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Tell me what you're thinking перевод на испанский

126 параллельный перевод
Now tell me what you're thinking about.
Dígame en qué está pensando.
So, that's what you're thinking, is it? Well, let me tell you something.
Pensaba que con un poco de esto y una pizca de aquello resultaría una salsa "superlativa".
Dave Tolliver, if you're thinking what I'm a thinking, I'm going to tell you off.
Si piensas Io que creo, me enojaré contigo.
I want you to tell me what you're really thinking.
Quiero que me digas lo que realmente estás pensando.
I want you to tell me what you're thinking.
Quiero que me diga qué está pensando.
I won't eat until you tell me what you're thinking.
Yo no como, si antes no me dices lo que piensas.
Tell me what you're thinking.
No me desilusiones. Dime lo que yo creo.
Tell me what you're thinking.
Dime Io que estás pensando.
Tell me what you're thinking.
¿ En qué piensas?
Well tell me what you're thinking about me!
Dígame lo que piensa de mí.
Oh, Bernard, tell me what you're thinking of.
¡ Oh, Bernard! ¿ Qué estás pensando? Bernard...
Tell me what you're thinking about.
Dime que me echas de menos.
But I'd like it if you would have a more confidence in me... and tell me who you see, what you do... What you're thinking.
Pero me gustaría que tuvieses un poco de confianza en mí y me dijeras a quién ves, qué haces, qué piensas.
It'd help me no end to make this decision I've got to make about your future if you would tell me exactly what you're thinking this instant.
Me ayudaría a tomar una decisión sobre su futuro si me dijera qué está pensando exactamente en este momento.
Just tell me exactly what you're thinking.
Dime exactamente lo que estás pensando.
Reach down in your feelings and tell me what you're thinking, What you're afraid of.
Que me cuentes tus sentimientos, tus pensamientos y tus temores.
That's when you tell me what you're thinking of saying and I'll tell you how they're going to react.
Ustedes me dicen lo que tienen pensado decir y yo les digo cómo van a reaccionar.
Tell me what you're thinking, tell me.
Dime lo que estás pensando.
You think I can ´ t tell what you ´ re thinking?
¿ Crees que no me doy cuenta lo que piensas?
You can always tell me what you're thinking
Ud. siempre me dice lo que piensa
- Tell me what you're thinking about.
Dime en que estas pensando.
So, tell me what you're thinking.
Dime lo que estás pensando.
Tell me what you're thinking.
Dime qué estás pensando.
Tell me what you're really thinking, Brandon.
Dime lo que realmente piensas, Brandon.
She's scaring me she knows I fear snake most why not tell me, What're you thinking?
Está intentando asustarme. Sabe que le tengo terror a las serpientes. ¿ Por qué no me dices lo que estás pensando?
Tell me what you're thinking.
Dime lo que piensas.
I won't tell them about you... if that's what you're thinking... if I get caught.
No les diré nada sobre ti, si eso es lo que estás pensando, si me arrestan.
Come on, Rachel, tell me what you're thinking.
Vamos, Rachel, dime lo que piensas.
Tell me what you're thinking.
Dime lo que estás pensando.
I'm not hiring folks to tell me what you're thinking... or how to get at you.
No voy a contratar gente para que me diga lo que ustedes piensan.
Try and tell me what you're thinking, put it into words.
Trata de decirme lo que estás pensando, tradúcelo en palabras.
Now you're gonna tell me what I'm thinking.
¿ Vas a decir en qué estoy pensando?
tell me what you're thinking.
Dime lo que piensas.
Do you want to tell me what you're thinking?
¿ Quiere decirme en qué está pensando?
Tell me what you're thinking right now.
Dime lo que estás pensando. Tengo 22 años.
Talk to me. Tell me what you're thinking.
Dime lo que piensas.
Don't tell me you're thinking what I'm thinking.
No estoy pensando nada.
Well, just tell me what you're thinking.
Bueno, sólo dime lo que piensas.
- Just tell me what you're thinking.
- Just tell me what you're thinking.
Explícame lo que estás pensando.
Danny, just tell me what you're thinking.
Danny, dígame lo que piensa.
Danny, just tell me [br] what you're thinking.
Danny nada más dime lo que estás pensando.
Don't tell me. I'm a sight for sore eyes. That's what you're thinking, right?
No digas nada, no me podrán coger, eso es lo que pensaste, ¿ no?
Wait a second, I know what Dad said to you... but tell me you're not thinking what I think -
Espera un momento. Sé lo que papá te dijo, pero por favor dime que no estás pensando lo que...
tell me, please. I need to know what you're thinking.
Dime, por favor, necesito saber qué piensas.
Tell me what you're thinking.
Dígame lo que está pensando.
So come on, tell me what you're thinking right now.
Entonces, vamos, dime en lo que piensas ahora mismo.
Can you talk to me? Can you tell me what you're thinking?
¿ Puedes hablar conmigo?
Why don't you tell me what You're thinking about?
¿ Porqué tú no dices lo que estás pensando?
I need you to tell me what you're thinking.No, mom.
Necesito que me digas en lo que piensas. No, mamá.
Please tell me what you're thinking.
Dime qué piensas, por favor.

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