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She tried to kill me перевод на испанский

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She killed him just as she tried to kill me.
Le mató igual que intentó matarme a mí.
She tried to kill me with that ax.
- Iba a clavarme eso.
Oh, yes, she did. She tried to kill me.
En serio, quiso matarme.
She tried to kill me!
¡ Intentó matarme!
She tried to kill me, and we chased her into the desert.
Intentó matarme y la expulsamos al desierto.
¡ Intentó matarme!
She tried to kill me.
Intentó matarme.
She tried to kill me because I told her about Nately.
Intentó matarme, porque le dije que Nately había muerto.
First of all, she tried to buy off Nicole with £ 5,000, then she tried to kill me and take over the situation.
Primero trató de alejar de mí a Nicole con 5.000 libras. Luego, trató de quitarme de en medio y hacerse dueña de la situación.
You were witnesses that she tried to kill me!
¡ Fuisteis testigos de que me quiso matar!
She tried to kill me.
Que seguridad la detenga. Ha tratado de matarme.
For your information, she tried to kill me last night.
Para su información, ella trató de matarme anoche.
And she tried to kill me
Y entonces intentó matarme.
And she tried to kill me.
Ese hombre quería matarme.
She tried to kill me.
No, trató de matarme.
- She tried to kill me. - What?
- Trató de matarme.
Believes that she tried to kill me?
En realidad trató de matarme.
She tried to kill me.Me.
Ella trató de matarme.
She tried to kill me.
Trató de matarme.
- She tried to kill me, Jerry.
- Intentó matarme, Jerry.
Hey, she tried to kill me!
¡ Oye, ella intentó matarme a mí!
She tried to kill me.
Ella trató de matarme.
Since she tried to kill me, it's been different.
Desde que intentó matarme, ha sido distinto.
Don't feel bad. She tried to kill me once.
No te sientas mal, a mí quiso matarme una vez.
- She tried to kill me, Reese.
- Ella intentó matarme, Reese.
She tried to kill me and I never understood why,
Trató de matarme y nunca entendí por qué,
She drugged me, then she tried to kill me.
Me drogó y luego trató de matarme.
Any bias I might have in favor of Christine... would be more than offset by the fact that she tried to kill me.
Cualquier predisposición que tenga hacia Christine se vería más que compensada por el hecho de que trató de matarme.
- She tried to kill me.
- ¡ Trató de matarme!
She tried to kill me.
Ella trato de matarme.
She tried to kill me.
Ha intentado matarme.
She tried to kill me, Jonesy.
Ella trató de matarme, Jonesy.
She tried to kill me... and i'm not kidding.
Trató de matarme. Y no bromeo.
I don't believe that, and I don't believe she tried to kill Esther.
No me lo creo, y no creo que intentara matar a Esther.
She killed that girl and she just tried to kill me.
Mató a esa chica y quiso matarme a mí.
She once tried to kill me.
En una ocasión ella intentó matarme.
So then Mr. Attinger grabbed me, so as I shouldn't fall down, I guess... and then she, Mrs. Attinger, tried to kill me.
Entonces el Sr. Attinger me cogió, para que no me cayera, supongo... y ella, la Sra. Attinger, intentó matarme.
Then tell me why she hasn't tried to kill you yet.
Entonces dime por qué no ha intentado matarte aún.
She nearly tried to kill me!
Ha intentado matarme.
- She tried to kill me.
- Ha intentado matarme.
Razzle told me she tried to kill herself a couple of times.
Russel me contó que trató de suicidarse
And even when she tried to kill herself and I brought her back from the other world she cried and cried, and kissed my hands.
Incluso cuando ella quiso suicidarse y la traje del otro mundo ella lloraba y lloraba, y me besó las manos.
They just tried to kill Mrs. Miller... she was helping me with my homework... and Mitch and Harmony.
Ella me estaba ayudando con mi tarea. Y Mitch y Harmony. Todo es por mí.
She tried to kill me two month ago.
¡ Miss, no es justo!
So she tried her best to kill me
Así que ella hizo todo lo posible para matarme
- She tried to kill herself while with me.
- Intentó suicidarse estando conmigo.
So she tried to seduce me to kill him.
Trato de seducirme para que lo mate.
My mother tried to love me, But I think she was trying to kill me.
Mi madre trató de quererme, pero creo que, en parte, quería matarme.
Oh, my God, what happened to you guys? Lorraine tried to kill me! She threw me overboard.
Yo le he escrito muchas cartas....
She even tried to kill me inside her with a coat hanger, but I survived.
Ella hasta intentó matarme dentro de ella con una percha Pero yo sobreviví.
She tried to kill me. Hartman, something's wrong with her. - You didn't see that?
BATALLA DE LA BEBA LA TERCERA ES LA VENCIDA... la beba Peggy sigue adelante con su vida y sus tres piernas.

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