That's my перевод на испанский
90,297 параллельный перевод
At least I know my father was right about one thing. - You're too damn selfish to be a good husband. - And what's that?
Creo que mi padre tiene razón acerca de algo.
Lucy, there's something that's been on my mind, - uh, as of late.
Me caían las lágrimas.
Is that why you got a gun? Oh. No, that's, um... for my ex.
¿ Por eso tienes un arma? No, eso es... por mi ex.
So that's why my phone and these cameras can see through it?
¿ Por eso es que mi teléfono y estas cámaras pueden ver eso?
Okay, that's not my best angle, but you get the idea.
Perfecto, ese no es mi mejor ángulo, pero entiendes la idea.
Aside from our son and my mother, there's nothing that I care more about than the 13th District.
Exceptuando a nuestro hijo y a mi madre, no hay nada que me importe más que el Distrito 13.
If there's one thing I've learned from my years of being a kid, it's that you have zero control over your own life.
Si algo he aprendido en todos mis años de niño... es que no tienes ningún control sobre tu vida.
As much as I desperately wanted to row the whole way, the only thing that's more important than what I really want to do is my family.
Por más que quería desesperadamente remar todo el camino, lo único más importante que lo que yo quiero hacer, es mi familia.
I don't know if that's because I'm so used to spending time traveling and being on my own.
No sé si es porque estoy tan acostumbrada a pasar el tiempo viajando y estando sola.
It's definitely the furthest outside of my comfort zone I will ever have been, uh, in respect to the fact that I've never rowed before.
Esto es lo más lejos fuera de mi zona de confort que he estado en mi vida, con respecto al hecho de que nunca antes había remado.
So, it's basically... my immediate family of four that are on this boat compared to... the whole British Athletics team, I don't know.
Así que en esencia es... mi familia inmediata de cuatro que están en este bote comparado con... todo el equipo atlético británico, no sé.
It was one of my fears before I got on the boat that something might happen to a family member or someone that I love, and that's happened.
Era uno de mis temores antes de embarcarme. Que algo podría sucederle a un miembro de la familia o alguien que quiero, y eso ha sucedido.
And that's where it's like, "Is there something wrong with me that I don't know what I want to do with my life?"
Y entonces me pregunto : "¿ Pasa algo raro conmigo que no sé qué quiero hacer con mi vida?".
She tells us that her son's admitted that he sold my wife's earrings in a pawn shop.
Nos dijo que su hijo admitió haber vendido los pendientes de mi mujer en una casa de empeños.
- That my coke? - There's no coke.
- ¿ Esa es mi coca?
Oh, I don't use my phone for that. It's all online now.
No uso mi teléfono para eso, ahora todo es por Internet.
Hey, listen, before you commit to anything that Stern and Leonard are selling, there's a property in my district I think that you'd find very interesting.
Antes de que te comprometas con Stern y Leonard... hay una propiedad en mi distrito que encontrarás muy interesante.
No. It's just that with my case still pending, of course, I want to make sure he's not involved in something that could touch us, that's all.
No, pero con mi caso aún pendiente, no quiero que esté metido en algo que nos perjudique.
That's actually my insulin.
Es mi insulina.
- That's my favorite!
- ¡ Es mi favorito!
Listen, my friend here, she's worried that I'm gonna say too much.
A mi amiga le preocupa que hable demasiado.
That's my girl.
Así me gusta.
But... maybe that was because my cousin Hunter's penis was out.
Pero tal vez lo dijo porque mi primo Hunter tenía el pene afuera.
- Yes! That's my girl. Whoo!
Esa es mi chica.
- That's my finger! - Ah!
¡ Es mi dedo!
I know I took my share, but maybe that's why I'm here, pulling an all-nighter in this raging dumpster fire, trying to resolve this peacefully.
Sé que recibí mi parte, pero tal vez por eso estoy aquí, pasando la noche en este basurero en llamas, para intentar resolver esto de manera pacífica.
No, that's not even my department!
¡ Ese ni siquiera es mi departamento!
That's a hero in my book.
Eso sí es un héroe para mí.
This is all that's left of my people.
Ellos son lo único que queda de mi gente.
Suppose you try putting that on my husband's shoulders.
Imagine que llora en el hombro de mi esposo.
By examining my specimen's pyloric sphincter valve, I deduced that she had an affinity for fruit flies.
Examinando la válvula de esfínter pilórica de mi espécimen, deduje que tenía atracción por moscas de la fruta.
By examining my specimen's natty dreads, I was able to deduce that he was a jammin'Rasta-frogian.
Examinando las elegantes rastas de mi espécimen, fui capaz de deducir que fue una rana rastafari improvisada.
That's my dad's old pocket watch.
Ese es el viejo reloj de bolsillo de mi papá.
You're talking about a self-worth-boosting antique that's been in my family for generations.
Estás hablando de una antigüedad incentivante de autoestima que ha estado en mi familia por generaciones.
That's why I started my own line of colleges.
Es por eso que inicié mi propia línea de colegios.
No, but it'll keep them from my team... and that's my priority.
No, pero los alejará de mi equipo y esa es mi prioridad.
Every holiday, she would make extra food, and she'd pile me and my brother into the Studebaker with all the dishes, and we'd drive across town to the train station. That's where all the men who were out of work went to get warm.
Cada festividad hacía comida extra y nos metía a mí y a mi hermano en el Studebaker con todos los platillos y cruzábamos la ciudad hasta la estación del tren, era donde todos los hombres sin trabajo iban a calentarse.
- Hey, that's my taco!
- Es mío.
Yo, that's not my usual.
Oye, eso no es lo de siempre.
That's my home security.
Esa es mi seguridad en el hogar.
"Because my dad is an ass. That's why."
"Porque mi padre es un asno, por eso".
How much you want to bet that ferret's the reason my re-qual got pushed up?
¿ Cuánto quieres apostar a que el hurón es la causa por la que adelantaron mi rectificación?
But that's my son.
Pero ese es mi hijo.
That's my pep talk.
Así es.
'Cause that's what this place is. It's... it's my business.
Este lugar es asunto mío.
I've been calling the detective... telling him that there's no way my father could've killed himself. that I'm in denial.
Sí, estuve llamando al detective que trabaja en el caso de mi padre. Le insisto en que mi padre no pudo haberse suicidado. - ¿ Qué te responde?
That's my little spot. and get another one so fast in my life.
Es mi lugar secreto. - Es un hoyo sensacional. - Te diré una cosa.
the last time we were both at a service was for my... was for my cousin Skip's wedding in a small chapel in Las Vegas... That's right.
La última vez que asistimos a un servicio fue en la boda de mi primo Skip, en una capilla de Las Vegas.
I think it's only fair that I should request a bonus beyond my hourly, that will align my total compensation with my value.
Es justo que solicite una bonificación más allá de mi salario por hora, a fin de equiparar mis ingresos con mi valor.
I work for somebody, and if I don't hit my target, there's gonna be men that are gonna come here, that are gonna kill me.
Trabajo para alguien. Si no llego a cierta cifra, vendrán hombres a matarme.
And right here inside this folder is a detailed description of exactly how I do that. that's a history of all the assets that I've had under my management.
Y en esta carpeta, podrá ver detalladamente cómo lo logro. En este bolsillo, verá la historia de todos los activos que administré.
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's my baby 48
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that's my husband 82
that's my mom 88
that's my boss 25
that's my girl 410
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's my baby 48
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that's my husband 82
that's my mom 88
that's my boss 25