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Stepfather перевод на испанский

1,326 параллельный перевод
In 1949, the doctor finally found personal happiness when he married journalist Eleanor King, becoming stepfather to Cammie who 1 0 years before, had played Bonnie Blue Butler in Gone With the Wind.
En 1949, el doctor encontró por fin la felicidad personal cuando se casó con Eleanor King y pasó a ser padrastro de Cammie que 1 0 años antes había sido Bonnie Blue Butler en Lo que el viento se llevó.
Your stepfather did that to you?
¿ Tu padrastro te ha hecho esto?
Until, like Hamlet's stepfather, he totters from the banquet, ghostly pale and gibbering with guilt.
Hasta que como el padrastro de Hamlet abandone el banquete pálido como un fantasma y balbuceando su culpabilidad.
Beat her stepfather to death with a metal pipe.
Golpeó a su padrastro hasta matarlo con un tubo de metal.
The stepfather she killed was abusing her younger sister.
El padrastro al que asesino abusaba de su hermana menor.
- But I would like you to meet your new stepfather Roy. - Hello son!
- Pero quisiera que conocieras a tu padrastro, Roy.
The kid says his stepfather teed off on him regularly.
El chico dice que su padrastro lo maltrataba con frecuencia.
- Was his stepfather ever involved?
- ¿ Su padrastro estaba involucrado?
Maybe you hated your stepfather, but you didn't kill him.
Quizá odiabas a tu padrastro, pero no lo mataste.
And, uh, when I was, like, 13, my mom got remarried to my stepfather who was a traveling salesman.
Cuando yo tenía 13 años, mi mamá se casó con mi padrastro que era un comerciante viajante.
The old guy in the wheelchair, the stepfather? Yeah.
Al viejo de la silla, al padrastro...
The stepfather can't do it at all. And the father did it, but it killed him.
El padrastro no puede, y el padre pudo, ¡ pero lo mató!
Can I speak to your husband? Her stepfather?
¿ Puedo hablar con su esposo el padrastro?
I am sorry to bring this up, but in these circumstances with the stepfather were there any indications of any sort of abuse?
Lamento traer esto a colación, pero en estas circunstancias con el padrastro. - ¿ Hubo indicaciones de algún tipo de abuso?
You ever met a bigger shithead than my stepfather?
¿ Conoce a un tipo más gilipollas que mi padrastro?
I think she married my stepfather Ted because he was so nice and so clean.
Pienso que se caso con Ted, porque es tranquilo y tan limpio.
You left my stepfather in the middle of the afternoon.
Tu dejaste a mi padrastro ne medio de la tarde.
I have been very unhappy since Mama died, and my stepfather hates me!
¡ No quiero niños aquí! ¡ Márchate!
Rather like the person your stepfather's been having an affair with.
Se parecen a la amante de tu padre.
But my stepfather... Hated me so much.
Mi padrastro me odiaba.
My stepfather's willing to help out.
Mi padrastro está dispuesto a ayudar.
- His black mother and black stepfather.
- Su madre negra y su padrastro negro.
Nikita is a cousin of sorts. We're related through my stepfather.
Nikita es una especie de prima, por el lado de mi padrastro.
I'm Nicky's stepfather.
El primer marido de mi mujer murió.
I had a stepfather and I never got to know him.
Tuve un padrastro y nunca llegué a conocerlo.
What's this about a stepfather?
¿ Qué hay con esto del padrastro?
Hello, stepfather, dear, stepbrother, dear.
Hola, padrastro querido. Hermanastro querido.
Your dad wanted you to go to college so bad that he came to my stepfather for help.
Tu padre quería que fueras a la universidad tanto que él acudió a mi padrastro por ayuda.
So if that's his kid and he's your boyfriend, that makes you... sort of stepfather.
Entonces, si ese es su hijo y tú eres su novio, eso te convierte en... una especie de padrasto.
My God, you're a stepfather!
Dios mío, ¡ eres un padrasto!
Daddy will always be your father. - Ben will be your stepfather.
Papá siempre será tu papá y Ben será tu padrastro.
My stepfather was radical Jewish Defense League.
Mi padrastro era de la Liga Defensora Radical Judía.
My stepfather talked to me as though I were a whole person.
Mi padrastro me trataba como a una persona.
If my stepfather had asked me to drink poison, I would have done it.
Si mi padrastro me hubiera dicho que tomara veneno, lo habría hecho.
My relationship with my stepfather seemed to free her... to simply pay attention to herself.
Mi relación con mi padrastro simplemente le permitió dedicarse más a sí misma.
I wanted to tell my stepfather that I loved him too.
Yo quería decirle a mi padrastro que yo también lo quería.
I was born in Queen Charlotte's Hospital on September 3rd, 1955... And I lived with my mother and my stepfather who I thought was my dad, in the basement in Shepherd's Bush.
Nací en el hospital Queen Charlotte el 3 de septiembre de 1955, y vivía con mi madre y mi padrastro, al que yo creía mi padre, en Shepherds Bush.
¿ Padrastro?
You've remarried and your daughter is having it off with her stepfather. How do you think you'd take it?
Y su hija se lo está haciendo con su padrastro.
It's not even his father, it's his stepfather.
Ni siquiera era su padre. Era su padrastro.
- I'm so sorry to hear about your stepfather.
- Lamento mucho lo de tu padrastro.
It's my stepfather.
Es mi padrastro.
My stepfather is in a coma in the hospital.
Mi padrastro está en coma en el hospital.
My stepfather's in a coma.
Mi padrastro está en coma.
Sorry to hear about your stepfather.
Lamento lo de tu padrastro.
It's amazing how many friends you can buy with a rich stepfather.
Es increíble cuántos amigos puedes comprar con un padrastro rico.
They represent my rich stepfather.
Representan a mi rico padrastro.
I was congratulating myself, on my rich stepfather.
Me estaba felicitando a mí mismo por mi rico padrastro.
Yes, hello, Jack's rich stepfather?
Sí, hola, ¿ papá rico de Jack?
Okay, remember when we were dating... and I told you about my stepfather, and, what happened?
¿ Recuerdas que cuando salíamos te hablé de mi padrastro y de lo que pasó?

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