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Tenga перевод на испанский

60,839 параллельный перевод
I might have a solution for how to get your brother out of that prison.
Puede que tenga una solución para sacar a su hermano de esa cárcel.
As long as I have this, it's fucking impossible to keep her out of my mind.
Bueno, mientras tenga esto no podré dejar de pensar en ella.
It's just crazy to think someone can have that kind of power over your life.
Es una locura que alguien tenga tanto poder sobre tu vida.
Whoever's got Shannon, please, let her go.
Quien sea que tenga a Shannon, por favor, déjela ir.
It's not like I don't have faith.
No es que no tenga fe.
Whoever's got Shannon, please, let her go... Her family's missing her, all her friends are missing her at school.
" Quien tenga a Shannon, por favor, déjela ir... su familia la echa de menos, todos sus amigos la echan de menos en el colegio.
I don't think I have 12 hours in me.
No creo que tenga 12 horas.
And whether or not i have to threaten him, which I don't want to do, is entirely contingent upon you putting the gun down.
Y que tenga o no que amenazarle... Lo cuál espero no tener que hacer... Depende completamente de que bajes el arma.
And whether or not I have to threaten him is entirely contingent upon you putting the gun down.
Y que tenga o no que amenazarle depende completamente de que bajes el arma.
Unless this cab's got pontoons, ain't gonna happen.
A menos que este taxi tenga flotadores, eso no va a pasar.
Have a good weekend.
Que tenga un buen fin de semana.
- Have a great day.
- Que tenga un excelente día.
Have a great day.
Tenga buen día.
Have a great day.
Que tenga un excelente día.
Have a great day now.
Que tenga un excelente día.
I hope this party has an open bar.
Espero que esta fiesta tenga barra libre.
I'm not sure I would trust me either if I were you, but the longer Azazel has Isabelle, the greater the chance she dies.
Yo tampoco sé si me fiaría de mí siendo tú, pero cuanto más tiempo tenga Azazel a Isabelle, más probabilidades tiene de morir.
Luke's pretty private about his personal life, but I'm glad he has one.
Luke es muy discreto con su vida privada pero me alegro de que tenga una.
I may not have all my prior resources, but at least I'm not dead.
Quizá no tenga todos los recursos de antes, pero al menos no estoy muerto.
I may have a virus making me freakishly strong and mildly insane, but even I know that you were a sidekick to your brother and you're a sidekick to Barbara.
Quizá tenga un virus que me hace extrañamente fuerte y ligeramente loca, Pero si sé que tú fuiste la secuaz de tu hermano y ahora eres la secuaz de Barbara.
When I have control of all of time, it will be you who is abandoned and forgotten!
Cuando tenga el control de todo el tiempo, ¡ serás tú quien estará abandonado y olvidado!
Maybe she has an idea.
Quizá tenga alguna idea.
My decisions are the law, and I will get obedience from you, even if I have to beat it into you.
Mis decisiones son la ley, y conseguiré que me obedezca, aunque tenga que convencerle a golpes.
Because if we are, I think I might have something.
Porque si es así, puede que tenga algo.
Maybe it's too late for me... And maybe I don't get a second chance...
Tal vez sea demasiado tarde para mí... y tal vez yo no tenga una segunda oportunidad...
I can't believe she's nine.
No puedo creer que tenga nueve años.
You can't allow Sidney to have that kind of power over you.
No permitas que Sidney tenga tanto poder sobre ti.
You know, I like talking about whatever I want.
Me gusta hablar de lo que tenga ganas.
Brandon having to share a room with Jude.
Que Brandon tenga que compartir una habitación con Jude.
Yeah, I don't mind butts as long as I have jam.
Sí, no me importa aunque sea la punta mientras tenga jamón.
Short of him producing a video tape of
A menos que tenga una grabación de
So... if we pass this along, does that mean we're condoning him having sex?
Así que... si llegamos hasta aquí, ¿ esto significa que estamos aceptando que tenga sexo?
I'm really glad he has a friend like you.
Estoy contenta que el tenga una amiga como tú.
Now you have 5 minutes to decide what you want your face to look like!
¡ Tienes cinco minutos para decidir qué pinta quieres que tenga tu cara!
It doesn't mean it has to be your anchor.
Eso no significa que tenga que ser un lastre.
When I get home, either there's no more drugs in this house or there's no more you in this house.
Cuando vuelva, más te vale que no haya más drogas en esta casa o serás tú la que tenga que irse.
I don't think she got her answer.
No creo que tenga la respuesta.
What would be cruel is the people of the city not having you as the mayor.
Lo que sería una crueldad sería que la gente de la ciudad no te tenga como alcalde.
Please just let me do what I have to do to help you keep doing that.
Por favor déjame que haga lo que tenga que hacer para ayudarte a que sigas haciéndolo.
As long as I'm around to make sure she gets some food and water.
Mientras yo esté cerca para asegurarme de que tenga algo de comida y agua.
I doubt he has Susan someplace obvious.
Dudo que tenga a Susan en un lugar tan obvio.
My only chance is... well, I have to do something that he hasn't planned for.
Mi única opción es... bueno, hacer algo que él no tenga previsto.
Well, you're the last person on earth that gets to give that lecture, Oliver, or second to last, and don't tell me that you don't make morally questionable choices so that I don't have to.
Bueno, tú eres la última persona sobre la tierra que puede darme ese sermón, Oliver, o la penúltima, y no me digas que tú no tomas decisiones moralmente cuestionables para que yo no tenga que hacerlo.
She might be right.
Puede que tenga razón.
- I might not have a later.
- Quizá no tenga un después.
Oliver, we know, can get through anything if he has the love and support of his sister.
Oliver puede superar cualquier cosa siempre que tenga el amor y el apoyo de su hermana.
And it's sad that it- - that it's a sociopath who's gonna have to point this out to you.
Y es triste... que tenga que ser un psicópata el que vaya a tener que indicártelo.
I am going to ensure that Chase's prison transfer goes smoothly.
Voy a asegurarme de que el traslado de Chase a la cárcel no tenga problemas.
Unless, of course, you have evidence to suggest Drago might survive?
A menos, claro, que tenga pruebas de que Drago sobreviva.
Perhaps, you're right.
Tal vez tenga razón.
When I'm done with you, you will be begging Edric, son of Walter, for mercy.
Cuando termine contigo, rogarás que Edric, hijo de Walter, te tenga misericordia.

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