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Subconsciously перевод на испанский

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An advertisement, a character subconsciously remembered.
Un anuncio, un personaje del subconsciente.
Perhaps subconsciously, but a little late, thank God.
Quizá inconscientemente, pero un poco tarde, gracias a Dios.
When a man reaches my age, he grows I think to resent subconsciously the movement of everything except the respiratory muscles which keep him alive.
Cuando un hombre llega a mi edad, se resiente inconscientemente de todo movimiento menos de la respiración, que le mantiene vivo.
It was a form of mania that caused its victim to imagine - consciously or subconsciously - that he was a werewolf.
Era una manía que causaba que su víctima imaginara... consciente o subconscientemente, que era un hombre lobo.
I wish you'd get out, and I don't mean subconsciously.
Querría que se fuese, y no sólo subconscientemente.
Subconsciously, she learned to deceive him- - simulate a false condition.
Subconscientemente aprendió a engañarle, a simular una situación falsa.
You're imitating Donovan subconsciously, even to practicing his signature with your left hand.
Estás imitando a Donovan subconscientemente hasta practicando su firma con tu mano izquierda.
A son subconsciously resents his mother being attractive to other men.
Subconscientemente, a un hijo no le gusta que su madre sea atractiva para otros hombres.
Because subconsciously you were afraid he wouldn't fit in?
¿ Por qué subconscientemente temías que no se integrara a nuestro mundo?
Subconsciously I may have known that what I intended doing wasn't honest, but, actually, at the time it didn't worry me.
Mi subconsciente quizá sabía que... lo que iba a hacer no era honesto, pero... lo cierto es que me daba igual.
They say an author reveals himself subconsciously in his writings.
Dicen que un autor se revela subconscientemente en sus escritos.
Subconsciously, she thinks of herself as my father's wife.
Subconscientemente, piensa que es la esposa de mi padre.
You know, I had a hunch to turn down his reservations but I guess, subconsciously, I wanted a showdown.
Estuve a punto de rechazar sus reservas pero supongo que, inconscientemente, quería un enfrentamiento.
But not if I didn't want to, not subconsciously.
Pero no, si yo no lo quisiera, no inconscientemente.
What I'm counting on is that subconsciously Finley wants this project to be a success.
Lo que me dices es que el subconsciente de Finley quiere que el proyecto sea un éxito.
Subconsciously, all our lives you'll hold it against me.
Estarás resentido conmigo toda nuestra vida.
You could have read that and been subconsciously influenced.
Podría haberlo leído y estar influenciada inconscientemente.
Subconsciously, they feel fear.
Subconscientemente, ellos sienten miedo.
Subconsciously, of course, he was probably looking for a punishment equal to the enormity of his act.
Inconscientemente, es probable que estuviera buscando un castigo digno de la monstruosidad de sus actos.
Well-dressed, worldly, so well integrated as to appear lighter skinned than his fellow Negroes, a little chubby, due to a residual hunger that subconsciously still haunts him, he is still the same Negro who arrived on board a ship with LeroyJones,
Bien vestido, mundano tan bien integrado como para aparecer con piel más clara que sus semejantes negros, un poco regordete, debido al hambre residual que subconcientemente aún lo obsesiona el es todavía el mismo negro que llego a bordo de un barco con Leroy Jones
A very common neurosis particularly in this society whereby the male child subconsciously wishes to sleep with his mother.
Existe una neurosis común particulmente en nuestra sociedad por la que el hijo inconscientemente desea acostarse con su madre.
The frigid sexual relations between you and your husband aggravates it. It distorts the situation to the point that, subconsciously, you feel attracted to the open lifestyle enjoyed by Julia Durer.
La situación de frigidez, de indiferencia sexual... entre usted y su marido lo agravan, y lo distorsionan hasta el punto en que, de manera inconsciente, usted se siente atraída por la vida libre de Julia Durer.
Niccolo subconsciously identifies his cello with his wife the very things he holds most dear, and sometimes he confuses them.
Niccolò identifica en su inconsciente el violoncelo con su mujer... estos es, las dos cosas que le resultan más queridas y algunas veces hasta las confunde.
also, that scene being in one continuous shot, I thought would convince the audience unconsciously, subconsciously, that everything Tatum did was real, because they watched her in that scene, doing everything.
Me parecía que el hecho de rodar aquella escena en una sola toma iba a convencer al público inconsciente o subconscientemente de las habilidades interpretativas de Tatum.
Perhaps he is, subconsciously.
Quizá sí, en su subconsciente.
Subconsciously, we know there's no such thing as chance.
Subconscientemente, sabemos que la casualidad no existe.
If I could prove that in trying to protect your brother..... subconsciously you picked someone..... who was... in some way close to Muriel...
Si yo pudiera probar que al intentar proteger a tu hermano... inconscientemente tu elegiste a alguien... que era... de algún modo cercano a Muriel...
Maybe, subconsciously, I wanted to press that button.
Tal vez, inconscientemente, Yo quería presionar ese botón.
Sometimes, when two people meet, it's really the human will quietly, subconsciously engineering its own destiny.
A veces cuando dos personas se encuentran... es la voluntad humana... maquinando silenciosamente y subconscientemente su destino.
You feel guilty, at least subconsciously, for rejecting me, and that's causing you to act out.
Te sientes culpable, por lo menos inconscientemente, la desestimación de mí, y que está causando a actuar.
I can understand your reaction, but research has shown me when parents are unable to deal with their children's difficulties they subconsciously block them out.
Comprendo su reacción, pero los examenes demuestran que cuando no se sabe que hacer con los problemas de sus hijos, Tienden a bloquearse.
Maybe subconsciously, I've-I've settled for Lilith because she's the only woman that ever liked me for... well, not my brain.
Tal vez inconscientemente, I've-he conformó con Lilith porque ella es la única mujer que siempre me gustó por... así, no es mi cerebro.
I swear to you, it was never in my mind. Not consciously or subconsciously or... Think about it.
Te juro que nunca cruzó mi mente consciente o subconscientemente.
The reason I may or may not have had a nervous breakdown... and may have subconsciously tried to kill myself- - not that I'm saying I did- - is because of the incredible guilt that I felt... for the absolutely despicable act that I have committed.
La razón por la cual quizás haya tenido... un colapso nervioso y por la cual... quizás haya intentado suicidarme, y no digo que lo haya hecho... es debido al increíble sentido de culpabilidad que sentía... por el despreciable acto que he cometido.
And I was eating and drinking like a pig... and subconsciously was crying for help.
Yo comía y bebía como un cerdo... y subconscientemente pedía ayuda a gritos.
Maybe subconsciously she was seeking a protector, a blue knight.
Quizá inconscientemente buscaba un protector. Un caballero andante.
A little to drink, you know, to give myself an excuse, and I subconsciously fall for jerks I know I'll never be emotionally involved with. It's all so empty.
Me he emborrachado e inconscientemente... me he metido con cretinos que no tienen nada que ver conmigo
Even subconsciously.
Incluso de manera subconsciente.
"But they sense it subconsciously."
"Pero lo sienten subconscientemente."
But subconsciously you knew how to use it.
Pero, inconcientemente, sabías como usarla.
However, I may also be so clouded with rage... that subconsciously... I want you to lose.
Sin embargo, puede ser que esté tan confundida por mi ira... que subconscientemente quiera que pierdas.
I realized I'm subconsciously assured, reassured... when the situation I'm in is limited by time. I can then give free rein to my imagination.
Me he dado cuenta... de que estaba inconscientemente seguro, tranquilo... de que mi situación estaba limitada por el tiempo... y podía dar rienda suelta a mi imaginación...
Annie, when you're attracted to someone... it just means that your subconscious is attracted to their subconscious... subconsciously.
Annie, cuando alguien te atrae lo único que significa es que su subconsciente atrae al tuyo.
... this man, by tradition, which naturally and subconsciously
... este hombre, siguiendo una tradición que la gente, naturalmente
- Because subconsciously they want it.
- Debido a que inconscientemente lo quieren.
Subconsciously, the child creates other personalities that share the burden... the literally unbearable burden of shame... underlying the repressed memory of the childhood events.
Inconscientemente, el niño crea otras personalidades que comparten la carga... la carga literalmente insoportable de la vergüenza... subyacente recuerdos reprimidos de la infancia.
You know, maybe subconsciously you have some need to...
Tal vez inconscientemente tienes necesidad de...
The therapist said that I was subconsciously avoiding a relationship.
La psicóloga dijo que inconscientemente estaba evitando una relación.
But from what you were saying subconsciously you're still trying to work it all through.
Pero por lo que dices inconscientemente aún lo estás procesando.
Subconsciously, they long for the international celebrity that comes with their capture.
Inconscientemente, buscan la fama internacional que surge tras su captura.

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