que se haya suicidado?
It appears that she, um... she took her own life.
Parece que ella se suicidó.
She wrote this poem called "Ennui", and ultimately she took her own life in a...
Ella escribió este poema llamado "Ennui" y últimamente ella cambió su vida a- -
You're not trying to suggest she took her own life, are you? I came as soon as I heard the news.
Usted no está tratando de sugerir que se quitó la vida, ¿ verdad?
When I turned 18, she took her own life.
Cuando cumplí dieciocho, se quitó la vida.
And she took her own life?
Se suicidó.
She ended the relationship and she took her own life.
Ella terminó la relación y se quitó la vida.
You said that you were in love with her, that she broke up with you, that she took her own life by jumping off a high bridge.
Dijo que estaba enamorado de ella, que ella rompió con usted, que se suicidó tirándose por un alto puente.
In the dark days when all seemed hopeless... in our country, when men refused to hear her resonant voice, she took her own life.
En los días oscuros cuando todo parecía perdido... en nuestro país, cuando los hombres se negaron a escuchar su voz resonante, ella se quitó la vida.
She took her own life.
Se quitó la vida.
- And months later she took her own life.
- Y meses después se suicidó.
Is it possible she took her own life?
¿ Existe la posibilidad de que se suicidara?
And when she did what she did, she was so ashamed, she took her own life.
Y cuando hizo lo que hizo, estaba tan avergonzada, que se suicidó.
As a result of which, she took her own life.
A consecuencia de eso, ella se suicidó.
Are you sure she really took her own life, my dear?
¿ Estás segura de que ella realmente se quitó la vida, querida?
When she saved my life and took out Terek's brother, she did it knowing she'd be drawing a death sentence down on her own neck.
Cuando me salvó la vida y mató al hermano de Terek. Lo hizo sabiendo que eso la sentenciaría a morir a ella misma.
I think when Nicole's mother took her own life, Nicole decided then and there that she would never, ever trust anyone again.
Creo que cuando la mamá de Nicole se quitó la vida Nicole decidió ahí mismo que nunca jamás volvería a confiar en nadie.
Her wedding veil took on a life of its own and rebelled, and she had to claw her way out.
Su velo cobró vida y se rebeló y tuvo que sacar sus uñas para deshacerse de él.
One of the victims took her own life when she realized the rapist got her pregnant.
Una de las víctimas se quitó la vida cuando se dio cuenta que el violador la había embarazado.
Like Lisa did after she took Todd's life, and before she took her own.
Igual que Lisa después de quitarle la vida a Todd y antes de quitarse la suya.
She was humiliated publicly, as a result of which, she tragically took her own life.
Fue humillada públicamente, y como resultado de ello, trágicamente, terminó con su vida.

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