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Tell him what you told me перевод на испанский

152 параллельный перевод
Doc, will you tell him what you told me last night, about how stupid he is?
Doc, ¿ puede decirle lo que me dijo la otra noche sobre lo estúpido que es?
Tell him what you told me.
Dígale lo que me dijo a mí.
Go ahead, please, Vikki. Tell him what you told me.
Por favor, cuéntale lo que me dijiste.
Tell him what you told me.
Dile lo que me dijiste a mí.
Glen, tell him what you told me earlier. Go ahead.
Glen, repítele lo que me has dicho.
Now, Tillet, tell him what you told me.
- Ahora, Tillet, dile lo que me has dicho.
Just tell him what you told me!
Les contaremos lo que me ha hecho.
Tell him what you told me. The computer in the hatch wasn't only for pushing the button.
La computadora en la escotilla... no era sólo para presionar el botón.
Tell him what you told me.
Dile lo que me dijo.
Tell him what you told me.
Tell him what you told me!
¡ Diles lo que me dijiste!
You tell him what you told me.
Dile lo que me dijiste.
Now, tell him what you told me, Gary.
Ahora, dile lo que me dijiste a mí, Gary.
Tell him what you told me, my dear.
Cuéntale lo que me dijiste a mí, querida.
Just tell him what you told me.
Dígale lo que me acaba de decir a mí.
Tell him what you told me.
Dile lo que me has dicho.
Just tell him what you told me, right?
Sólo dile lo que me dijiste, ¿ de acuerdo?
- Tell him what you told me.
- Dile lo que me dijiste.
Arun, tell him what you told me about your great-grandfather's wedding day.
Arun, dile lo que me contaste acerca de la boda de tu bisabuelo.
Pauline, tell him what you told me, about Zoe dating Dwayne.
Pauline, dile lo que me contaste. Que Zoe salía con Dwayne.
Just tell him what you told me and get it over with.
Dile lo que me dijiste y déjalo recuperase.
- Tell him what you told me.
- Dile lo que me dijiste
Tell him What you told me, that's sure to persuade him,
diga lo lo que me dijiste. por seguro lo vas a convencer.
I want you to tell him what you told me, about your customer.
Quiero que le cuentes lo que me contaste a mi sobre tu cliente
Tell him what you told me.
Dile lo que me dijiste.
A second after you left, the commissioner rang up... and when I told him what had happened, he said to tell a cop to follow us.
Cuando te fuiste, llamó el jefe de Policía... y me dijo que le dijera a un policía que me siguiera.
He isn't mixed up in anything. I simply want him to tell you what he told me.
Solo quiero que le diga lo que me dijo a mí.
Go ahead, Myrtle. Tell him just what you told me.
Anda, Myrtle, dile lo que me dijiste.
Now you tell him what you just told me.
Ahora decidle a él lo que me habéis contado.
But maybe when I see old T-Dub, if I tell him just what you told me...
- Pero cuando le diga a T-Dub...
But I'm a proletarian like you, and like him : Amilcare Cipriani. And I tell you that what you'll be hearing from me today the others have never told you because I'm speaking in the name of a new doctrine :
Pero yo soy un proletario como vosotros, y como él, Amilcare Cipriani, y os aseguro que lo que me oiréis decir hoy, no os lo ha dicho nadie jamás, porque yo os hablo de una nueva doctrina, el socialismo.
Y el estúpido contestaba.
And those years were the happiest of my life because i was old enough to then to know my father, to understand it. And have him tell me what I have told you.
Aquellos fueron los años más felices de mi vida porque tenía edad para conocer a mi padre, entenderlo y hacer que me relatara lo que les he contado.
Well, just tell him what you told me, John.
Dile solo lo que me has dicho a mi, John.
I want you to tell him exactly what you've told me here now.
Dile exactamente lo que me has dicho.
Then the day came I wasn't a child anymore. And I don't want Sixpence ever to tell you what I told him the day I left him.
Pero luego llegó el día en el que dejé de ser un niño... y no quiero que Sixpence te diga jamás lo que yo le dije el día que me fui.
I told him I thought I ought to tell you what was going on, but he wouldn't let me.
Le dije que debía advertírselo a usted pero no me dejó.
Just tell him exactly what you told me. - Now, here he is.
Dile exactamente lo que me dijiste a mí.
Tell the truth to Mr Descartes, repeat to him what you told me.
Digale la verdad al Señor Descartes, Repitale lo que me dijo.
I'll tell him exactly what you told me.
Le diré exactamente lo que me dijiste.
Every time you tell Pino what to do, he tells me to do what you told him what to do.
Cada vez que mandas hacer algo a Pino, él me dice que haga lo que le has mandado.
Tell him what you just told me.
dile lo que me acabas de decir.
Just tell Foltrigg what you told me and that'll be the last we hear from him.
Dile a Foltrigg lo que me dijiste y no volveremos a saber nada de él.
Now, you repeat what I told you, and you tell him you believe me.
Ahora repíteIe Io que te dije y dile que me creías.
You have to tell me exactly what you told him.
Tienes que decirme exactamente lo que te dijo.
I know what you told him, now tell me.
Sé qué le dijo, ahora dígame a mí.
I'll tell you what, if you find him I'd be grateful if you told me first.
Le diré que si lo encuentra, estaría agradecido si me lo dijera primero.
If I go to Wangler and tell him what you just told me, he's gonna deny it. His word against yours.
Si voy a Wangler y le digo lo que acabas de decirme, lo va a negar, y será su palabra contra la tuya.
Tell him what you just told me.
Cuéntale lo que me dijiste.
And if you would just tell him exactly what you told me...
Y si pudieras dile exactamente lo que me dijiste...
Hensley, tell him what you just told me.
Hensley, dile lo que me acabas de decir.

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