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That's enough for me перевод на испанский

973 параллельный перевод
That's enough for me, baby.
Eso es suficiente para mí, muñeca.
That's enough for me!
¡ Eso es suficiente para mi!
That's enough for me.
Ya basta.
We get together on balls and that's enough for me.
Nos juntamos para las fianzas y con eso me basta.
But that's not enough for you, now you want me dead, as well!
Y por si eso no te bastase, quieres matarme a mí también.
– That's good enough for me.
– Tengo que irme.
I'm afraid it's only a noble gesture. That's not enough for marriage.
Me temo que sólo sea un gesto noble no es suficiente para casarse.
That's enough for me.
Para mí es suficiente.
─ Oh, about half as much. But that's enough for me.
No tanto como yo.
"Parker the job holder." That's enough for me.
"Parker, el empleado", con eso vale.
- That's good enough for me.
- A mí me basta.
- That's enough for me.
- Para mí es suficiente.
No, that's not enough for me.
No es suficiente.
That's enough for me, ma'am.
- Con eso tengo, señorita.
That's good enough for me.
Para mí es suficiente.
Well, I don't know what it's all about, but if that's the way you feel, it's good enough for me.
No entiendo porqué, pero si es lo que quieres, está bien.
That's good enough for me.
Con eso me basta.
- That's enough for me.
- Eso es suficiente para mí.
The show is closing, you're gonna be left high and dry and you came to me for a loan. That's fair enough, isn't it?
Se va a quedar sin trabajo y necesita un préstamo, ¿ no?
- That's good enough for me.
Eso basta para mí.
That's long enough for me.
Eso es mucho para mí.
That's good enough for me.
Eso me basta.
That's good enough for me.
Suficiente para mí.
That's enough for me!
¡ Con eso tengo!
You've got the money that was left for the food. It's enough to get me to the mainland.
Tienes el dinero de la comida, basta para llegar al continente.
That's good enough for me.
Me vale.
That's good enough for me.
Eso está bien para mí.
All right, that's enough for me.
De acuerdo, ya basta.
Darling, that's enough for me.
Cariño, eso es bastante para mi.
"What's good enough for Alfred the Great is good enough for me" sort of thing. - You see that emblem?
"Lo que es bueno para Alfred también es bueno para mí" así es como piensan.
The inspector's satisfied, and that's good enough for me.
El inspector está satisfecho y con eso me basta.
I know my Bible. That's enough for me.
- Conozco la Biblia y me basta.
you have the fire and the passion one needs for our heavy task that's enough show me your legs but you'll be playing a page tonight
usted tiene el fuego y la pasión necesaria para nuestra tarea eso es suficiente muéstreme sus piernas pero usted estará tocando una página esta noche
It's enough for me that I trust you. And I believe that when the time comes, you'll conduct yourself as a soldier should.
Por encima de todo, confío en usted, y sé que llegado el momento, se comportará como un soldado.
Give me a cup of coffee and a doughnut, if that's enough for it.
Deme un café y un bollo, si alcanza con esto.
- That's good enough for me.
- Me parece bien.
They hear me over the radio, and that's enough for them.
Me oye por radio, y eso Ies basta.
That's good enough for me.
Con eso me vale.
And whether he is or not, I like him, and that's good enough for me.
Y aunque lo sea o no, me cae bien y con eso me basta.
It's just that he doesn't seem to think anybody's good enough for me.
Siempre piensa que ningún hombre da la talla para estar conmigo.
That's good enough for me, sport.
Eso me basta, cariño.
That invitation's good enough for me.
La invitación es suficientemente buena para mi.
- That's good enough for me.
- Es suficiente para mi.
- That's enough for me, give me 1 0.
- Déme el de 38.
If you think i'm the man, that's good enough for me. Thanks, joe.
Ya lo hizo usted al escogerme, y eso me basta.
Well, that's good enough for me.
Bueno, eso basta para mí.
- Well, that's good enough for me, lamby.
- Bueno, con eso me basta, pobrecito.
They want me to quit. But I won't, because there's at least one person who wants me here and that's good enough for me.
Quieren que me vaya, pero no me iré... porque hay una persona que quiere que me quede.
That's enough for now.
De momento me basta.
That's good enough for me.
Bien, con eso me basta.
That ´ s good enough for me.
Bueno, para mí está más que bien.

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