So you don't know перевод на испанский
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And I, you know, I don't want it hanging around, cluttering up my apartment, so...
Y yo, bueno ya sabes, no lo quiero dando vueltas por ahí, revolviendo mi apartamento, así que...
So you're telling me that this kid was your buddy on the beat and you don't know who's investigating his murder?
¿ Así que me estás diciendo que este chico era tu mandadero y no sabes ni quien está investigando su asesinato?
You said they were covered up, so you don't know what you saw. - Dennis.
Dices que estaban cubiertos, no sabes qué viste.
No. I don't know what you did or didn't do over there, but I know that you saved me. So, that counts for something.
No, no sé lo que hiciste o no hiciste allá, pero sé que me salvaste, así que eso cuenta.
I meant that i miss you. And i-i don't want to be apart forever, so... I don't know, maybe one day...
Y a que no quiero que estemos separados para siempre, así que... no sé, quizá un día...
And you're having fun with Andy, so, you know, don't let this ruin your night.
Y tú te estás divirtiendo con Andy así que ya sabes, no dejes que esto te arruine la noche.
And you don't know anything, so maybe you should stay out of it.
Y tú no sabes nada, así que quizás deberías permanecer al margen de esto.
I don't know how you can be so selfish.
No sé cómo puedes ser tan egoísta. Elizabeth, no.
I'm just... I'm just asking because... there's no lights in the alley, so I don't know how you would've seen him otherwise.
No, solo lo pregunto porque... no hay farolas en el callejón, así que no sé cómo pudiste verlo sino.
Well, you know, I-I don't want it to get weird between me and her, so I was hoping that you could ask her,
Es que, sabes, Yo... yo no quiero que sea extraño entre nosotros, asi que estaba esperando que tu pudieras preguntarle,
Uh, well, just so you know, I did some research online, and I found a few organizations where you can apply for college scholarships and... you don't know anything about my life.
Uh, bueno, solo para que sepas he hecho una busqueda online, y encontre algunas organizaciones donde puedes postular para becas escolares y... Tu no sabes nada sobre mi vida
I don't know what the hell is wrong with you or why you're acting so odd tonight, but you can imagine what she's going through, so let her see her son for one damn minute.
No sé qué diablos está mal con usted o por qué estás actuando tan extraño esta noche, pero se puede imaginar lo que está pasando, así que le dejó ver a su hijo por un maldito minuto.
You know what, it's Paul's first night in surgery, so I don't think it's... scrubs are right in there.
¿ Sabes qué es primero noche de Pablo en la cirugía, por lo que no creo que es... friega es justo ahí.
I don't know how they found out about us, so... hope you well.
No sé cómo se enteraron acerca de nosotros, así que... Espero que bien.
You know, I just... I travel so much for my job that I'm not there a lot, and I-I-I-I don't really know everything that goes on.
Usted sabe, yo sólo... viajo mucho por mi trabajo que no estoy allí mucho, y IIII no realmente sabe todo lo que pasa.
It's one thing when it all happens so fast you don't know what you saw, but it's different when it's right in your face, one-on-one, and you've got no place to go but the bin.
Una cosa es cuando todo sucede tan rápido que no sabes lo que viste, pero es diferente cuando sucede de frente, cara a cara, y no tienes otro lugar adónde ir excepto al psiquiátrico.
Oh, so you don't wanna know where Dutch is?
¿ Entonces no quieres saber dónde está Dutch?
Been alone so long you don't know what it means to love someone.
Has estado sola tanto tiempo no sabes lo que significa amar a alguien.
Been alone so long you don't know what it means to love someone.
Llevas sola tanto tiempo que no sabes lo que significa amar a alguien.
You know, none of this would be so bad if I had some of my people there, but I don't have the heart to subject anybody that I care about to Bow and her friends.
Ninguno de estos sería tan malo... si tuviera alguna de mi gente allí... pero no tengo el corazón de exponer a nadie... que me importa, a Bow y sus amigos.
There are so many inside jokes you don't even know.
Hay tantas bromas internas, que ni sabes.
Okay, I know I'm irritating and I sweat a lot and my rap flow is too ahead of its time, so I get why you don't want to be seen with me.
Ok, sé que soy irritante y sudo mucho, y rapeo en forma adelantada a mi tiempo, así que entiendo que no quieras que nos vean juntos.
What I don't know is why this man risked so much to help you.
Lo que no se es porque este hombre se arriesgo tanto para ayudarte.
So maybe then you don't want to know what I was able to salvage from the victim's somewhat-melted camera.
Por lo tanto quizás entonces no quieras saber como fui capaz de salvarte de ser la víctima de algo que derrite cámaras.
I mean, I know with your parole you ain't supposed to leave the state, and he owed a lot of people, probably almost as much as the place is worth, and so if we don't move fast,
Bueno, sé que con tu libertad condicional se supone que no debes salir del estado, y le debía a un montón de gente, probablemente casi a tanta como vale el lugar, y si no nos movemos rápido,
Well, you know, even... even when there's a right time to say something, I usually don't, so I just figured, you know what, I'm just gonna do it.
Bueno, ya sabes, incluso cuando es el momento adecuado de decir algo, normalmente no lo hago, así que me dije, ¿ sabes qué? , voy a hacerlo.
So, you don't know how doctors talk.
Entonces no sabes cómo hablan los doctores.
Well, the book isn't really about The Sentinel, so I don't know why he'd bother, but I'll talk to him and I'll let you know.
El libro no habla de la academia así que no sé por qué se molesta, pero hablaré con él y te avisaré.
So you don't even know if he's made the drop?
Así que todavía no sabes si ha hecho la jugada?
That life is too short, I don't know what does. So you two are gonna tell each other How you feel honestly right now.
Así que los dos os vais a decir cómo os sentís de verdad.
Hey, I'm not here to hurt you, and I know you don't want to hurt anyone else, so if you could just not... Flame on.
Oiga, no estoy aquí para lastimarlo, y sé que no quiere lastimar a nadie más, así que si solo pudiera no no inflamarse.
You know, the girls have been asking about you, so why don't you and Shep come over this weekend for the game?
Ya sabes, las chicas han estado preguntando acerca de usted, ¿ Por qué no te vienes y Shep durante este fin de semana para el juego?
Balsamo! So, you guys don't know about it, then?
Gracias, Dave Kim.
You know I love you, but you are gonna go to college and get a good job so I don't have to stay up late at night worrying.
Sabes que te amo, pero iras a la universidad y encontrarás un buen trabajo, para que no esté despierta tarde, preocupándome.
I don't know where Luke is, but he's my best friend, and I know it would break his heart if you had to leave, so...
No sé dónde está Luke, pero es mi mejor amigo, y sé que le rompería el corazón si te tuvieras que ir, así que...
These are decisions about our whole family, and I don't know why you're so hell-bent on working.
Estas son decisiones acerca de toda nuestra familia, Y no se porqué estás tan empeñado en trabajar.
You know, we don't have the capitol they have so if we could just get them to purchase where we can't purchase then I think with our expertise and their capitol we can make something work.
Ya sabes, no disponemos de la capital tienen así que si pudiéramos conseguir que comprar donde no podemos comprar entonces creo que con nuestra experiencia y su capitolio que puedo hacer trabajo algo.
You know what, I'm actually the Journeyline guy, so you don't have to look over there.
Yo soy de journeyline. No debes mirar para allá.
Okay, um, yeah, I-I don't know when Sharon will be back, so maybe you should try calling her at work or something.
Está bien, sí, no sé cuándo regresará Sharon, así que tal vez deberías llamarla al trabajo o algo.
So if you could, I don't know, shut up a little while we finish...
Así que si puede, no sé, callarse mientras terminamos...
So you can field strip a rifle, but you don't know anything about armor-piercing rounds.
Así que puedes alinear al dedillo un rifle, pero no sabes nada acerca de balas perforantes.
So you don't know anything about the armed robbery, and you don't know Lee Ward?
Así que tú no sabes nada sobre el robo armado y no conoces a Lee Ward?
So, if you don't know the difference between an allele and a chromosome by now... there's nothing I can do for you.
Así que, si aún no saben la diferencia entre un alelo y un cromosoma, no puedo hacer nada por ustedes.
So, how do I take responsibility for anything if I don't, you know...
¿ Cómo asumir la responsabilidad de algo si no...?
So you don't know where he is, where Albert is?
¿ No sabes dónde está Albert?
I don't know why you follow him around so blindly, but keep him away from our daughter.
No sé por qué lo sigues ciegamente, pero mantenlo alejado de nuestra hija.
Of course, I can't get any sense out of her, she cries if you look at her sideways, so I don't know who put it there.
Por supuesto, no puedo sacarle ningún sentido, llora si la miráis de reojo, así que no sé quién lo puso ahí.
You probably have your own list, with names on it we don't know, so...
Probablemente tú tendras tu lista, con nombres que no sabemos, así que...
Scottie never had any money. Now, I know you don't think he's a jumper, but could he have been so drunk that he got himself into a mess and fell off the High Level?
Ahora, sé que usted no cree sea un saltador, pero, ¿ podría haber estado tan borracho que se metió en un lío y cayó del High Level?
Look, I don't know what your issue is, Cat, but they're here to see you, so you better get in here and deal with them, or I swear, I will tell them you're engaged to a beast.
Mira, no sé cuál es tu problema, Cat, pero están aquí para verte, así que es mejor que entres aquí y trates con ellas, o te juro que les diré que estás comprometida con una bestia.
Want you to know the people who'll be moving product through your territory So you don't accidently beef with them on the streets.
Queremos que conozcas a la gente que moverá el producto en tu territorio y que no tengas problemas con ellos en las calles.
so you don't have to worry 27
so you know 208
so you are 73
so you know what 79
so you lied to me 29
so you're fine 16
so young 116
so you're leaving 30
so you know him 19
so you're here 33
so you know 208
so you are 73
so you know what 79
so you lied to me 29
so you're fine 16
so young 116
so you're leaving 30
so you know him 19
so you're here 33
so you can 39
so you're good 22
so you see 221
so you 433
so you're okay 21
so you say 133
so you're right 22
so you're saying 94
so you're not mad 16
so you're telling me 20
so you're good 22
so you see 221
so you 433
so you're okay 21
so you say 133
so you're right 22
so you're saying 94
so you're not mad 16
so you're telling me 20