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Take a look at yourself перевод на испанский

224 параллельный перевод
Take a look at yourself.
... mírese a sí misma.
Take a look at yourself.
¡ Mírese! ¡ Mírese bien!
Take a look at yourself. You're the boring one.
Tú eres la que parece, mírate nada más.
- I thought you knew. Take a look at yourself.
- Creí que lo sabías.
Take a look at yourself.
Mira cómo estás.
Well, I'll thank you to take a look at yourself.
Tú no te has visto.
Take a look at yourself.
Take a look at yourself, you'll see!
¡ Mírese al espejo! Convénzase.
Take a look at yourself, Grandpa.
Mírate al espejo, abuelito.
Take a look at yourself here, in a worn-out Mardi Gras outfit.
Contémplate bien, con este raído disfraz de carnaval.
Take a look at yourself, you little punk.
¡ Mírate, pobre imbecil!
Now go take a look at yourself.
Ahora vete a echar un vistazo.
Well, take a look at yourself, ol'dear.
Bien, ¿ por qué no te miras a ti mismo?
- Take a look at yourself!
- ¡ Anda y mírate a la cara!
Just take a look at yourself!
¡ Mira tu aspecto! ¡ Un vagabundo!
Take a look at yourself
Mírate un poco a ti misma.
Go on, take a look at yourself.
Vamos, mirate un poco.
Take a look at yourself
Come on, man, take a look at yourself. Stop it.
Vamos, échate una mirada.
Take a look at yourself!
¡ Mírate!
Take a look at yourself in the mirror in the bathroom.
Se puede mirar en el espejo del cuarto de baño.
Take a look at yourself.
Mira lo que haces.
Take a look at yourself.
Échate un vistazo.
Honey, lean over a mirror some time and take a look at yourself.
- Inclinate sobre un espejo y mira.
You should take a look at yourself, Stanley.
Deberías mirarte al espejo.
Take a look at yourself, you first-class schmuck.
Mírate al espejo, imbécil de primera.
Take a look at yourself. What's that on your sleeve, there?
Echese un vistazo. ¿ Qué es eso en su manga, ahí?
- You ever take a good look at yourself?
- ¿ Alguna vez te miraste en el espejo? - Es una buena muchacha...
- Did you ever take a good look at yourself?
- ¿ Ya te viste bien?
- Take a look at yourself.
- Mírate.
You know how it is when you suddenly contemplate the path you've beaten... take a good look at yourself.
Ya sabes, de repente, repasas tu vida. La analizas.
You can take a look at her and get yourself a package of cigarettes at the same time at McKay's tavern.
Me gustaría verla. Puede verla y comprar cigarrillos en la taberna de McKay.
James Lee Bartlow, take a good look at yourself in that mirror.
James Lee Bartlow, mírate bien en ese espejo.
I'm just after comin from the bank. Now, take a look at that yourself.
Ahora vengo del banco.
Take a look at the situation yourself. Very well, sir.
- Supervise la situación personalmente.
Aw, c'mon... why don't you take a good look at yourself.
¡ Vamos! - ¿ Por qué no te fijas en ti? - No empieces, Sandy.
Take a good look at yourself, Colonel, and then tell me I did the wrong thing.
Mírese bien, Coronel, y dígame que me equivoco.
Ever take a good look at yourself?
¿ No se le ha ocurrido mirarse en el espejo? ¡ Sólo una vez!
Go to the nearest mirror and take a good look at yourself.
Vaya al espejo más cercano y mírese bien.
But you have to take a good hard look at yourself. But I have.
Pero debes hacer un examen de conciencia.
If you can tear yourself away from these games, do something useful and take a look at that crane bridge.
Si pudiera quedar al margen de esos juegos, haría algo útil y rentabilizaría ese cráneo privilegiado.
You can take a look at him yourself.
- Véalo usted mismo.
The broads, take a look at them and you say to yourself, "Where's this been all my life?"
A las mujeres de por aquí las miras..... y te dices, "¿ Pero dónde se habían metido estas nenas?"
Take a good look at yourself and you'll see a hero.
Mírese a sí mismo y verá un héroe.
Take a closer look at yourself in the mirror, Billy.
Acércate más para verte bien en el espejo, Billy.
Take a good look at yourself.
Mírate bien.
- Get yourself topside. Let one of the boys take a look at you.
Entra para que uno de los chicos te revise.
I think you have to take a serious look at yourself.
Creo que hay que tomar una mirada seria a ti mismo.
- Now, Kathleen, when you get home I want you to take a good look at yourself.
- Kathleen, cuando llegues a casa quiero que te mires bien.
Lister, you should take a good long look at yourself, then you'd see just how ridiculous you appear to other people.
Lister, tendrías que mirarte bien. Así verías lo ridículo que eres para el resto de la gente.
Just take a look at Gideon and ask yourself'when did it all start? '
Tan solo mira a Gedeón, y pregúntate cuando le empezó a pasar todo esto...

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