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She tried to kill herself перевод на испанский

140 параллельный перевод
What she tried to kill herself with
El truco con el cual ella intentó matarse.
She tried to kill herself. She nearly succeeded.
¿ Sabes que intentó matarse, y que casi lo consigue?
She tried to kill herself.
Intentó suicidarse, imagínese.
- She tried to kill herself.
- Trató de matarse.
J.J., Susie was so depressed she tried to kill herself.
Susie estaba tan deprimida que intentó suicidarse.
- Well, she tried to kill herself last night.
- Anoche intentó matarse.
During which she tried to kill herself, incited the men's day room to a riot- -
Trató de suicidarse, incitó a los hombres de la sala...
- She tried to kill herself.
- Intentó matarse.
She tried to kill herself at least twice, and that was ages before we even knew her.
lntentó suicidarse dos veces antes de que la conociéramos.
Razzle told me she tried to kill herself a couple of times.
Russel me contó que trató de suicidarse
She tried to kill herself.
Dios mío!
She tried to kill herself last year.
Intentó suicidarse el año pasado.
She tried to kill herself.
Intentó suicidarse.
And even when she tried to kill herself and I brought her back from the other world she cried and cried, and kissed my hands.
Incluso cuando ella quiso suicidarse y la traje del otro mundo ella lloraba y lloraba, y me besó las manos.
She tried to kill herself, Ben.
Ella intentó suicidarse, Ben.
She tried to kill herself.
Trató de matarse.
- She tried to kill herself.
- Ha intentado suicidarse.
She tried to kill herself. I had to pull her off the fire escape.
Tuve que arrancarla de la salida de incendio.
She tried to kill herself several times.
Trató de suicidarse varias veces.
She tried to kill herself.
- Ha intentado suicidarse.
Yeah, she tried to kill herself.
Sí, quiso suicidarse.
- She tried to kill herself while with me.
- Intentó suicidarse estando conmigo.
- She tried to kill herself.
- Intentó suicidarse.
After she tried to kill herself last night.
- Después de intentar suicidarse anoche.
- She tried to kill herself!
- ¡ Ella trató de matarse!
She tried to kill herself three months ago Tried but failed Well, maybe this time she succeeded Most whistleblowers are women I think she was planning to take the company down
ella intentó suicidarse hace tres meses atrás trató pero falló bueno, quizás esta vez tuvo éxito la mayoría de los informantes son mujeres yo creo que ella planeaba llevar la compañía a la quiebra
So why'd you run when she tried to kill herself?
¿ Por qué corriste cuando quiso suicidarse?
She tried to kill herself in the June, and by July she'd been admitted to hospital.
Trató de suicidarse en junio, y en julio fue internada en el hospital.
- She tried to kill herself.
- Trató de suicidarse.
She tried to kill herself.
Ha intentado suicidarse.
We did an intervention for my mom... when she tried to kill herself.
Cuando mi mamá intentó suicidarse, hicimos una intervención.
- Never mind. She tried to kill herself!
Trató de matarse.
She tried to kill herself?
¿ Ella trató de matarse?
She tried to kill herself by jumping off the Howrah Bridge.
Ella íntentó matarse saltando del puente howrah.
She tried to kill herself because he wouldn't stop calling her.
Intentó matarse porque él no dejaba de llamarla.
She tried to kill herself because I wanted to marry her.
Intentó matarse porque yo quería casarme con ella.
- She tried to kill herself because of you!
- Trató de matar ella por tu culpa!
She tried to kill herself.
- Sabes, Marina intentó suicidarse.
Tried to kill herself she did.
Intentó suicidarse.
She hasn't tried to kill herself since last Friday.
Desde el viernes, nunca más volvió a pasar.
She said Rosetta tried to kill herself.
Dice que Rosetta intentó suicidarse.
Her boyfriend was killed in a racing accident. She flipped and tried to kill herself.
Su novio se mató en un accidente de coche y ella intentó suicidarse.
_ She tried to kill herself!
- Exactamente.
Julia tried to kill herself, but good news is, she's okay.
Julia ha intentado suicidarse, pero por fortuna está bien.
She even tried to kill herself several times.
Hasta trató de matarse
She's tried to kill herself a number of times, but what can I do?
Ha tratado de suicidarse varias veces pero, ¿ qué puedo hacer?
People are saying that you got her pregnant and she had an abortion and tried to kill herself.
La gente está diciendo que la dejaste embarazada y ella tuvo uno aborto y trato de suicidarse.
My sister, she just tried to kill herself.
Mi hermana.
Didn't she stab herself and then tell everybody that Dr. Ron tried to kill her?
¿ No se apuñaló ella misma y le dijo a todo el mundo que el Dr. Ron quiso matarla?
Eve told Gabriel that her mother tried to kill herself because she couldn't cope with the murder she committed 18 years ago.
Eve le dijo a Gabriel que su madre intentó suicidarse porque no podía soportar el crimen que cometió 18 años antes,
- She tried to kill herself.
No quiero decir nada hasta que no estemos seguros.

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